Showing 2051 - 2060 of 2386 results

  • Incarnate: The Body of Christ in an Age of Disengagement, By Michael Frost


    The Body of Christ in an Age of Disengagement

    Forge Partnership Books

    by Michael Frost

    • 12th Annual Outreach Resource of the Year Recommendation (Missional Church)
    • 2014 Best Book of Missional Theology, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    The story of Christianity is a story of incarnation—God taking on flesh and dwelling among the people he created. God appointing and sending people as his body, his hands and feet. Disciples ...

  • A Theology as Big as the City, By Raymond J. Bakke

    A Theology as Big as the City

    by Raymond J. Bakke

    "As we look at the world-class cities around our planet, we face five new urban realities: a crack cocaine epidemic, assault weapons, massive numbers of homeless children, HIV/AIDS and (in the U.S.) what Time magazine has called `the browning of America.' The needs of the urban population are greater than ever. . . . As our cities swell with immigrants, I'm reminded that Jesus was born ...

  • Demanding Liberty: An Untold Story of American Religious Freedom, By Brandon J. O'Brien

    Demanding Liberty

    An Untold Story of American Religious Freedom

    by Brandon J. O'Brien

    Religious liberty is one of the most contentious political issues of our time. How should people of faith engage with the public square in a pluralist era? Some citizens hope to reclaim a more Christian vision of national identity, while others resist any religious presence at all. This dispute is not new, and it goes back to the founding era of American history. As the country was being formed, ...

  • Disruptive Witness: Speaking Truth in a Distracted Age, By Alan Noble

    Disruptive Witness

    Speaking Truth in a Distracted Age

    by Alan Noble

    • 2018 WORLD Magazine Book of the Year - Accessible Theology
    • 2018 ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    ★ Publishers Weekly starred review
    We live in a distracted, secular age. These two trends define life in Western society today. We are increasingly addicted ...

  • Changing Signs of Truth: A Christian Introduction to the Semiotics of Communication, By Crystal L. Downing

    Changing Signs of Truth

    A Christian Introduction to the Semiotics of Communication

    by Crystal L. Downing

    What signals are you sending when you share the gospel? The importance of signs for communicating truth has been recognized throughout the ages. Crystal L. Downing traces this awareness from biblical texts, through figures from church history like John Wycliffe and William Tyndale, to more recent writers Samuel Taylor Coleridge and C. S. Lewis. In the nineteenth century, this legacy of interest ...

  • From Cairo to Christ: How One Muslim's Faith Journey Shows the Way for Others, By Abu Atallah and Kent A. Van Til

    From Cairo to Christ

    How One Muslim's Faith Journey Shows the Way for Others

    by Abu Atallah and Kent A. Van Til

    "If I were to become a Christian, it would mean not only changing my religion but changing my whole identity and bringing shame upon my family. My whole family is Muslim, and my society and culture were Muslim. . . . Changing from Islam to Christianity would mess up my life forever." So writes Abu Atallah, who grew up in Cairo as an ordinary Egyptian Muslim. He was deeply embedded in his family, ...

  • The Myth of Equality: Uncovering the Roots of Injustice and Privilege, By Ken Wytsma

    The Myth of Equality

    Uncovering the Roots of Injustice and Privilege

    by Ken Wytsma

    • 2017 Foreword INDIES Book Award Honorable Mention
    • Publishers Weekly's Five Best Religion Titles of 2017

    Is privilege real or imagined? It's clear that issues of race and equality have come to the forefront in our nation's consciousness. Every week yet another incident involving racial tension splashes ...

  • Getting Sent: A Relational Approach to Support Raising, By Pete Sommer

    Getting Sent

    A Relational Approach to Support Raising

    by Pete Sommer

    Most of us would rather have a root canal than ask for money. Raising support is one of the most difficult challenges facing Christians in ministry. Fears of rejection, concerns about biblical validity, feelings of not being deserving, anxiety about limited resources can all block us from obtaining the means to fulfill our calling. This book both affirms that God uses the Christian community to ...

  • Land of My Sojourn: The Landscape of a Faith Lost and Found, By Mike Cosper

    Land of My Sojourn

    The Landscape of a Faith Lost and Found

    by Mike Cosper

    "At some point in every Christian's life, God intervenes to show us that what we thought to be our home isn't―and sometimes, only a lifetime later does one see that this was actually good news. […] If you've ever felt the pain of losing home―and if you want to learn how to long for something better―this is the book for you." — Russell Moore, editor in chief of Christianity Today

    In ...

  • Bulls, Bears and Golden Calves: Applying Christian Ethics in Economics, By John E. Stapleford

    Bulls, Bears and Golden Calves

    Applying Christian Ethics in Economics

    by John E. Stapleford

    Self-interest, economic efficiency and private property rights are among the most basic assumptions of market economics. But can an economic theory built on these assumptions alone provide adequate insight into human nature, motivation and ultimate goals to guide our economic life? John Stapleford says no, along with those economists who recognize the limits of their discipline. He insightfully ...