Showing 11 - 20 of 1066 results

  • When Children Come Out: A Guide for Christian Parents, By Mark A. Yarhouse and Olya Zaporozhets

    When Children Come Out

    A Guide for Christian Parents

    by Mark A. Yarhouse and Olya Zaporozhets

    If you are a parent wrestling with God, you are not alone.

    When a child comes out as LGBTQ+, Christian parents often find themselves navigating unfamiliar, unsettling terrain. Mark Yarhouse and Olya Zaporozhets, therapists and researchers with decades of experience, have written this book to provide perspective, insight, and the chance to learn from others who've shared a ...

  • When We Stand: The Power of Seeking Justice Together, By Terence Lester

    When We Stand

    The Power of Seeking Justice Together

    by Terence Lester
    Foreword by Father Gregory Boyle

    It's easy to feel overwhelmed by all of the injustices that we see in the world. We don't know what to do and might think that we don't have anything to offer. But by using our gifts in collaboration with others, we can do more together than we ever could on our own.

    Activist Terence Lester knows it's hard to change the world. But mobilizing and acting together empowers us ...

  • What God Thinks When We Fail: Finding Grace and True Success, By Steven C. Roy

    What God Thinks When We Fail

    Finding Grace and True Success

    by Steven C. Roy

    What does God think of us when we fail? Does he think

    • You're a loser.
    • There's no hope for you.
    • What a wimp!
    • You're good for nothing!
    Or does he think something very different? If you've ever lost a job or a relationship, let your friends down, seen your finances collapse, found your ministry crumbling or failed to meet your own ethical standards, you ...
  • When Everything's on Fire: Faith Forged from the Ashes, By Brian Zahnd

    When Everything's on Fire

    Faith Forged from the Ashes

    by Brian Zahnd

    Is it possible to hold on to faith in an age of unbelief?

    Intellectual certainty has long been a cornerstone of the Christian faith. But in an age of secularism, skepticism, and cynicism, our worldviews have been shaken. Various solutions exist—some double down on certainty, while others deconstruct their faith until there is nothing left at all. But Brian Zahnd offers a third ...

  • When Your World Ends: God's Creative Process for Rebuilding a Life, By Dawn Sanders

    When Your World Ends

    God's Creative Process for Rebuilding a Life

    by Dawn Mann Sanders
    Foreword by Ms. Carol Kent

    How do you rebuild your life after it falls apart?

    Catastrophic events often feel like the end of the world. When we feel like we have nothing left, we sometimes wish for our own end too. Yet God keeps waking us up every morning—a sign that God wants us to keep living when our world ends. We must find our way to the new life that awaits us on the other side of loss. But how?

    Dawn ...

  • When God Interrupts: Finding New Life Through Unwanted Change, By M. Craig Barnes

    When God Interrupts

    Finding New Life Through Unwanted Change

    by M. Craig Barnes

    Our lives are constantly changing. It's hard to keep up, to keep our balance. It's hard to keep trusting in God. And it's especially difficult when the changes we're faced with are unwanted: the death of a loved one, a child leaving home, an illness, a frustrated dream. Craig Barnes knows the dark side of change. As a pastor, he has counseled many Christians through tough times of transition. And ...

  • When Women Give: The Adventure of a Generous Life, By Kim King

    When Women Give

    The Adventure of a Generous Life

    by Kim King
    Foreword by Peter Greer

    Women are entrepreneurs, highly paid professionals, and leaders in business. Many of us have skills to give. We are marrying later. Many of us have time to give. Women are also likely to manage the family money for a significant portion of their lives. Many of us have money to give. When Kim King, a former corporate lawyer, began her own giving journey she found herself short on resources that ...

  • Praying When Life Hurts, By W. Bingham Hunter

    Praying When Life Hurts

    IVP Booklets

    by W. Bingham Hunter

    I cried out to God for help;
    I cried out to God to hear me.
    When I was in distress, I sought the Lord;
    at night I stretched out untiring hands
    and my soul refused to be comforted.
    (Psalm 77)

    "Many Christians struggle with prayer . . . and most of us are afraid to talk about it," writes W. Bingham Hunter in the opening of this brief, honest and comforting ...

  • When Narcissism Comes to Church: Healing Your Community From Emotional and Spiritual Abuse, By Chuck DeGroat

    When Narcissism Comes to Church

    Healing Your Community From Emotional and Spiritual Abuse

    by Chuck DeGroat
    Foreword by Richard J. Mouw

    Outreach Resource of the Year

    Why Does Narcissism Seem to Thrive in Our Churches?

    We've seen the news stories. Maybe we ourselves have been hurt by a narcissistic church leader. But what is narcissism, really? And how does it infiltrate the church?

    Chuck DeGroat has been counseling pastors with narcissistic personality disorder, ...

  • When Narcissism Comes to Church: Healing Your Community From Emotional and Spiritual Abuse, By Chuck DeGroat

    When Narcissism Comes to Church

    Healing Your Community From Emotional and Spiritual Abuse

    by Chuck DeGroat

    Outreach Resource of the Year

    Why Does Narcissism Seem to Thrive in Our Churches?

    We've seen the news stories. Maybe we ourselves have been hurt by a narcissistic church leader. But what is narcissism, really? And how does it infiltrate the church?

    Chuck DeGroat has been counseling pastors with narcissistic personality disorder, ...