Showing 1851 - 1860 of 3706 results

  • Woman of Influence: Ten Traits of Those Who Want to Make a Difference, By Pam Farrel

    Woman of Influence

    Ten Traits of Those Who Want to Make a Difference

    by Pam Farrel

    Do you dream of making a difference for God--but wonder how to begin? Do you find it difficult to keep your focus amid the urgency of everyday living? Do you feel ill-equipped to help those who turn to you for guidance? Are you searching for direction for your life--a ministry that matters? Pam Farrel has been there, as have so many countless other women she has discipled. In this book she shares ...

  • Kingdom Come: How Jesus Wants to Change the World, By Allen M. Wakabayashi

    Kingdom Come

    How Jesus Wants to Change the World

    by Allen M. Wakabayashi

    God is up to something! And his plans are far greater than you might imagine. Christianity is not merely about isolated individuals going to heaven. It's about God transforming the entire world and making things right. Sicknesses will be healed, sins will be forgiven, injustice will be eradicated, and all creation will be redeemed. But this is not merely a distant future. It's happening now ...

  • The Smell of Sin: and the Fresh Air of Grace, By Don Everts

    The Smell of Sin

    and the Fresh Air of Grace

    by Don Everts

    An old man saws through his right ankle. A smooth-skinned boy lies to his father's face. Fetid tombs, harsh slavery, fatal choking . . . these images come right from the words of Jesus! They are word pictures Jesus asks listeners to imagine. But why? Why did Jesus paint such vivid pictures when he talked about sin? And why did he make them so sobering—and downright gory at times? In The ...

  • How to Keep the Pastor You Love, By Jane A. Rubietta

    How to Keep the Pastor You Love

    by Jane A. Rubietta

    • Who cares for your pastor in times of special need?
    • What can you do to help your pastor's family on a regular basis?
    • Are there steps you can take to ensure your pastor is personally and spiritually nurtured?

    While Paul urges the church to "overwhelm them with appreciation and love" (1 Thessalonians 5:13), research and anecdotal evidence shows that most pastors experience ...

  • Hope Has Its Reasons: The Search to Satisfy Our Deepest Longings, By Rebecca Manley Pippert

    Hope Has Its Reasons

    The Search to Satisfy Our Deepest Longings

    by Rebecca Manley Pippert

    You long for love and happiness. But so often you are blocked from satisfying that longing. What are the barriers? Why are they so troublesome? How does spirituality play a role? Rebecca Manley Pippert examines these persistently human questions in this thoughtful and personal book. She invites you to join her on a journey exploring the region between faith and unbelief where your hopes and doubts ...

  • Now and Not Yet: Theology and Mission in Ezra–Nehemiah, By Dean R. Ulrich

    Now and Not Yet

    Theology and Mission in Ezra–Nehemiah

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Dean R. Ulrich
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    For various reasons, the books of Ezra and Nehemiah have suffered comparative neglect in Old Testament scholarship. However, as Dean Ulrich demonstrates, Ezra–Nehemiah as a literary unit is part of the Christian Bible that tells God's grand story of saving activity. It focuses not so much on how to be an effective leader but on how to be a godly participant in God's story. God may ...

  • The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry, By S. Joshua Swamidass

    The Genealogical Adam and Eve

    The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry

    by S. Joshua Swamidass

    Evolutionary science teaches that humans arose as a population, sharing common ancestors with other animals. Most readers of the book of Genesis in the past understood all humans descended from Adam and Eve, a couple specially created by God. These two teachings seem contradictory, but is that necessarily so? In the fractured conversation of human origins, can new insight guide us to solid ground ...

  • Women in Ministry: Four Views, Edited by Bonnidell Clouse and Robert G. Clouse

    Women in Ministry

    Four Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by Bonnidell Clouse and Robert G. Clouse
    Contributions by Robert Culver, Susan T. Foh, Walter L. Liefeld, and Alvera Mickelsen

    Should women teach men? Should they exercise authority over men? What about ordaining women?

    Even those who agree that Scripture must determine our answers do not agree on what it teaches. And too often differing sides have not been willing to listen to one another. This Spectrum Multiview volume shares the views of four deeply committed evangelicals that focus the discussion ...

  • A New Kind of Conversation: Blogging Toward a Postmodern Faith, Edited byMyron Bradley Penner and Hunter Barnes

    A New Kind of Conversation

    Blogging Toward a Postmodern Faith

    Edited by Myron Bradley Penner and Hunter Barnes

    Using a blog format, A New Kind of Conversation is an experimental book that enters into a conversational theological exploration with five evangelical leaders and academics (Brian McLaren, Bruce Ellis Benson, Ellen Haroutunian, Mabiala Kenzon and Myron Bradley Penner), who are the primary bloggers. Originally posted on, people all over the world were invited ...