Showing 171 - 180 of 1905 results

  • Rediscovering Scripture's Vision for Women: Fresh Perspectives on Disputed Texts, By Lucy Peppiatt

    Rediscovering Scripture's Vision for Women

    Fresh Perspectives on Disputed Texts

    by Lucy Peppiatt
    Foreword by Scot McKnight

    IVP Readers' Choice Award

    Does God call women to serve as equal partners in marriage and as leaders in the church?

    The answer to this straightforward question is deeply contested. Into the fray, Lucy Peppiatt offers her work on interpretation of the Bible and Christian practice. With careful exegetical work, Peppiatt considers relevant passages in Ephesians, ...

  • Seasons of the Soul: Stages of Spiritual Development, By Bruce Demarest

    Seasons of the Soul

    Stages of Spiritual Development

    by Bruce Demarest

    Every Christian is on an amazing journey. But the unfortunate truth is that many of us live largely detached from this fact. Days go by, but it can be hard to feel a sense of movement or growth. Sometimes, in periods of doubt and depression, we might feel stuck in the same place for months. Yet the truth remains that from the moment we give Christ control of our life, we set out on the most significant ...

  • What Does It Mean to Be Welcoming?: Navigating LGBT Questions in Your Church, By Travis Collins

    What Does It Mean to Be Welcoming?

    Navigating LGBT Questions in Your Church

    by Travis Collins

    16th Annual Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year

    Is your church wrestling with LGBT questions from membership to marriage? Travis Collins has been there. A pastor who has walked congregations through the complex issues surrounding gay Christians, he knows firsthand the confusion and hurt that often follow. He has also seen churches have these conversations with ...

  • The Offensive Church: Breaking the Cycle of Ethnic Disunity, By Bryan C. Loritts

    The Offensive Church

    Breaking the Cycle of Ethnic Disunity

    by Bryan C. Loritts

    Crises around race have put the church in a defensive posture, always reacting to racial conflicts in society. But Jesus wants more. He wants Christians to play offense by discipling people into a new humanity, where we push beyond mere diversity and into a biblical vision for ethnic unity.

    Bryan Loritts calls Christians to proactively and intentionally live out the embodied ...

  • Basic Christian Leadership: Biblical Models of Church, Gospel and Ministry, By John Stott Basic Christian Leadership: Biblical Models of Church, Gospel and Ministry, By John Stott

    Basic Christian Leadership

    Biblical Models of Church, Gospel and Ministry

    by John Stott

    Leadership today is no easy task. Christian leaders called to shepherd others get caught in power struggles and are tempted to abuse their pastoral authority. Pastors feel that they must project strength and certainty in order to preach and minister credibly. Too often our models of leadership are shaped more by culture than by Christ. John Stott offers an alternative vision in this biblical approach ...

  • The Dangerous Act of Loving Your Neighbor: Seeing Others Through the Eyes of Jesus, By Mark Labberton

    The Dangerous Act of Loving Your Neighbor

    Seeing Others Through the Eyes of Jesus

    by Mark Labberton

    • 2011 Christianity Today Book Award winner

    Jesus didn't see a sick woman, he saw a daughter of God. He didn't see an outcast from society, he saw a child of Israel. He didn't see a sinner, he saw a person in the image of the Creator. Are we able to see others with the eyes of Jesus? Seeing rightly is the beginning of renewal, forgiveness, healing and ...

  • Learning to Be: Finding Your Center After the Bottom Falls Out, By Juanita Campbell Rasmus

    Learning to Be

    Finding Your Center After the Bottom Falls Out

    by Juanita Campbell Rasmus
    Foreword by Tina Knowles Lawson

    Juanita called it "The Crash."

    Her counselor labeled it "a major depressive episode." Others called it a nervous breakdown. On the spiritual front, it was a dark night of the soul.

    This experience landed Juanita, a busy pastor, mother, and community leader, in bed. When everything in her life finally came to a stop, she found that she had to learn to be—with herself ...

  • Coming Home to Your True Self: Leaving the Emptiness of False Attractions, By Albert Haase OFM

    Coming Home to Your True Self

    Leaving the Emptiness of False Attractions

    by Albert Haase OFM
    Foreword by M. Robert Mulholland Jr.

    "God is at home. It is we who have gone out for a walk." --Meister Eckhart In Coming Home to Your True Self, Albert Haase invites you to return home--and shows you the way to get there. "Home," he writes, "is the sacrament of the present moment. It is only living right now, right here, that we discover our lives and this world awash in the grace of God." Using the story of the prodigal ...