Showing 1741 - 1750 of 2863 results

  • The Thrill of Orthodoxy: Rediscovering the Adventure of Christian Faith, By Trevin Wax

    The Thrill of Orthodoxy

    Rediscovering the Adventure of Christian Faith

    by Trevin Wax
    Foreword by Kevin J. Vanhoozer

    Christianity Today Book Award of Merit—Popular Theology

    The Gospel Coaltion Award of Distinction—Popular Theology

    Every generation faces the temptation to wander from orthodoxy—to seek out the jolt that comes with false teaching, and to drift with cultural currents. And so every generation must be awakened again to the thrill ...

  • But What About God's Wrath?: The Compelling Love Story of Divine Anger, By Kevin Kinghorn

    But What About God's Wrath?

    The Compelling Love Story of Divine Anger

    by Kevin Kinghorn
    With Stephen Travis

    How can a loving God also be a God of wrath?

    God's wrath stands out in the minds of many as the single most puzzling aspect of God's character. Often Christians who would like to reconcile divine love with divine wrath—while remaining faithful to the Bible—can't figure out how to do so. Kevin Kinghorn and Stephen Travis offer a way forward.

    Using a philosophically informed ...

  • Christianity and Western Thought: From the Ancient World to the Age of Enlightenment, By Colin Brown

    Christianity and Western Thought

    From the Ancient World to the Age of Enlightenment

    Christianity and Western Thought Series

    by Colin Brown

    From Socrates and the Sophists to Kant, from Augustine to Aquinas and the Reformers, Colin Brown traces the turbulent, often tension-filled, always fascinating story of the thinkers, ideas and movements that have shaped our intellectual landscape. Is philosophy the "handmaiden of faith" or "the doctrine of demons"? Does it clarify the faith or undermine the very heart of Christian belief? Brown ...

  • The Morals of the Story: Good News About a Good God, By David Baggett and Marybeth Baggett

    The Morals of the Story

    Good News About a Good God

    by David Baggett and Marybeth Baggett

    >Christianity Today 2019 Book of the Year Award of Merit, Apologetics/Evangelism

    What arguments best support the existence of God?

    For centuries the moral argument—that objective morality points to the existence of God—has been a powerful apologetic tool.

    In this volume, David and Marybeth Baggett offer a dramatic, robust, and even playful version ...

  • Wisdom Chaser: Finding My Father at 14,000 Feet, By Nathan Foster

    Wisdom Chaser

    Finding My Father at 14,000 Feet

    by Nathan Foster

    It began with a simple question: "One day I found myself asking my father, across the chasm between us, 'Hey Dad, you want to climb the highest mountain in Colorado?'" And for Nathan Foster and his father, Richard, that simple question changed everything. With no hiking experience to draw on, they embarked on a journey of physical challenge, discovering just how far they could push themselves. ...

  • Child of Divorce, Child of God: A Journey of Hope and Healing, By Kristine Steakley

    Child of Divorce, Child of God

    A Journey of Hope and Healing

    by Kristine Steakley

    Children of divorce carry wounds into adulthood. Divorce affects our relationships to other people, our fears and longings, our faith, and our spirituality. We may have difficulties with anger, guilt, commitment or forgiveness. But our identity need not be marked only by our parents' divorce. God can enter into our woundedness and bring transformation and hope. Kristine Steakley chronicles the ...

  • Unsqueezed: Springing Free from Skinny Jeans, Nose Jobs, Highlights and Stilettos, By Margot Starbuck


    Springing Free from Skinny Jeans, Nose Jobs, Highlights and Stilettos

    by Margot Starbuck

    Ever check the mirror and wonder if you look good enough? Do you choose your clothes to disguise your flaws? Do you sometimes think plastic surgery might be the only way for you to feel good about your body? Do you ever feel squeezed into someone else's mold? Come and join Margot Starbuck in her journey to become unsqueezed! In twenty-seven brief, funny and reflective chapters she helps us discover ...

  • The Marketplace Annotated Bibliography: A Christian Guide to Books on Work, Business  Vocation, By Pete Hammond and R. Paul Stevens and Todd Svanoe

    The Marketplace Annotated Bibliography

    A Christian Guide to Books on Work, Business Vocation

    by Pete Hammond, R. Paul Stevens, and Todd Svanoe

    Every workday millions of Christians enter the marketplace. Whether as sales associates or engineers, auto mechanics or executives, Christians are called to serve God in the workplace. But most need help integrating faith and work. How can you be salt and light on the job? Where can you turn for help in developing a biblical and satisfying view of work? The Marketplace Annotated Bibliography ...

  • Straight & Narrow?: Compassion  Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate, By Thomas E. Schmidt

    Straight & Narrow?

    Compassion Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate

    by Thomas E. Schmidt

    • Voted one of Christianity Today's 1996 Books of the Year

    Too often, Thomas Schmidt writes, the charged battle over homosexuality generates slogans and accusations--obscuring the struggling persons at the center of the argument. In this book Schmidt brings the discussion back into empathetic contact with the circumstances and the choices of individuals. ...

  • Together in Prayer: Coming to God in Community, By Andrew R. Wheeler

    Together in Prayer

    Coming to God in Community

    by Andrew R. Wheeler

    "Lord, teach us to pray," every small group, from Jesus' to yours, has asked. Prayer is intimidating--what do you say to the God of the universe? How do you listen to Someone you can't see? Add other voices to the mix and prayer becomes downright scary--one more opportunity to feel like an idiot in front of your small group, or one more opportunity to highlight the differences between you. And yet ...