Showing 1811 - 1820 of 3339 results

  • Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace, By James B. Torrance

    Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace

    by James B. Torrance

    Here is a book that sets our worship, sacraments, communion and language of God back on track. In a day when refinement of method and quality of experience are the guiding lights for many Christians, James Torrance points us to the indispensable who of worship, the triune God of grace. Worship is the gift of participating through the Spirit in the incarnate Son's communion with the Father, ...

  • Corporal Punishment in the Bible: A Redemptive-Movement Hermeneutic for Troubling Texts, By William J. Webb

    Corporal Punishment in the Bible

    A Redemptive-Movement Hermeneutic for Troubling Texts

    by William J. Webb

    William Webb confronts those often avoided biblical passages that call for the corporal punishment of children, slaves and wrongdoers. How should we understand and apply them today? Are we obligated to replicate those injunctions today? Or does the proper interpretation of them point in a different direction? Webb notes that most of the Christian church is at best inconsistent in its application ...

  • The Art of New Creation: Trajectories in Theology and the Arts, Edited by Jeremy Begbie and Daniel Train and W. David O. Taylor

    The Art of New Creation

    Trajectories in Theology and the Arts

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    Edited by Jeremy Begbie, Daniel Train, and W. David O. Taylor

    The biblical themes of creation and new creation are inextricably bound to each other. For the God who created the world is the same God who recreates humanity in Jesus Christ and the same God who promises a new heaven and a new earth.

    How might the relationship between creation and new creation be informed by and reflected in the arts? This volume, based on the DITA10 conference ...

  • A Better Freedom: Finding Life as Slaves of Christ, By Michael Card

    A Better Freedom

    Finding Life as Slaves of Christ

    by Michael Card

    When Michael Card first started attending an African American church, he was struck by how the congregation worshiped Jesus as "Master." He soon learned that during slavery, calling Jesus "Master" was a subtle way of saying that their earthly masters were not their true Master. This insight led Card on a journey of discovery, as he wondered, "What did it mean for African American slaves to acknowledge ...

  • An Unhurried Life: Following Jesus' Rhythms of Work and Rest, By Alan Fadling

    An Unhurried Life

    Following Jesus' Rhythms of Work and Rest

    by Alan Fadling

    • The 2014 Christianity Today Book Award of Merit Winner (Spirituality)

    "I am a recovering speed addict."

    Beginning with this confession, pastor and spiritual director Alan Fadling describes his journey out of the fast lane and into the rhythms of Jesus. Following the framework of Jesus' earthly life, Fadling shows how the work of "unhurrying" ...

  • Romans: An Introduction and Commentary, By F. F. Bruce


    An Introduction and Commentary

    by F. F. Bruce

    Paul's epistle to the Romans changed the lives of many great Christian thinkers, including Augustine, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Karl Barth. However, while Romans has been among the most influential books of the New Testament, it has also been the subject of some of the church's most heated debates. What is justification by faith? What is the relationship between law and grace? What is God's ...

  • 2 Peter and Jude: An Introduction and Commentary, By E. Michael Green

    2 Peter and Jude

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

    by E. Michael Green

    "The epistle of 2 Peter has had a very rough passage down the centuries," says Michael Green in this commentary. "Its entry into the Canon was precarious in the extreme . . . It was deemed second-class Scripture by Luther, rejected Erasmus, and regarded with hesitancy by Calvin." And about Jude he says, "WE can learn a great deal about a man by listening to what he has to say about himself. Jude ...

  • The Letters of John: An Introduction and Commentary, By John Stott

    The Letters of John

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

    by John Stott

    "John evidently loves the people committed to his care," says John Stott in the preface to this commentary on 1, 2 and 3 John. "They are his 'dear children,' his 'dear friends.' He longs to protect them from both error and evil and to see them firmly established in faith, love and holiness. He has no new doctrine for them. On the contrary, he appeals to them to remember what they already know, have ...

  • The Biology of Sin: Grace, Hope and Healing for Those Who Feel Trapped, By Matthew S. Stanford

    The Biology of Sin

    Grace, Hope and Healing for Those Who Feel Trapped

    by Matthew S. Stanford

    There are heated discussions happening on the conflict between science and faith. This disagreement tends to focus around three main issues, one of them being what causes our sinful behavior. The intense conflict has to do with biblically defined sinful behaviors and if there just might be a biological predisposition for these behaviors. The Biology of Sin speaks to this debate and hopefully ...