Showing 1731 - 1740 of 1906 results

  • Justin Paul Lawrence, IVP's recently promoted senior sales and marketing director, has been recognized by Publishers Weekly (PW) in their annual Star Watch program. Lawrence is one of fifty innovative publishing professionals, including editors, booksellers, publicists, marketers, agents, and designers honored in the program, which is in its fifth year.

  • Andy Crouch, known as one of Christianity's most compelling visionaries on culture, was the featured speaker at the Q session in New York City Tuesday and Wednesday, September 17 and 18. Crouch addressed one hundred leaders at the Q session on the topic of power and what it means to bear God's image in a culture that has substituted it for many other images.

  • Following Jesus in the

    Following Jesus in the "Real World"

    Discipleship for the Post-College Years

    by Richard C. Lamb Jr.

    What does it mean to follow Jesus after college?

    If it was ever easy to graduate from college, choose a direction, and move on in life, it's not easy today. The terrain is unmapped, the destination uncertain, the stakes high.

    To add to the pressure, Christians often find themselves looking back nostalgically on their school days. Then they knew genuine community, found time to pray, ...

  • Spiritual Mentoring: A Guide for Seeking  Giving Direction, By Keith R. Anderson and Randy D. Reese

    Spiritual Mentoring

    A Guide for Seeking Giving Direction

    by Keith R. Anderson and Randy D. Reese

    Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens . . . another. (Proverbs 27:17) As we seek God together we come to know him more deeply. That's the idea behind Spiritual Mentoring. Spiritual mentoring is an ages-old practice that Keith Anderson and Randy Reese introduce in a way that fits life as we know it today. Spiritual mentoring is not only for pastors or saints. Mentors are ...

  • Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility, By Duane Elmer

    Cross-Cultural Servanthood

    Serving the World in Christlike Humility

    by Duane Elmer

    Duane Elmer asked people around the world how they felt about Western missionaries. The response? "Missionaries could be more effective if they did not think they were better than us." The last thing we want to do in cross-cultural ministry is to offend people in other cultures. Unfortunately, all too often and even though we don't mean it, our actions communicate superiority, paternalism, imperialism ...

  • Finding Calcutta: What Mother Teresa Taught Me About Meaningful Work and Service, By Mary Poplin

    Finding Calcutta

    What Mother Teresa Taught Me About Meaningful Work and Service

    Veritas Books

    by Mary Poplin

    "Find the sick, the suffering and the lonely right there where you are. . . . You can find Calcutta all over the world, if you have the eyes to see." --Mother Teresa Lifelong educator Mary Poplin, after experiencing a newfound awakening to faith, sent a letter to Calcutta asking if she could visit Mother Teresa and volunteer with the Missionaries of Charity. She received a response saying, "You ...