Showing 1861 - 1870 of 3706 results

  • Women, Ministry and the Gospel: Exploring New Paradigms, Edited byMark Husbands and Timothy Larsen

    Women, Ministry and the Gospel

    Exploring New Paradigms

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Mark Husbands and Timothy Larsen

    This outstanding collection of essays, presented at the 2005 Wheaton Theology Conference, explores the current issue of women in ministry from biblical, theological and ecclesiological perspectives. Bringing to bear the ministerial and sociological insights on the issue, this impressive integrative work aims to break through the current impasse between complementarians and egalitarians. These essays ...

  • Evil and the Justice of God (with DVD), By N. T. Wright

    Evil and the Justice of God (with DVD)

    by N. T. Wright

    • Merit Award, 2007 Christianity Today Theology/Ethics Book

    With every earthquake and war, understanding the nature of evil and our response to it becomes more urgent. Evil is no longer the concern just of ministers and theologians but also of politicians and the media. We hear of child abuse, ethnic cleansing, AIDS, torture and terrorism, and rightfully we are ...

  • God Talk: Cautions for Those Who Hear God's Voice, By Ruth A. Tucker

    God Talk

    Cautions for Those Who Hear God's Voice

    by Ruth A. Tucker

    Does God speak? The answer seems clear. Books abound on the topic of hearing God's voice. And many believers testify to God's conversational guidance in their life: "God told me to help you." "I knew it was God speaking to me." Our culture reinforces the idea that speaking--constant speaking--is good and natural and essential. In those rare moments during a day when talking ceases or when we're ...

  • New Testament Theology: Many Witnesses, One Gospel, By I. Howard Marshall

    New Testament Theology

    Many Witnesses, One Gospel

    by I. Howard Marshall

    An ECPA Gold Medallion winner

    "New Testament theology is essentially missionary theology," writes I. Howard Marshall. Founded on a sure-footed mastery of the data and constructed with clear thinking lucidly expressed, this long-anticipated New Testament theology offers the insights born of a distinguished career of study, reflection, teaching and writing on the New Testament.

    Marshall's ...

  • A Passion for Truth: The Intellectual Coherence of Evangelicalism, By Alister McGrath

    A Passion for Truth

    The Intellectual Coherence of Evangelicalism

    by Alister McGrath

    • Voted one of Christianity Today's 1997 Books of the Year

    Decades ago, evangelicalism was given up for dead in the academy. But since World War II, evangelical intellectualism has made a surprising comeback. Esteem has been regained especially in such disciplines as history and philosophy. Now evangelical theologians are making their bid for academic respectability.

    A ...

  • Always Reforming: Explorations in Systematic Theology, Edited by A. T. B. McGowan

    Always Reforming

    Explorations in Systematic Theology

    Edited by A. T. B. McGowan

    The Reformed churches of the sixteenth century affirmed the need to be semper reformanda--always reforming. But in the ensuing centuries, some have taken this conviction as a mandate to abandon the departure from received orthodoxy, while others have progressed toward a rigid confessionalism that cements the Reformation itself as a final codification of truth. Between these extremes ...

  • An Emergent Theology for Emerging Churches, By Ray S. Anderson

    An Emergent Theology for Emerging Churches

    by Ray S. Anderson
    Foreword by Brian McLaren

    If the emerging church movement is looking for a theology, Ray Anderson offers clear and relevant theological guidance for it in this timely book. Reaching back through time, Anderson roots an emergent theology in what happened at Antioch, where Saul (Paul) and Barnabas were set apart for a mission to establish churches outside of Jerusalem--among Gentiles who had to be reached in their own cultures. ...

  • The Theological Turn in Youth Ministry, By Andrew Root and Kenda Creasy Dean

    The Theological Turn in Youth Ministry

    by Andrew Root and Kenda Creasy Dean

    Christianity Today Book Award of Merit winner

    What haunts your youth group? So often we avoid talking about doubts and fears because we feel inadequately equipped to address them in any meaningful way. The crisis of existence can't be answered with pat Sunday school formulas or a few Bible verses, let alone another relay race.

    The questions our youth ...

  • 20th-Century Theology: God and the World in a Transitional Age, By Stanley J. Grenz and Roger E. Olson

    20th-Century Theology

    God and the World in a Transitional Age

    by Stanley J. Grenz and Roger E. Olson

    • Recipient of a Christianity Today 1993 Critics' Choice Award

    Now in paperback! Stanley Grenz and Roger Olson offer in this text a sympathetic introduction to twentieth-century theology and a critical survey of its significant thinkers and movements. Of particular interest is their attempt to show how twentieth-century theology has moved back and forth ...

  • The Divine Authenticity of Scripture: Retrieving an Evangelical Heritage, By A. T. B. McGowan

    The Divine Authenticity of Scripture

    Retrieving an Evangelical Heritage

    by A. T. B. McGowan

    Evangelicals have taken extraordinary care in formulating and articulating a high view of Scripture. And yet the doctrine is not without its inadequacies and its internal critics--both past and present. Reviewing the evangelical discussion and formulations over the past century and more, particularly in the Reformed tradition in North America, Andrew McGowan is not content with the present state ...