Showing 2041 - 2050 of 2656 results

  • Living the Christian Year: Time to Inhabit the Story of God, By Bobby Gross

    Living the Christian Year

    Time to Inhabit the Story of God

    by Bobby Gross

    Infuse your days with meaning. You are part of a larger Story. And the One who began the Story is at work today, in your life, in the midst of your meetings and bills and family activities that make the days rush by and blur together. In these pages Bobby Gross opens to you--and opens you to--the liturgical year, helping you inhabit God's Story every day.

    • Remembering God's work, ...
  • 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Edited by Derek Cooper and Martin J. Lohrmann

    1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles

    New Testament Volume 5

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Derek Cooper and Martin J. Lohrmann

    "Then David said to the Philistine, 'You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts.'" (1 Samuel 17:45) Reflecting upon David's victory over Goliath, Reformation translator, theologian and commentator William Tyndale compared it to Christ's victory over sin and death: "When David had killed Goliath the giant, glad tidings came ...

  • We Believe in the Crucified and Risen Lord, Edited by Mark J. Edwards

    We Believe in the Crucified and Risen Lord

    Ancient Christian Doctrine Series

    Edited by Mark J. Edwards

    The resurrection changed everything. "But for the resurrection," writes Mark J. Edwards, "there would have been no reason to argue for a union of two natures in the person of Christ, let alone for a dyad or triad in the Godhead. All that he had said and done in the course of his earthly ministry would have sat well enough with the character of a prophet who excelled such predecessors ...

  • InterVarsity Press will cosponsor the "Formation in Christlikeness: The Process of Change" conference in Wichita, Kansas, on September 23-24, 2011. The partnership with Renovaré, a foundational presence in spiritual formation for more than twenty years, and the Aprentis Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation is part of IVP's larger vision to advance spiritual formation in the body of Christ through The Apprentice Series and Formatio books.

  • The Common Rule: Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction, By Justin Whitmel Earley The Common Rule: Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction, By Justin Whitmel Earley

    The Common Rule

    Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction

    by Justin Whitmel Earley

    Create a Gospel-Centered Rule of Life

    Habits form us more than we form them. The modern world is a machine of invisible habits, forming us into anxious, busy people. We yearn for the freedom of the gospel but remain shackled by our screens and exhausted by our routines.

    The answer is a rule of life that aligns our habits to our beliefs. The Common Rule's four ...

  • InterVarsity Press author Ed Gilbreath, executive director of communications with the Evangelical Covenant Church and editor at large for Christianity Today, was featured as a part of "The Power of Words"—North Central College's (Naperville, Ill.) week of events commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Gilbreath addressed a crowd of more than 120 students, faculty and local residents Monday evening on the topics presented in his new book Birmingham Revolution: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Epic Challenge to the Church.

  • We Speak: Proclaiming Truth in an Age of Talk, By Mike Baker and J. K. Jones and Jim Probst

    We Speak

    Proclaiming Truth in an Age of Talk

    by Mike Baker, J. K. Jones, and Jim Probst

    As Christians, we are called to speak. Some of us speak out in our workplaces. Others in our schools or neighborhoods. Our audiences may vary in size, but we are all called to witness to Christ in us. Pastor Mike Baker puts it like this: "Jesus himself has commissioned each of us to be a witness for his kingdom. And every believer has a faith testimony—a story of how Jesus has made all the difference—compelling ...

    Number of Studies: 7