Showing 171 - 180 of 2912 results

  • The Message of the Word of God, By Tim Meadowcroft

    The Message of the Word of God

    by Tim Meadowcroft

    "Any coherent comment on what the Bible says about the Bible, the Christian Scriptures," says Tim Meadowcroft, "must address the wider notion that God speaks." Accordingly, Meadowcroft offers fresh, wide-ranging expositions of key passages in both Testaments on the character and power of God's word. These passages highlight the extraordinary, fundamental reality that God speaks--and that when he ...

  • God-Soaked Life: Discovering a Kingdom Spirituality, By Chris Webb

    God-Soaked Life

    Discovering a Kingdom Spirituality

    by Chris Webb

    God's presence permeates our lives and activities. His song of delight reverberates throughout all he has created. As we open our ears to that song, we hear the truth of the gospel spoken to our hearts: the kingdom of God has come to us. Chris Webb, an Anglican priest and retreat house director, wants us all to enter into that kingdom and to experience its freedom. Written with verve, depth, and ...

  • Seeking God Together: An Introduction to Group Spiritual Direction, By Alice Fryling

    Seeking God Together

    An Introduction to Group Spiritual Direction

    by Alice Fryling

    The Spirit is speaking. Can you hear him? If you're longing to become more attentive to God--to listen to him, know his voice and experience his love, spiritual direction can point the way. In Seeking God Together, experienced spiritual director Alice Fryling offers a unique introduction specifically for group spiritual direction: a place where individuals can experience what it means ...

  • Recovering the Full Mission of God: A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing and Telling, By Dean Flemming

    Recovering the Full Mission of God

    A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing and Telling

    by Dean Flemming

    Is our gospel witness too small? Should the gospel be proclaimed in words only? Or should we preach the gospel in deeds—and when necessary use words? Or are we missing something in playing the witness of words against deeds? If you are concerned about evangelizing the post-Christian West or the world beyond, you have probably debated this issue. And evangelical instincts drive us to Scripture. ...

  • Formed for the Glory of God: Learning from the Spiritual Practices of Jonathan Edwards, By Kyle C. Strobel

    Formed for the Glory of God

    Learning from the Spiritual Practices of Jonathan Edwards

    by Kyle C. Strobel

    Jesus said we should focus our minds and hearts on God above all else. No small task! Is there someone we can turn to for help? "Wisdom tells us to sit at the feet of our elders rather than the latest ministry fad," notes author Kyle Strobel. And is there a better elder to guide us than Jonathan Edwards? In Edwards, the eighteenth-century Puritan pastor and theologian, we find deep thought balanced ...

  • It's Not About You--It's About God, By Rebecca Florence Osaigbovo

    It's Not About You--It's About God

    by Rebecca Florence Osaigbovo

    It can hurt to hear someone tell it like it is. But sometimes you need to get the truth, straight up. And the truth is that it's not about you—it's about God. Maybe you have relied on your own strength for far too long. You haven't been able to count on other people, so you just do your own thing. But God has bigger plans for you. God wants to use you to change the world. Rebecca Osaigbovo, ...

  • God and Soul Care: The Therapeutic Resources of the Christian Faith, By Eric L. Johnson

    God and Soul Care

    The Therapeutic Resources of the Christian Faith

    by Eric L. Johnson

    Christianity, at its heart, is a therapeutic faith—a theocentric form of soul care. God's therapeutic agenda begins in the perfect triune communion of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who created human beings to flourish by participating in his glory. But they are now alienated from God and subject to different forms of psychopathology—sin, suffering, and biopsychosocial damage. So ...

  • When God Interrupts: Finding New Life Through Unwanted Change, By M. Craig Barnes

    When God Interrupts

    Finding New Life Through Unwanted Change

    by M. Craig Barnes

    Our lives are constantly changing. It's hard to keep up, to keep our balance. It's hard to keep trusting in God. And it's especially difficult when the changes we're faced with are unwanted: the death of a loved one, a child leaving home, an illness, a frustrated dream. Craig Barnes knows the dark side of change. As a pastor, he has counseled many Christians through tough times of transition. And ...

  • Predestination and Free Will: Four Views of Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom, Edited by David Basinger and Randall Basinger

    Predestination and Free Will

    Four Views of Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by David Basinger and Randall Basinger
    Contributions by John Feinberg, Norman L. Geisler, Bruce Reichenbach, and Clark H. Pinnock

    If God is in control, are people really free?

    This question has bothered Christians for centuries. And answers have covered a wide spectrum. Today Christians still disagree. Those who emphasize human freedom view it as a reflection of God's self-limited power. Others look at human freedom in the order of God's overall control.

    In this Spectrum Multiview volume, David ...

  • The Advent of the Lamb of God, By Russ Ramsey

    The Advent of the Lamb of God

    Retelling the Story Series

    by Russ Ramsey

    "A page in history was about to turn. Though Israel's world was in the throes of upheaval, it was only a matter of time before the sun of righteousness would rise. These people needed rescue, but they weren't waiting for the stars to align or for the political climate to change. They were waiting for God. They were on his timetable. He was sending his Messiah—Immanuel, God with us." For ...

    Number of Studies: 25