Showing 1891 - 1900 of 3705 results

  • Knowing Grace: Cultivating a Lifestyle of Godliness, By Joanne J. Jung

    Knowing Grace

    Cultivating a Lifestyle of Godliness

    by Joanne J. Jung

    Why is it that our spiritual disciplines feel so dutiful and routine most of the time? We are called to delight in Him, to draw near and enjoy Him and yet that seems far from most of our realities. There are many fine written works describing the need, purpose, and methods of spiritual disciplines. Knowing Grace complements these by fostering and deepening the reader's engagement with ...

  • Seeking God Together: An Introduction to Group Spiritual Direction, By Alice Fryling

    Seeking God Together

    An Introduction to Group Spiritual Direction

    by Alice Fryling

    The Spirit is speaking. Can you hear him? If you're longing to become more attentive to God--to listen to him, know his voice and experience his love, spiritual direction can point the way. In Seeking God Together, experienced spiritual director Alice Fryling offers a unique introduction specifically for group spiritual direction: a place where individuals can experience what it means ...

  • Scripture by Heart: Devotional Practices for Memorizing God's Word, By Joshua Choonmin Kang

    Scripture by Heart

    Devotional Practices for Memorizing God's Word

    by Joshua Choonmin Kang
    Foreword by Dallas Willard

    Why memorize the Bible? In our information-saturated society, with so many details to take in, the idea of memorizing Scripture can seem overwhelming--like one more task on a checklist. But pastor Joshua Choonmin Kang has discovered what happens when we do spend time memorizing God's Word: we grasp a larger, truer picture of God. We more closely and more often imitate Christ. We worship ...

  • Discovering Lectio Divina: Bringing Scripture into Ordinary Life, By James C. Wilhoit and Evan B. Howard

    Discovering Lectio Divina

    Bringing Scripture into Ordinary Life

    by James C. Wilhoit and Evan B. Howard

    Saints of the past can't seem to say enough about their ecstatic experiences with the words of Scripture. The writer of Psalm 19, for example, can hardly contain himself as he exclaims that God's words and ways have revived his soul, made him wise, brought joy to his heart, given him clarity and correct perspective on his life, and warned him of danger. Why should our experiences of the Bible today ...

  • Deep-Rooted in Christ: The Way of Transformation, By Joshua Choonmin Kang

    Deep-Rooted in Christ

    The Way of Transformation

    by Joshua Choonmin Kang
    Foreword by Richard J. Foster

    Come. Accept pastor Joshua Choonmin Kang's invitation to walk slowly, paying attention to God's work in you and around you, to walk intentionally, using spiritual disciplines to develop Christlike character, and to walk purposefully, experiencing deeper grace and vision. In this book you'll encounter fifty-two brief readings, ideal for weekly sabbath reflection or daily ...

  • How to Inherit the Earth: Submitting Ourselves to a Servant Savior, By Scott A. Bessenecker

    How to Inherit the Earth

    Submitting Ourselves to a Servant Savior

    by Scott A. Bessenecker

    Ambition isn't bad; it just does bad things. In a culture that too often prizes leadership uncritically and unreflectively, a faith that calls us to take up crosses, lay down lives and otherwise submit ourselves to something outside ourselves simply sounds like a bad idea. Nevertheless, this is the faith that we find Jesus talking about. Scott Bessenecker has learned from new friar communities, ...

  • Daring to Draw Near: People in Prayer, By John White

    Daring to Draw Near

    People in Prayer

    IVP Classics

    by John White

    Prayers are windows--windows on eternity.

    Through the prayers in the Bible we look into the profoundest issues of life and death, and the deepest longings of our own hearts. And we learn about the God to whom we pray, the one who wants to talk with us, the one who takes the initiative in our relationship with him.

    In this classic book on prayer, John White helps us listen to Abraham ...

  • Journal Keeping: Writing for Spiritual Growth, By Luann Budd

    Journal Keeping

    Writing for Spiritual Growth

    by Luann Budd

    Would you like to journal, but you're not sure how to start? Do you love to journal, but need some fresh ideas? Here's a book to help you discover (or recover) the power of writing as a spiritual discipline. In these pages you'll find intriguing and encouraging insights on topics like "ordinary things," "discovery journaling," "drawing from another's well" and "dialogue journaling with Scriptures." ...

  • Invitations from God: Accepting God's Offer to Rest, Weep, Forgive, Wait, Remember and More, By Adele Ahlberg Calhoun

    Invitations from God

    Accepting God's Offer to Rest, Weep, Forgive, Wait, Remember and More

    Transforming Resources

    by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun

    Some invitations we desperately want: "Will you marry me?" "Would you consider a promotion?" Other invitations we never want to receive but must respond to all the same: "What treatment do you want for your tumor?" Invitations pound away at the coastlines of the soul with a transforming force. God is also sending invitations. Sometimes they seem less compelling than anything on my to-do list. ...

  • Coming Home to Your True Self: Leaving the Emptiness of False Attractions, By Albert Haase OFM

    Coming Home to Your True Self

    Leaving the Emptiness of False Attractions

    by Albert Haase OFM
    Foreword by M. Robert Mulholland Jr.

    "God is at home. It is we who have gone out for a walk." --Meister Eckhart In Coming Home to Your True Self, Albert Haase invites you to return home--and shows you the way to get there. "Home," he writes, "is the sacrament of the present moment. It is only living right now, right here, that we discover our lives and this world awash in the grace of God." Using the story of the prodigal ...