Showing 181 - 190 of 517 results

  • Unleader: The Surprising Qualities of a Valuable Leader, By Jane Overstreet


    The Surprising Qualities of a Valuable Leader

    by Jane Overstreet

    What kind of leader would you be if you were suddenly handed more power? What if you got that promotion you wanted or a headhunter called tomorrow offering you your dream job? Would your leadership be an example of servanthood and justice, or would you give in to the temptations that power always presents? In the time it took Samuel to pour oil on each of their heads, Saul and David both moved ...

  • Reforming Mercy Ministry: A Practical Guide to Loving Your Neighbor, By Ted Rivera Reforming Mercy Ministry: A Practical Guide to Loving Your Neighbor, By Ted Rivera

    Reforming Mercy Ministry

    A Practical Guide to Loving Your Neighbor

    by Ted Rivera

    "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength." This, Jesus tells us, is the greatest commandment. Implicit in it is the message that propels us out to the ends of the earth, news as simple as it is good: God so loves the world that he gave his only Son as a sacrifice for our sins, and he invites us into a saving relationship with ...

  • Spiritual Direction and the Care of Souls: A Guide to Christian Approaches and Practices, Edited by Gary W. Moon and David G. Benner

    Spiritual Direction and the Care of Souls

    A Guide to Christian Approaches and Practices

    Edited by Gary W. Moon and David G. Benner

    In recent years, many Christian clergy, laity and mental health professionals have rediscovered the ancient practices of spiritual direction. Seen as a refreshing alternative to the techniques and limitations of modern psychology, such practices offer new insights for pastoral care. But many remain unclear on what spiritual direction is and whether its methods are applicable to their own clients ...

  • The History of Christian Thought, By Jonathan Hill

    The History of Christian Thought

    by Jonathan Hill

    Why read about the history of Christian thought? Because, if you are Christian yourself, it helps you to understand the faith--addressing everything from where Christians got their ideas of the Trinity and how Christ can be both human and divine to what they think about issues like feminism, globalization and social justice. And because, even if you are not, all Western society has been shaped ...

  • Hard Sayings of the Bible, By Walter C. Kaiser Jr. and Peter H. Davids and F. F. Bruce and Manfred Brauch

    Hard Sayings of the Bible

    The Hard Sayings Series

    by Walter C. Kaiser Jr., Peter H. Davids, F. F. Bruce, and Manfred Brauch

    Are you grappling with a difficult verse in the Bible? And are you looking for a short, easy-to-read answer that really makes sense without explaining away the verse?

    Hard Sayings of the Bible is the handy reference book you need. Here you will find explanations of over five hundred of the most troubling verses to test the minds and hearts of Bible readers. Four seasoned scholars, ...

  • Marks of the Messenger: Knowing, Living and Speaking the Gospel, By J. Mack Stiles

    Marks of the Messenger

    Knowing, Living and Speaking the Gospel

    by J. Mack Stiles
    Foreword by Mark Dever

    Many think evangelism is rooted in a method. It is rooted in something much deeper. It is found in what makes us whole and healthy messengers of God's truth about Jesus. Mack Stiles has lived the life of the healthy evangelist in homes and coffee shops, at universities and farms. He has lived out and spoken about the gospel to Kenyans, Koreans, Arabs and North Americans. What he has learned around ...