Showing 181 - 190 of 870 results

  • An Impossible Marriage: What Our Mixed-Orientation Marriage Has Taught Us About Love and the Gospel, By Laurie Krieg and Matt Krieg

    An Impossible Marriage

    What Our Mixed-Orientation Marriage Has Taught Us About Love and the Gospel

    by Laurie Krieg and Matt Krieg

    "People say our marriage is impossible."

    Laurie and Matt Krieg are in a mixed-orientation marriage: a marriage in which at least one partner's primary attraction isn't toward the gender of their spouse. In the Kriegs' case, Laurie is primarily attracted to women—and so is Matt.

    Some find the idea of mixed-orientation marriage bewildering or even offensive. But as the ...

  • Galatians: Why God Accepts Us, By Jack Kuhatschek


    Why God Accepts Us

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Jack Kuhatschek

    The human acceptance we long for often comes only if we are attractive, smart, wealthy or powerful. And God's standards seem even higher. We think we must work harder, live better, pray longer and witness to more people to get on God's good side. In his letter to the Galatians, Paul shows us the true source of our acceptance--Jesus Christ. These eleven-session LifeGuide® Bible studies ...

    Number of Studies: 11

  • The Crucifixion of Ministry: Surrendering Our Ambitions to the Service of Christ, By Andrew Purves

    The Crucifixion of Ministry

    Surrendering Our Ambitions to the Service of Christ

    by Andrew Purves

    As a pastor, do you ever get the feeling that no matter what you try, nothing much seems to change? That is because the ministries themselves are not redemptive--they are not up to you. Only Jesus' ministry is redemptive. Jesus has to "show up." Theologian Andrew Purves explores at the deepest level the true and essential nature of Christian ministry. He says that the attempt to be an effective ...

  • Spiritual Friendship, By Mindy Caliguire

    Spiritual Friendship

    by Mindy Caliguire

    "Mindy Caliguire knows and cares about the deep things of the soul. She's been there. And she can be a wise guide here for you," says John Ortberg, author of The Life You've Always Wanted. We are tired. Many of us long for sources of nurture for our weary souls. But we don't know where to turn. We've tried various Christian plans for growth, yet sometimes these programs leave us even more ...

  • Psychology and Spiritual Formation in Dialogue: Moral and Spiritual Change in Christian Perspective, Edited by Thomas M. Crisp and Steven L. Porter and Gregg A. Ten Elshof

    Psychology and Spiritual Formation in Dialogue

    Moral and Spiritual Change in Christian Perspective

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    Edited by Thomas M. Crisp, Steven L. Porter, and Gregg A. Ten Elshof

    Can the phenomena of the human mind be separated from the practices of spiritual formation—of growing to have the mind of Christ? Research into the nature of moral and spiritual change has revived in recent years in the worlds of psychology on one hand and theology and philosophy on the other. But psychology and spiritual formation draw upon distinct bodies of research and theory ...

  • Kierkegaard: A Christian Missionary to Christians, By Mark A. Tietjen


    A Christian Missionary to Christians

    by Mark A. Tietjen
    Foreword by Merold Westphal

    Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) had a mission. The church had become weak, flabby and inconsequential. Being a Christian was more a cultural heritage than a spiritual reality. His mission—reintroduce the Christian faith to Christians. How could he break through to people who were members of the church and thought they were Christians already? Like an Old Testament prophet, Kierkegaard used a variety ...

  • Great Commission, Great Compassion: Following Jesus and Loving the World, By Paul Borthwick

    Great Commission, Great Compassion

    Following Jesus and Loving the World

    by Paul Borthwick
    Foreword by Christopher J. H. Wright

    Go and do. Jesus commands it, and the world needs it. Word and deed go together. One without the other is not enough. We follow Jesus into all the world, and we follow his example in all we do. Mission mobilizer Paul Borthwick shows how proclamation and demonstration of the gospel go hand in hand. God gives us the Great Commission, Matthew 28's call to go wherever Jesus sends us, making disciples ...

  • An Explorer's Guide to Julian of Norwich, By Veronica Mary Rolf

    An Explorer's Guide to Julian of Norwich

    Explorer's Guides

    by Veronica Mary Rolf

    IVP Readers' Choice Award
    Publishers Weekly Starred Review

    "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well."

    Julian of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love is truly an astounding work: an inspired example of Christian mysticism, a unique contribution to Christian theology, the first book in English known ...

  • Scribbling in the Sand: Christ and Creativity, By Michael Card

    Scribbling in the Sand

    Christ and Creativity

    by Michael Card

    Publisher's Weekly Best Adult Religion Book of the Year

    "It was art and it was theater at the same time, but it was more. It was what he did not say that spoke most powerfully to the mob that morning. It was a cup of cold water for a thirsty adulteress and an ice-cold drenching in the face to a group of angry Pharisees.

    "To this day we have not the slightest ...

  • Single, Gay, Christian: A Personal Journey of Faith and Sexual Identity, By Gregory Coles

    Single, Gay, Christian

    A Personal Journey of Faith and Sexual Identity

    by Gregory Coles
    Foreword by Wesley Hill

    Foreword INDIES Award Finalist
    IVP Readers' Choice Award

    In an age where neither society nor the church knows what to do with gay Christians, Greg Coles tells his own story.

    Let's make a deal, you and me. Let's make promises to each other.

    I promise to tell you my story. The whole story. I'll tell you about a boy in love with Jesus who, at the ...