Showing 191 - 200 of 2735 results

  • James: Faith That Works, By Andrew T. Le Peau and Phyllis J. Le Peau


    Faith That Works

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Andrew T. Le Peau and Phyllis J. Le Peau

    We all want a faith that won't let us down in times of trouble or loss, uncertainty or fear. A faith that can pull us through the worst--and best--times in our lives. This is the kind of faith that James writes about. It is a faith that we must practice day by day. These nine-session LifeGuide® Bible Study by Andrew and Phyllis Le Peau on the teaching of James will help us grow a steadfast ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • Isaiah: Trusting God in Troubled Times, By Howard Peskett


    Trusting God in Troubled Times

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Howard Peskett

    Do you look around you and see nothing but trouble? Or are you experiencing firsthand a time of suffering? Do you wonder how any good can come out of the world you live in? In the Old Testament book of Isaiah, you'll discover that trouble and suffering are nothing new to God's people. But the prophet Isaiah raises a loud cry for revival in this midst of a rotting society. Isaiah firmly believes ...

    Number of Studies: 22

  • An Explorer's Guide to John Calvin, By Yudha Thianto

    An Explorer's Guide to John Calvin

    Explorer's Guides

    by Yudha Thianto

    Creation is the theater of God's glory. Scripture is like a pair of glasses that clarifies our vision of God. Justification is the hinge on which religion turns.

    These and other affirmations are often associated with John Calvin, the 16th-century French Protestant Reformer best known for his ministry in Geneva and his authorship of the Institutes of the Christian Religion. ...

  • Scripture and Cosmology: Reading the Bible Between the Ancient World and Modern Science, By Kyle Greenwood

    Scripture and Cosmology

    Reading the Bible Between the Ancient World and Modern Science

    by Kyle Greenwood

    Christians often claim to hold a biblical worldview. But what about a biblical cosmos view? From the beginning of Genesis we encounter a vaulted dome above the earth, a "firmament," like the ceiling of a planetarium. Elsewhere we read of the earth sitting on pillars. What does the dome of heaven have to do with deep space? Even when the biblical language is clearly poetic, it seems to be funded ...

  • Galatians: Why God Accepts Us, By Jack Kuhatschek


    Why God Accepts Us

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Jack Kuhatschek

    The human acceptance we long for often comes only if we are attractive, smart, wealthy or powerful. And God's standards seem even higher. We think we must work harder, live better, pray longer and witness to more people to get on God's good side. In his letter to the Galatians, Paul shows us the true source of our acceptance--Jesus Christ. These eleven-session LifeGuide® Bible studies ...

    Number of Studies: 11

  • The God-Shaped Brain: How Changing Your View of God Transforms Your Life, By Timothy R. Jennings

    The God-Shaped Brain

    How Changing Your View of God Transforms Your Life

    by Timothy R. Jennings

    What you believe about God actually changes your brain. Brain research in neuroscience has found that our thoughts and beliefs affect our physical, mental, and spiritual health. Mind and body are interrelated, and we are designed for healthy relationships of love and trust. When we understand God as good and loving, we flourish. Unfortunately, many of us have distorted images of ...

  • Losing Face & Finding Grace: 12 Bible Studies for Asian-Americans, By Tom Lin

    Losing Face & Finding Grace

    12 Bible Studies for Asian-Americans

    by Tom Lin

    Raised as one of only a handful of Asians in my Chicago suburb, I did not want to be part of the Asian culture. It did not seem relevant. Besides, I thought, "Other than skin color, we're all the same, right?"

    I remember hearing comments from friends such as "I don't think of you as Asian, but just like the rest of us [white]." These were meant as compliments (and I often took ...

  • Pocket Guide to World Religions, By Winfried Corduan

    Pocket Guide to World Religions

    The IVP Pocket Reference Series

    by Winfried Corduan

    Have you ever wondered . . .

    • what the red dot on an Indian woman's forehead means?
    • whether all Buddhist monks practice martial arts?
    • if the Emperor of Japan is still considered a god?

    Here is a concise, informative guide for anyone looking for answers to basic questions about the world's varied religions. In short, incisive chapters, Winfried Corduan introduces ...

  • Missions: God's Heart for the World, By Paul Borthwick


    God's Heart for the World

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Paul Borthwick

    Beginning with Genesis, the Bible is the story of God pursuing his people. In this study guide, you'll explore how God reaches out--through Jesus and through human ambassodors like us. You'll discover that the call to "missions" is not for a select group but is a part of God's call to every Christian. And you'll begin to understand your own part in God's plan. This nine session LifeGuide® ...

    Number of Studies: 9