Showing 181 - 190 of 622 results

  • Finding God in the Verbs: Crafting a Fresh Language of Prayer, By Jennie Isbell and J. Brent Bill

    Finding God in the Verbs

    Crafting a Fresh Language of Prayer

    by Jennie Isbell and J. Brent Bill

    Do you long for deeper communion with God? Spiritual director Jennie Isbell and Quaker minister Brent Bill know how easy it is to lapse into repetitious refrains of prayer: "Our hearts told us that we had lapsed into easy God speak. We weren't reaching deep into our spirits and drawing out living words of praise, confession, concern, intercession and longing. We were tired of speaking in clipped ...

  • Crazy Enough to Care: Changing Your World Through Compassion, Justice and Racial Reconciliation, By Alvin C. Bibbs, Sr.

    Crazy Enough to Care

    Changing Your World Through Compassion, Justice and Racial Reconciliation

    by Alvin C. Bibbs, Sr.

    Nothing confronts a person's faith quite like injustice, pain, suffering. We see these things in our world, in our neighborhoods, and we don't know what to do with ourselves. We've got to do something, but where to begin? What to do? How to do it? Crazy Enough to Care will take you and your friends on a journey, uncovering the things that make compassion impractical in contemporary society, ...

  • Forty Days on Being a One, By Juanita Campbell Rasmus

    Forty Days on Being a One

    Enneagram Daily Reflections

    by Juanita Campbell Rasmus
    Series edited by Suzanne Stabile

    "I am a number One on the Enneagram."

    Juanita Rasmus continues: "If you are a One, you know the weight of the world we carry. If you know a One, these readings will give you enhanced insight into our world. Either way, bring your work boots—you will need them!"

    Guided by her own life, including experiences with exhaustion and depression, Juanita Rasmus draws from the ...

    Number of Studies: 40

  • Forty Days on Being a Seven, By Gideon Yee Shun Tsang

    Forty Days on Being a Seven

    Enneagram Daily Reflections

    by Gideon Yee Shun Tsang
    Series edited by Suzanne Stabile

    What is it like to be an Enneagram Seven?

    Adventurer, spiritual leader, and artist Gideon Tsang tackles this question with the signature style of a Seven. Intermixed with stories of travel and making new friends in surprising places, is a commitment to honest self-assessment. Gideon shares how his Enneagram journey has led to personal and spiritual transformation in a series ...

    Number of Studies: 40

  • To the Cross: Proclaiming the Gospel from the Upper Room to Calvary, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    To the Cross

    Proclaiming the Gospel from the Upper Room to Calvary

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    The cross is good news for us today. With the expertise of a veteran biblical scholar and the wisdom of a seasoned pastor, Christopher Wright skillfully guides us on Jesus' journey from the Last Supper to the cross. Through the lens of the Old Testament, Wright navigates the Gospel accounts of events that include the meal in the upper room, Peter's denials, the taunts and jeers ...

  • Serving God in Today's Cities: Facing the Challenges of Urbanization, By Patrick Johnstone

    Serving God in Today's Cities

    Facing the Challenges of Urbanization

    Operation World Resources

    by Patrick Johnstone
    With Dean Merrill
    Foreword by Ed Stetzer

    Welcome to the world's first urban century. How will you respond? For the first time ever, more people now live in cities than outside them. Cities offer both big headaches and vast opportunities, and agencies that once focused on rural work are increasingly turning their attention to urban centers. Join veteran researcher and missiologist Patrick Johnstone as he explores the fastest ...

  • An Impossible Marriage: What Our Mixed-Orientation Marriage Has Taught Us About Love and the Gospel, By Laurie Krieg and Matt Krieg

    An Impossible Marriage

    What Our Mixed-Orientation Marriage Has Taught Us About Love and the Gospel

    by Laurie Krieg and Matt Krieg

    "People say our marriage is impossible."

    Laurie and Matt Krieg are in a mixed-orientation marriage: a marriage in which at least one partner's primary attraction isn't toward the gender of their spouse. In the Kriegs' case, Laurie is primarily attracted to women—and so is Matt.

    Some find the idea of mixed-orientation marriage bewildering or even offensive. But as the ...

  • The Crucibles That Shape Us: Navigating the Defining Challenges of Leadership, By Gayle D. Beebe

    The Crucibles That Shape Us

    Navigating the Defining Challenges of Leadership

    by Gayle D. Beebe
    Foreword by David Brooks

    We often see setbacks and disasters as events that keep us from our best life. But they're really opportunities to grow in leadership.

    The problem of suffering is a spiritual hurdle for many that disorients us and those we lead. Gayle D. Beebe tackles the existential crisis head-on, revealing that, although we are bewildered at first, these situations ultimately prepare us. ...

  • Mariner: A Theological Voyage with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, By Malcolm Guite


    A Theological Voyage with Samuel Taylor Coleridge

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    by Malcolm Guite

    Instead of the cross, the Albatross
    About my neck was hung.

    Samuel Taylor Coleridge's famous poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" is often regarded as having heralded the beginning of the Romantic era in British literature. The poem narrates the story of a sailor who has returned home from a long voyage having suffered great loss, yet survived.

    In this ...

  • God Has Chosen: The Doctrine of Election Through Christian History, By Mark R. Lindsay

    God Has Chosen

    The Doctrine of Election Through Christian History

    by Mark R. Lindsay

    "He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world . . ."

    Among the traditional tenets of the Christian faith is the belief that God chooses or elects people for salvation. For some Christians, such an affirmation is an indication of God's sovereign and perfect will. For others, such a notion is troubling for it seems to downplay the significance of human agency and ...