Showing 1981 - 1990 of 2508 results

  • Looking at the Life of Jesus: 7 Seeker Bible Discussions on the Gospel of John, By Rebecca Manley Pippert

    Looking at the Life of Jesus

    7 Seeker Bible Discussions on the Gospel of John

    Saltshaker Resources

    by Rebecca Manley Pippert

    Who is Jesus? What was his life like? Why was he so unconventional in his day? Why is he still so controversial now? What does his life have to do with ours? Rebecca Manley Pippert creates a safe place to explore these and other questions you may have about Jesus on your own or with a group. In this discussion guide you'll take a closer look at John's narrative to discover more about who Jesus ...

    Number of Studies: 7

  • A Reader's Guide Through the Wardrobe: Exploring C. S. Lewis's Classic Story, By Leland Ryken and Marjorie Lamp Mead

    A Reader's Guide Through the Wardrobe

    Exploring C. S. Lewis's Classic Story

    by Leland Ryken and Marjorie Lamp Mead

    Step inside the wardrobe. . . . You may be surprised at what you find. In C. S. Lewis's classic, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Lucy, Peter, Susan and Edmund discover Narnia for the first time, precariously navigating their way through the unpredictable, enchanted world where beavers talk, a Witch turns people to stone, and a Lion rules as King. For decades their adventure has ...

  • The Journey of Ministry: Insights from a Life of Practice, By Eddie Gibbs

    The Journey of Ministry

    Insights from a Life of Practice

    by Eddie Gibbs
    Foreword by Richard J. Mouw

    These days, everybody wants the latest killer app for successful ministry. But ministry is not plug-and-play technology. It is an art cultivated over a long-term journey of faithfulness and perseverance. In his most intimate book yet, Eddie Gibbs articulates a personal philosophy of ministry born from his storied career in teaching and pastoral ministry. Through images from his own life and family, ...

  • Insider Jesus: Theological Reflections on New Christian Movements, By William A. Dyrness

    Insider Jesus

    Theological Reflections on New Christian Movements

    by William A. Dyrness

    • Christianity Today's 2017 Book of the Year Award of Merit - Missions/Global Church

    Amidst the variegated spread of global Christianity, followers of Jesus are showing up in unexpected places. Today we hear of culturally embedded insider movements, Jesus followers in the folds and creases of Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, and other cultural fabrics. They elude our conventional ...

  • The Old Testament Law for the Life of the Church: Reading the Torah in the Light of Christ, By Richard E. Averbeck

    The Old Testament Law for the Life of the Church

    Reading the Torah in the Light of Christ

    by Richard E. Averbeck

    From the early days of the church to the present, the Old Testament Law has been a subject of much confusion, debate, and outright theological division. And with good reason: the way Christians understand the Law has massive implications for their individual lives and for the life of the church. To sort through the numerous interpretations and approaches to this thorny issue, we ...

  • The Incomparable Christ, By John Stott

    The Incomparable Christ

    by John Stott

    A Logos Association Best Book award winner

    Everyone has something to say about Jesus.

    Sorting through the numerous books of recent years, you may find yourself lost in a thicket of viewpoints, some troubling to faith, some puzzling to the intellect. But John Stott, one of the outstanding evangelical voices of the last half century, offers in The ...

  • Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics: Foundations and Principles of Evangelical Biblical Interpretation, By Graeme Goldsworthy

    Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics

    Foundations and Principles of Evangelical Biblical Interpretation

    by Graeme Goldsworthy

    While there are many books on hermeneutics, Graeme Goldsworthy's perception is that evangelical contributions often do not give sufficient attention to the vital relationship between hermeneutics and theology, both systematic and biblical. In this new paperback edition of Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics, Goldsworthy moves beyond a reiteration of the usual arguments to concentrate on the theological ...

  • Organizational Leadership: Foundations and Practices for Christians, Edited by Jack Burns and John R. Shoup and Donald C. Simmons Jr.

    Organizational Leadership

    Foundations and Practices for Christians

    Edited by Jack Burns, John R. Shoup, and Donald C. Simmons Jr.

    Kingdom leadership does not begin and end at the church door. Christians are called to conduct leadership in government, commerce, schools, neighborhoods, families, para-church ministries and a myriad other contexts. God has given us many gifts, and our responsibility is to be stewards of those gifts, and use them to do the King?s work. In that context, this comprehensive text explores key ...

  • A Big Gospel in Small Places: Why Ministry in Forgotten Communities Matters, By Stephen Witmer

    A Big Gospel in Small Places

    Why Ministry in Forgotten Communities Matters

    by Stephen Witmer
    Foreword by Raymond C. Ortlund Jr.

    2019 World Magazine Book of the Year Short List

    2019 The Gospel Coalition Book Award

    2019 Send Institute's Top Ten Church Planting Related Books of 2019

    Kevin DeYoung's Top 10 Books of 2019

    Jesus loves small, insignificant places.

    In recent years, Christian ministries have ...

  • Humility Illuminated: The Biblical Path Back to Christian Character, By Dennis R. Edwards

    Humility Illuminated

    The Biblical Path Back to Christian Character

    by Dennis R. Edwards
    Foreword by Marlena Graves

    The modern church is immersed in a competitive, polarized, and status-driven society. It's hard to have conversations about important issues when so many are defensive and unwilling to learn. Too often, Christians fall into these same traps. The health and witness of the church urgently depend on recovering an essential biblical virtue: humility.

    New Testament scholar Dennis ...