Showing 2041 - 2050 of 2386 results

  • Dynamics of Spiritual Life: An Evangelical Theology of Renewal, By Richard F. Lovelace

    Dynamics of Spiritual Life

    An Evangelical Theology of Renewal

    by Richard F. Lovelace
    Foreword by Timothy Keller

    In this classic work of spiritual theology, historian Richard Lovelace presents a history of spiritual renewals in light of biblical models. Drawing from the best of different Protestant traditions, Dynamics of Spiritual Life lays out a comprehensive approach to the renewal of the church.

    In the first half of the book, Lovelace surveys awakening movements since the ...

  • The Reluctant Witness: Discovering the Delight of Spiritual Conversations, By Don Everts

    The Reluctant Witness

    Discovering the Delight of Spiritual Conversations

    Lutheran Hour Ministries Resources

    by Don Everts

    New research finds that Christians are less involved in spiritual conversations today than we were twenty-five years ago. As society has changed, it seems we have become more uncomfortable talking with people about our faith. We are reluctant conversationalists. The reality is that many of our churches and communities are shrinking instead of growing. What can we do about this? ...

  • A User's Guide to Bible Translations: Making the Most of Different Versions, By David Dewey

    A User's Guide to Bible Translations

    Making the Most of Different Versions

    by David Dewey

    What Bible should you use? KJV. NIV. NASB. NRSV. ESV. TNIV. The Message. NLT. It's never been easier to find a Bible in English. Still, it's never been harder to decide what Bible to use. Formal or conversational? Traditional or inclusive language? Word-for-word, meaning-for-meaning or paraphrase? A User's Guide to Bible Translations escorts you through the history of Bible ...

  • Analog Church: Why We Need Real People, Places, and Things in the Digital Age, By Jay Y. Kim

    Analog Church

    Why We Need Real People, Places, and Things in the Digital Age

    by Jay Y. Kim
    Foreword by Scot McKnight

    Outreach Resource of the Year
    The Gospel Coalition Book Award

    What does it mean to be an analog church in a digital age?

    In recent decades the digital world has taken over our society at nearly every level, and the church has increasingly followed suit—often in ways we're not fully aware of. But as even the culture at large begins to ...

  • Revisiting Relational Youth Ministry: From a Strategy of Influence to a Theology of Incarnation, By Andrew Root

    Revisiting Relational Youth Ministry

    From a Strategy of Influence to a Theology of Incarnation

    by Andrew Root

    Relational youth ministry, also known as incarnational ministry, can feel like a vicious cycle of guilt: "I should be spending time with kids, but I just don't want to." The burden becomes heavy to bear because it is never over; adolescents always seem to need more relational bonds, and once one group graduates there is a new group of adolescents who need relational contact. It may be that the ...

  • The Church as Movement: Starting and Sustaining Missional-Incarnational Communities, By JR Woodward and Dan White Jr.

    The Church as Movement

    Starting and Sustaining Missional-Incarnational Communities

    by JR Woodward and Dan White Jr.
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch

    IVP Readers' Choice Award
    Missio Alliance Essential Reading List

    Public gatherings are vital for movement, but too often in our approach to planting churches, we haven't paid enough attention to the difficult grassroots work of movement: discipleship, community formation, and mission. This book will help you start missional-incarnational communities in a way that reflects ...

  • Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory, By Tod Bolsinger

    Canoeing the Mountains

    Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory

    by Tod Bolsinger

    Over 100,000 Copies Sold Worldwide!

    Learning to Lead Through Uncharted Territory

    Explorers Lewis and Clark had to adapt. While they had prepared to find a waterway to the Pacific Ocean, instead they found themselves in the Rocky Mountains. You too may feel that you are leading in a cultural context you were not expecting. You may even feel that your ...

  • Introverts in the Church: Finding Our Place in an Extroverted Culture, By Adam S. McHugh

    Introverts in the Church

    Finding Our Place in an Extroverted Culture

    by Adam S. McHugh
    Foreword by Scot McKnight

    Introverts have gifts for the church and the world. But many churches tend to be extroverted places where introverts are marginalized. Some Christians end up feeling like it's not as faithful to be an introvert. Adam McHugh shows how introverts can live and minister in ways consistent with their personalities. He explains how introverts and extroverts process information and approach relationships ...

  • Understanding Your Teen: Shaping Their Character, Facing Their Realities, By Jim Burns

    Understanding Your Teen

    Shaping Their Character, Facing Their Realities

    by Jim Burns

    Parenting teenagers is one of the biggest challenges parents face. New realities make becoming independent more difficult. Teens are traveling a different road and are moving at a different pace than those of previous generations. Today's cultural environment is more complicated and confusing than ever. But fear not! Family expert Jim Burns provides a handy guide for parenting teens. For teens ...

  • Family-Based Youth Ministry, By Mark DeVries

    Family-Based Youth Ministry

    by Mark DeVries

    Have you tried all the new youth programs? Have you planned one too many wacky activities? Are you frustrated about the size of the youth group? Here's an approach to ministry that takes youth work seriously. Family-based youth ministry is about adults discipling teens one-on-one and in groups. It is about involving not just the nuclear family but the whole church family--from singles to older ...