Showing 171 - 180 of 422 results

  • The Nature of the Atonement: Four Views, Edited by James K. Beilby and Paul R. Eddy

    The Nature of the Atonement

    Four Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by James K. Beilby and Paul R. Eddy
    Contributions by Gregory A. Boyd, Joel B. Green, Bruce Reichenbach, and Thomas R. Schreiner

    A long history of biblical exegesis and theological reflection has shaped our understanding of the atonement today. The more prominent highlights of this history have acquired familiar names for the household of faith: Christus Victor, penal substitutionary, subjective, and governmental.

    Recently the penal substitutionary view, and particularly its misappropriations, ...

  • Where the Nations Meet: The Church in a Multicultural World, By Stephen A. Rhodes

    Where the Nations Meet

    The Church in a Multicultural World

    by Stephen A. Rhodes

    Ride the subway or a bus in New York, London, Los Angeles, or any number of other cities around the country or around the world, and you will be impressed by a cacophony of languages, a crazy quilt of skin colors and a ceaseless array of cultural histories. Excitingly and sometimes confusingly, this is the world the church now serves. Pastor Stephen Rhodes, in whose congregation thirty-two nationalities ...

  • Live in the Light: Radiating the Hope of the Letters of John—A Six-Week Bible Study Experience, By Tara Beth Leach

    Live in the Light

    Radiating the Hope of the Letters of John—A 6-Week Bible Study

    IVP Bible Study Experience

    by Tara Beth Leach

    We are in a season of church meltdown.

    The apostle John—the beloved disciple and the author of the Gospel by the same name—wrote letters to churches caught in a turbulent season of leadership failures, divisions over interpretation and practice, church splits, and even a powerful leader stirring up dissent. Sound familiar? It seems as though the church is melting under an ...

  • Making Neighborhoods Whole: A Handbook for Christian Community Development, By Wayne Gordon and John M. Perkins

    Making Neighborhoods Whole

    A Handbook for Christian Community Development

    by Wayne Gordon and John M. Perkins
    Foreword by Shane Claiborne

    Already with decades of experience speaking prophetically into the charged racial climate of the American south, John Perkins began to see a need for organized thinking and collaborative imagination about how the church engages urban ministry. And so the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) was born, with Wayne Gordon an immediate and enthusiastic participant. Nearly thirty years ...

  • Grace for the Afflicted: A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness, By Matthew S. Stanford

    Grace for the Afflicted

    A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness

    by Matthew S. Stanford

    Why has the church struggled in ministering to those with mental illnesses? Each day men and women diagnosed with mental disorders are told they need to pray more and turn from their sin. Mental illness is equated with demonic possession, weak faith, and generational sin. As both a church leader and a professor of psychology and behavioral sciences, Matthew S. Stanford has seen far too many mentally ...

  • When Your World Ends: God's Creative Process for Rebuilding a Life, By Dawn Sanders

    When Your World Ends

    God's Creative Process for Rebuilding a Life

    by Dawn Mann Sanders
    Foreword by Ms. Carol Kent

    How do you rebuild your life after it falls apart?

    Catastrophic events often feel like the end of the world. When we feel like we have nothing left, we sometimes wish for our own end too. Yet God keeps waking us up every morning—a sign that God wants us to keep living when our world ends. We must find our way to the new life that awaits us on the other side of loss. But how?

    Dawn ...

  • Birmingham Revolution: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Epic Challenge to the Church, By Edward Gilbreath

    Birmingham Revolution

    Martin Luther King Jr.'s Epic Challenge to the Church

    by Edward Gilbreath

    From time to time prophetic Christian voices rise to challenge our nation's "original sin." In the twentieth century, compelled by the Spirit of God and a yearning for freedom, the African American church took the lead in heralding the effort. Like almost no other movement before or since, Christian people gave force to a social mission. And, remarkably, they did it largely through nonviolent actions. ...

  • When God Became White: Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity, By Grace Ji-Sun Kim

    When God Became White

    Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity

    by Grace Ji-Sun Kim
    Foreword by David P. Gushee

    When Western Christians think about God, the default image that comes to mind is usually white and male. How did that happen?

    Christianity is rooted in the ancient Near East among people of darker skin. But over time, European Christians cast Jesus in their own image, with art that imagined a fair-skinned Savior in the style of imperial rulers. Grace Ji-Sun Kim explores the ...

  • Chosen Vessels: Women of Color, Keys to Change, By Rebecca Florence Osaigbovo

    Chosen Vessels

    Women of Color, Keys to Change

    by Rebecca Florence Osaigbovo
    Foreword by John M. Perkins

    "African American woman." The phrase conjures up a variety of images: Sassy career women. Wise church women. Strong grandmothers. Welfare mothers. But how about "chosen vessels"? Or "keys to change"? Perhaps we need some new images. Women of color have historically been on the bottom of the economic and social ladder. But the paradox of the kingdom of God is that being on the bottom is a plus. ...

  • Galatians, By G. Walter Hansen


    The IVP New Testament Commentary Series

    by G. Walter Hansen

    "Wherever ethnic rivalries are destroying societies, the book of Galatians calls Christians to express the truth of the gospel in communities where there are no ethnic or social or gender divisions." With this strong admonition, Walter Hansen introduces his IVP New Testament Commentary on Galatians. Unlike many other commentaries, Hansen's volume highlights not only the individual dimensions of ...