Showing 1961 - 1970 of 2508 results

  • Centered-Set Church: Discipleship and Community Without Judgmentalism, By Mark D. Baker

    Centered-Set Church

    Discipleship and Community Without Judgmentalism

    by Mark D. Baker

    Christians can be adept at drawing lines, determining what it means to be "a good Christian" and judging those who stray out of bounds. Other times they erase all the lines in favor of a vague and inoffensive faith. Both impulses can come from positive intentions, but either can lead to stunted spiritual life and harmful relationships. Is there another option?

    The late missionary ...

  • Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview, By J. P. Moreland and William Lane Craig

    Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview

    by J. P. Moreland and William Lane Craig

    • Winner of a 2004 ECPA Gold Medallion Award
    • Winner of an Award of Excellence in the 2003 Chicago Book Clinic
    • What is real?
    • What is truth?
    • What can we know?
    • What should we believe?
    • What should we do and why?
    • Is there a God?
    • Can we know him?
    • Do Christian doctrines make sense?
    • Can we ...
  • A Deeper Look at Daniel: Spiritual Living in a Secular World, By Douglas Connelly

    A Deeper Look at Daniel

    Spiritual Living in a Secular World

    LifeGuide in Depth Series

    by Douglas Connelly

    A deep look at Scripture—God's very words—is never wasted. In fact, not only is it never wasted; it's richly rewarded. The more deeply we dive into the riches of the Bible, the more deeply we can experience and serve God, the giver of all truth, wisdom, love and understanding. The new LifeGuide® in Depth Bible Studies help you do just that, taking you further into themes and books of Scripture ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • The Lost World of the Prophets: Old Testament Prophecy and Apocalyptic Literature in Ancient Context, By John H. Walton

    The Lost World of the Prophets

    Old Testament Prophecy and Apocalyptic Literature in Ancient Context

    The Lost World Series

    by John H. Walton

    Being responsive to God is at the heart of prophecy. But readers of ancient prophecies and apocalyptic literature—including those in the Old Testament—can come away thoroughly perplexed. Are the prophets speaking about their own times, about our present, or about some still-unrealized future?

    It's common to study prophecy with a focus on the sole question of prediction and ...

  • A Deeper Look at the Sermon on the Mount: Living Out the Way of Jesus, By John Stott

    A Deeper Look at the Sermon on the Mount

    Living Out the Way of Jesus

    LifeGuide in Depth Series

    by John Stott
    With Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    A deep look at Scripture—God's very words—is never wasted. In fact, not only is it never wasted; it's richly rewarded. The more deeply we dive into the riches of the Bible, the more deeply we can experience and serve God, the giver of all truth, wisdom, love and understanding. The new LifeGuide® in Depth Bible Studies help you do just that, taking you further into themes and books of Scripture ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • A Deeper Look at James: Faith That Works, By Andrew T. Le Peau and Phyllis J. Le Peau

    A Deeper Look at James

    Faith That Works

    LifeGuide in Depth Series

    by Andrew T. Le Peau and Phyllis J. Le Peau

    A deep look at Scripture—God's very words—is never wasted. In fact, not only is it never wasted; it's richly rewarded. The more deeply we dive into the riches of the Bible, the more deeply we can experience and serve God, the giver of all truth, wisdom, love and understanding. The new LifeGuide® in Depth Bible Studies help you do just that, taking you further into themes and books of Scripture ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • Satan and the Problem of Evil: Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy, By Gregory A. Boyd

    Satan and the Problem of Evil

    Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy

    by Gregory A. Boyd

    • Where does evil come from?
    • If there is a sovereign creator God, as Christian faith holds, is this God ultimately responsible for evil?
    • Does God's sovereignty mean that God causes each instance of sin and suffering?
    • How do Satan, his demons and hell fit into God's providential oversight of all creation and history?
    • How does God interact with human intention ...
  • Hard Sayings of the Bible, By Walter C. Kaiser Jr. and Peter H. Davids and F. F. Bruce and Manfred Brauch

    Hard Sayings of the Bible

    The Hard Sayings Series

    by Walter C. Kaiser Jr., Peter H. Davids, F. F. Bruce, and Manfred Brauch

    Are you grappling with a difficult verse in the Bible? And are you looking for a short, easy-to-read answer that really makes sense without explaining away the verse?

    Hard Sayings of the Bible is the handy reference book you need. Here you will find explanations of over five hundred of the most troubling verses to test the minds and hearts of Bible readers. Four seasoned scholars, ...

  • The Magnificent Story: Uncovering a Gospel of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth, By James Bryan Smith

    The Magnificent Story

    Uncovering a Gospel of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth

    Apprentice Resources

    by James Bryan Smith

    We are story-making people. We love reading stories—and we love hearing the personal stories of others. We need stories, or narratives, to make sense of our world. And those stories shape our lives. What is the story you have been told about the gospel? About God? About the Christian life? About Jesus? About the cross? About yourself? About heaven? Your answers to these questions will form a ...

  • God's Unfaithful Wife: A Biblical Theology of Spiritual Adultery, By Raymond C. Ortlund Jr.

    God's Unfaithful Wife

    A Biblical Theology of Spiritual Adultery

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Raymond C. Ortlund Jr.
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    The biblical theme of spiritual adultery stands in all its bluntness for a deeply offensive sin—the unfaithfulness of God's covenant people in departing from Yahweh, their husband, and going after false gods. Raymond C. Ortlund Jr. begins by showing how the Genesis vision of human marriage provides the logic and coherent network of meanings for the story of Israel's relationship with Yahweh. He ...