Showing 2041 - 2050 of 2862 results

  • Mastering Monday: A Guide to Integrating Faith and Work, By John D. Beckett

    Mastering Monday

    A Guide to Integrating Faith and Work

    by John D. Beckett
    Foreword by Ken Blanchard

    Many business books point to certain values or habits to be practiced and cultivated. But we need more than abstract principles to guide us in the pursuit of good business. More significantly, we need a genuine experience of the dynamic presence of God at work in our work. Businessman and CEO John Beckett calls us to the transformation of the workplace into a place where the kingdom of God is experienced. ...

  • Foundations for Soul Care: A Christian Psychology Proposal, By Eric L. Johnson

    Foundations for Soul Care

    A Christian Psychology Proposal

    by Eric L. Johnson

    In this groundbreaking work of first-order scholarship, Eric Johnson makes a vitally important contribution to the field of Christian counseling. He first presents a detailed overview and appreciative but critical evaluation of the reigning paradigms in the field of Christian counseling, particularly biblical counseling and integration. Building on their respective strengths, he seeks to move beyond ...

  • The Revelation of God, By Peter Jensen

    The Revelation of God

    Contours of Christian Theology

    by Peter Jensen

    In modern times the Christian faith's claim to possess a unique revelation of God has faced numerous challenges.

    A central issue has been the role of the Bible. While some have continued to defend the view that the Bible, inspired by God, is God's self-revelation in a direct way, others, have argued that God's self-revelation is to be found primarily in divine action or in the person of Jesus ...

  • Presence-Centered Youth Ministry: Guiding Students into Spiritual Formation, By Mike King

    Presence-Centered Youth Ministry

    Guiding Students into Spiritual Formation

    by Mike King

    How many programs does it take to change a youth group? That question has bothered youth workers for decades, and the cracks in its logic are beginning to show. In place of the contrived, artificial mechanisms employed so widely in modern youth outreach and discipleship, Mike King proposes a ministry centered in the presence of God. Young people encounter Christ not in the flash and pop of arena ...

  • Israel and the Church: The Origins and Effects of Replacement Theology, By Ronald E. Diprose

    Israel and the Church

    The Origins and Effects of Replacement Theology

    by Ronald E. Diprose

    Modern Israel and its relations with its Arab neighbors has been conspicuously in the daily news ever since World War II. Until that time, the concept of Israel and a continuing Jewish people had been hovering in the distant background of Christian thought and doctrine since the post-apostolic era. In this important work, Dr. Diprose demonstrates the uniqueness of Israel and its special place in ...

  • Youth Ministry from the Inside Out: How Who You Are Shapes What You Do, By Mike Higgs

    Youth Ministry from the Inside Out

    How Who You Are Shapes What You Do

    by Mike Higgs

    Flash! Ping! Whiz! Pop! Boom! Bang! Crash! Such are the sights and sounds of modern youth ministry. We look for the bigger, the louder, the brighter. And we work long and hard to make our ministry the biggest, the loudest, the brightest. But look out and listen up: God is not caught up in sound and fury. And he doesn't want to see youth workers disengage--letting the momentum define their purpose. ...

  • IVP Academic has a vast collection of resources to help you build your Bible reference library—including commentaries, dictionaries, and more. Whether you are a pastor preparing for sermons, a professor putting together lectures, a student writing papers, or just a Bible nerd looking to deepen your study, we've got the reference resources you need.