Showing 11 - 20 of 354 results

  • Mythical Me: Finding Freedom from Constant Comparison, By Richella Parham

    Mythical Me

    Finding Freedom from Constant Comparison

    by Richella Parham

    IVP Readers' Choice Award

    Do you ever find yourself stuck in the comparison trap?

    Speaker and author Richella Parham knows what this feels like. "I couldn't break free from admiring one person's achievements, someone else's personality, another's skills, yet another's relationships. And don't get me started on how I looked at other people's appearances," ...

  • 'Return To Me': A Biblical Theology of Repentance, By Mark J. Boda

    'Return To Me'

    A Biblical Theology of Repentance

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Mark J. Boda
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    "Return to me, says the LORD of hosts, and I will return to you," (Zech 1:3 ESV). Repentance concerns the repair of a relationship with God disrupted by human sin. All the major phases of church history have seen diversity and controversy over the doctrine. The first of Luther?s famous ninety-five theses nailed to the church door in Wittenburg in 1517 stated that 'the entire life of believers should ...

  • You Welcomed Me: Loving Refugees and Immigrants Because God First Loved Us, By Kent Annan

    You Welcomed Me

    Loving Refugees and Immigrants Because God First Loved Us

    by Kent Annan

    "Wait, Dad. Are we for them or against them?" Kent Annan was talking with his eight-year-old son about the immigrant and refugee crises around the world. His son's question, innocent enough in the moment, is writ large across our society today. How we answer it, Annan says, will reveal a lot about what kind of family, community, or country we want to be. In You ...

  • You Found Me: New Research on How Unchurched Nones, Millennials, and Irreligious Are Surprisingly Open to Christian Faith, By Rick Richardson

    You Found Me

    New Research on How Unchurched Nones, Millennials, and Irreligious Are Surprisingly Open to Christian Faith

    by Rick Richardson
    Foreword by Ed Stetzer

    Many bemoan the decline of the church. But new research shows that unchurched Americans are surprisingly more receptive and open to the Christian faith than is commonly assumed.

    Researcher and practitioner Rick Richardson unveils the findings of the Billy Graham Center Institute’s groundbreaking studies on the unchurched. A study of 2000 unchurched people across the country ...

  • Wait with Me: Meeting God in Loneliness, By Jason Gaboury Wait with Me: Meeting God in Loneliness, By Jason Gaboury

    Wait with Me

    Meeting God in Loneliness

    by Jason Gaboury

    "To be human is to be lonely." When his seventy-something spiritual director Friar Ugo spoke these words in a voice cracking with age, Jason Gaboury felt a deep sense of their truth.

    To the observer, Jason, a campus minister, active church member, and father with a young family, might not have seemed lonely. But it's how he felt. He has wrestled with loneliness ever since ...

  • Help Me Believe: Direct Answers to Real Questions, By Cliffe Knechtle

    Help Me Believe

    Direct Answers to Real Questions

    by Cliffe Knechtle

    It's natural for you to have questions about Christianity. What does Jesus really have to offer in a world that is so complicated, where there's so much pain? What difference could he possibly make in your life? For years Cliffe Knechtle has been fielding questions about and objections to Christianity from thousands of people. They want to know what you want to know--what does Jesus have to do ...

  • The Anxiety Field Guide: Healthy Habits for Long-Term Healing, By Jason Cusick

    The Anxiety Field Guide

    Healthy Habits for Long-Term Healing

    by Jason Cusick

    Anxiety is one of the most pressing mental health issues of our day. Millions of people in our society suffer from anxiety, often unbeknownst to those around them. The pressures of modern life seem specially designed to cause anxiety, and anxiety is on the rise in recent years. The good news is that anxiety is very treatable. Pastor Jason Cusick tells the story of his own history ...

  • Can You Just Sit with Me?: Healthy Grieving for the Losses of Life, By Natasha Smith

    Can You Just Sit with Me?

    Healthy Grieving for the Losses of Life

    by Natasha Smith

    "Why are you still sad about that?"

    It takes time and space to grieve well, but often our culture doesn't afford us these things. Drawing from her own experience with grief, Natasha Smith invites us into a reflection on what it means to grieve and how to cling to hope even in our darkest moments. Instead of providing quick-fix solutions, this book creates space for us to take ...