Showing 2031 - 2040 of 2386 results

  • Mapping Church Missions: A Compass for Ministry Strategy, By Sharon R. Hoover

    Mapping Church Missions

    A Compass for Ministry Strategy

    by Sharon R. Hoover
    Foreword by Paul Borthwick

    The terrain of church missions is often bewildering. Should we prioritize evangelism or works of service? Local ministries or overseas missions? What's more important: giving our money or giving our time? Crisis relief or building sustainable, long-term ministries? And what about the often debated pros and cons of short-term missions trips? In Mapping Church Missions, ...

  • Missions: God's Heart for the World, By Paul Borthwick


    God's Heart for the World

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Paul Borthwick

    Beginning with Genesis, the Bible is the story of God pursuing his people. In this study guide, you'll explore how God reaches out--through Jesus and through human ambassodors like us. You'll discover that the call to "missions" is not for a select group but is a part of God's call to every Christian. And you'll begin to understand your own part in God's plan. This nine session LifeGuide® ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • Polycentric Missiology: 21st-Century Mission from Everyone to Everywhere, By Allen Yeh

    Polycentric Missiology

    21st-Century Mission from Everyone to Everywhere

    by Allen Yeh

    The Edinburgh 1910 World Missionary Conference was the most famous missions conference in modern church history. A century later, five conferences on five continents displayed the landscape of global mission at the dawn of the third millennium: Tokyo 2010, Edinburgh 2010, Cape Town 2010, 2010Boston, and CLADE V (San José, 2012). These five events provide a window into the state of world Christianity ...

  • Short-Term Missions Workbook: From Mission Tourists to Global Citizens, By Tim Dearborn

    Short-Term Missions Workbook

    From Mission Tourists to Global Citizens

    by Tim Dearborn

    Going on a short-term missions trip can be a life- and faith-transforming experience. It can enrich the way we view the world. It can cause us to rely on God more fully. It's an opportunity to develop deep relationships with our team and the people we serve. A short-term missions experience can also involve weeks of physical and spiritual challenges. An unprepared team can wreak havoc on each other ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • Transcending Mission: The Eclipse of a Modern Tradition, By Michael W. Stroope

    Transcending Mission

    The Eclipse of a Modern Tradition

    by Michael W. Stroope

    IVP Readers' Choice Award

    Mission, missions, missional, and all its linguistic variations are part of the expanding vocabulary and rhetoric of the contemporary Christian missionary enterprise. Its language and assumptions are deeply ingrained in the thought and speech of the church today. Christianity is a missionary religion and faithful churches are mission-minded. What's ...

  • Teams That Thrive: Five Disciplines of Collaborative Church Leadership, By Ryan T. Hartwig and Warren Bird

    Teams That Thrive

    Five Disciplines of Collaborative Church Leadership

    by Ryan T. Hartwig and Warren Bird
    Foreword by Dave Ferguson

    Readers' Choice Award Winner

    Outreach Magazine's Resources of the Year

    It's increasingly clear that leadership should be shared—for the good of any organization and for the good of the leader. Many churches have begun to share key leadership duties, but don't know how to take their leadership team to the point where it thrives. ...

  • Churches, Cultures, and Leadership: A Practical Theology of Congregations and Ethnicities, By Mark Lau Branson and Juan F. Martinez

    Churches, Cultures, and Leadership

    A Practical Theology of Congregations and Ethnicities

    by Mark Lau Branson and Juan F. Martinez

    We live in a culturally diverse society. As the church continues to heed Christ's call to reflect the multiethnic character of his people, pastors and lay leaders need to gain skills and competencies to serve in multicultural contexts, both inside and beyond their congregations. With this book, Mark Lau Branson and Juan F. Martínez equip leaders to create environments that make ...

  • Family Ministry: A Comprehensive Guide, By Diana R. Garland

    Family Ministry

    A Comprehensive Guide

    by Diana R. Garland

    North American families are in crisis, and the need for family ministry is more evident than ever. In her many years of ministry, research and teaching, author Diana Garland has found that the strength of Christian families is rooted in their faith and nurtured in their congregations. Garland believes that Christian families gain strength in part because of their communities of faith. Twelve years ...

  • Spiritual Disciplines Companion: Bible Studies and Practices to Transform Your Soul, By Jan Johnson

    Spiritual Disciplines Companion

    Bible Studies and Practices to Transform Your Soul

    by Jan Johnson

    Spiritual disciplines connect us to the God who wants to transform our souls. We discover these time-tested practices in the Bible as we look at the everyday ways Jesus related to God. These companion studies and exercises will help you to explore sixteen core practices. Three segments on each practice (a total of forty-eight sessions) allow space to go beyond superficial understanding and to begin ...

  • A Radiant Birth: Advent Readings for a Bright Season, Edited by Leslie Leyland Fields and Paul J. Willis

    A Radiant Birth

    Advent Readings for a Bright Season

    Edited by Leslie Leyland Fields and Paul J. Willis

    "In Advent we prepare for the coming of all Love." —Madeleine L'Engle

    "At the birth of Jesus, an event of cosmic significance by which we humans still mark our calendars, the invisible and visible worlds come together." —Philip Yancey

    "Help us to realize, as those who love and believe in you that we, too, are pregnant with Christ by the power ...

    Number of Studies: 42