Showing 1771 - 1780 of 1906 results

  • The God Question: An Invitation to a Life of Meaning, By J. P. Moreland

    The God Question

    An Invitation to a Life of Meaning

    by J. P. Moreland

    What does it take to live a meaningful life? Why are so many people in affluent nations so anxious and unhappy? What difference does believing in God really make? Does belief in the God of the Bible truly make sense today?

    In this revised edition of The God Question, philosopher J. P. Moreland invites us on a journey to a rich, flourishing life. He digs into the causes ...

  • The Mission of the Body of Christ, By Russ Ramsey

    The Mission of the Body of Christ

    Retelling the Story Series

    by Russ Ramsey

    "God had not just sent his Messiah into the world. He had sent him to them. They were known. In all their guilt—intended and unintended—they were known and invited to find refuge in the grace of God, accomplished through the life, death, and resurrection of his Son. And the church continued to grow." Jesus sent his followers into the world. Russ Ramsey's dynamic narrative traces the journey ...

    Number of Studies: 31

  • Living Without Enemies: Being Present in the Midst of Violence, By Samuel Wells and Marcia A. Owen

    Living Without Enemies

    Being Present in the Midst of Violence

    Resources for Reconciliation

    by Samuel Wells and Marcia A. Owen

    With senseless violence occurring throughout society, people are suffering and communities are groaning. Fear and not knowing where to begin hold many back from doing anything at all. But is "doing something" really what is most needed? Marcia Owen and Samuel Wells come together to tell the story of a community's journey through four different dimensions of social engagement. After attempts to ...

  • I Forgrace You, By David A. Anderson

    I Forgrace You

    Doing Good to Those Who Have Hurt You

    BridgeLeader Books

    by David A. Anderson

    Most of us are familiar with the golden rule: "Do unto others as you want them to do unto you." And if people treat us well, we generally do the same in return. But what about when others hurt us? Jesus gives us an even higher calling: "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you" (Luke 6:27-28). David Anderson shows us how we can ...

  • Did the Resurrection Happen?: A Conversation with Gary Habermas and Antony Flew, By Gary R. Habermas and Antony Flew

    Did the Resurrection Happen?

    A Conversation with Gary Habermas and Antony Flew

    Veritas Books

    by Gary R. Habermas and Antony Flew
    Edited by David J. Baggett

    In 2004 philosopher Antony Flew, one of the world's most prominent atheists, publicly acknowledged that he had become persuaded of the existence of God. Not long before that, in 2003, Flew and Christian philosopher Gary Habermas debated at a Veritas Forum at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Habermas, perhaps the world's leading expert on the historicity of the resurrection ...

  • The Renewal of Trinitarian Theology: Themes, Patterns & Explorations, By Roderick T. Leupp

    The Renewal of Trinitarian Theology

    Themes, Patterns & Explorations

    by Roderick T. Leupp

    Everyone seems to be talking about trinitarian theology these days--theologians, pastors and theologically smart laypeople. If you have felt like an outsider to these conversations, or just wondered why trinitarian theology has generated so much talk, this book is for you. Roderick Leupp describes the renewal of trinitarian theology in recent decades and introduces us to the trinitarian thought ...

  • Dynamic Diversity: Bridging Class, Age, Race and Gender in the Church, By Bruce Milne

    Dynamic Diversity

    Bridging Class, Age, Race and Gender in the Church

    by Bruce Milne

    From the footpaths of our cities to the chatrooms of the Internet, people are connecting today as never before. As the planet shrinks through the multiple forces of immigration, travel, electronic communication and more fluid employment patterns, we will find ourselves increasingly forced into contact with those who are significantly different from ourselves. Sadly however, the stranger is often ...

  • The IVP Atlas of Bible History, By Paul Lawrence

    The IVP Atlas of Bible History

    Consulting Editor A. R. Millard and John H. Walton
    by Paul Lawrence
    Consulting Editor Heinrich Von Siebenthal

    Open Your Understanding of the World of Scripture

    The story of the Bible is inextricably linked to the land. To understand biblical history, we need to understand how the people, events, and geography interacted to form that ancient world.

    Spanning three thousand years of biblical history, The IVP Atlas of Bible History reveals the many fascinating ways that ...

  • How to Read Job, By John H. Walton and Tremper Longman III

    How to Read Job

    How to Read Series

    by John H. Walton and Tremper Longman III

    Preaching's Survey of Bibles and Bible Reference

    We often turn to the book of Job when we encounter suffering. We look for an explanation for the questions "Why me?" or "Why her?" But what if it turns out that although Job does suffer, the book is not really about his suffering?

    If ever a book needed a "How to Read" instruction manual, it is the book of Job. ...

  • A Mouth Full of Fire: The Word of God in the Words of Jeremiah, By Andrew G. Shead

    A Mouth Full of Fire

    The Word of God in the Words of Jeremiah

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Andrew G. Shead
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    "I am putting my words as a fire in your mouth; these people are tinder and it will consume them." (Jeremiah 5:14) In the book of Jeremiah, not only is the vocabulary of "word" and "words" uniquely prevalent, but formulae marking divine speech also play an unprecedented role in giving the book's final form its narrative and theological shape. Indeed, "the word of the Lord" is arguably the main ...