Showing 1861 - 1870 of 2508 results

  • These books follow the rich tradition of the church in the journey of spiritual formation. For spiritual directors, retreat leaders, and contemplative Christians alike, these books from our Formatio line highlight spiritual disciplines and facilitate deep and formative spiritual growth.

  • Every Voice Now is an IVP initiative that seeks to address the racial and ethnic imbalances in the publishing industry and the church’s public witness. The initiative is jointly supported by InterVarsity Press and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and includes opportunities for additional funding to support and amplify voices of color, expand our reach with diverse audiences, increase IVP’s internal cultural competency, and create an organization that more fully reflects God’s diverse kingdom.

  • IVP is pleased to partner with Missio Alliance to offer a line of books authored by a diverse range of theological practitioners. The books in this co-branded collection make a unique contribution to the equipping of Christian leaders for fuller and more faithful participation in God’s mission amid the challenges and opportunities of our day.

  • Following Jesus Without Dishonoring Your Parents, Edited by Jeanette Yep and Peter Cha and Susan Cho Van Riesen and Greg Jao and Paul Tokunaga

    Following Jesus Without Dishonoring Your Parents

    Edited by Jeanette Yep, Peter Cha, Susan Cho Van Riesen, Greg Jao, and Paul Tokunaga

    Go to the right school.
    Become a doctor or a lawyer.
    Marry a nice Asian.

    These are some of the hopes of our Asian parents. Knowing that our parents have sacrificed for us, we want to honor their wishes. But we also want to serve Jesus, and sometimes that can seem to conflict with family expectations. Discovering our Asian identity in the midst of Western culture means learning ...

  • Good Ideas from Questionable Christians and Outright Pagans: An Introduction to Key Thinkers and Philosophies, By Steve Wilkens

    Good Ideas from Questionable Christians and Outright Pagans

    An Introduction to Key Thinkers and Philosophies

    by Steve Wilkens

    "What indeed has Athens to do with Jerusalem? What concord is there between the Academy and the church?" (Tertullian, 3rd century). Such skepticism about the place of philosophy in the life of Christians persists down through the ages. As a student, author Steve Wilkens had deep reservations about studying the works of "pagans" or even "questionable Christians." Now a teacher at a Christian university, ...

  • Following Jesus in the

    Following Jesus in the "Real World"

    Discipleship for the Post-College Years

    by Richard C. Lamb Jr.

    What does it mean to follow Jesus after college?

    If it was ever easy to graduate from college, choose a direction, and move on in life, it's not easy today. The terrain is unmapped, the destination uncertain, the stakes high.

    To add to the pressure, Christians often find themselves looking back nostalgically on their school days. Then they knew genuine community, found time to pray, ...

  • 10 Great Ideas from Church History: A Decision-Maker's Guide to Shaping Your Church, By Mark R. Shaw

    10 Great Ideas from Church History

    A Decision-Maker's Guide to Shaping Your Church

    by Mark R. Shaw

    Tired of following the latest church-growth fad? In many churches, building vision means embracing the ideas of the latest guru and jumping from one program to another. Ministry decisions are made according to the crisis of the moment or the pressures of the bottom line. Long-term planning can seem like an impossible dream. This book offers something different. Here are ideas that have stood the ...