Showing 201 - 210 of 3945 results

  • Every Voice Now is an IVP initiative that seeks to address the racial and ethnic imbalances in the publishing industry and the church’s public witness. The initiative is jointly supported by InterVarsity Press and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and includes opportunities for additional funding to support and amplify voices of color, expand our reach with diverse audiences, increase IVP’s internal cultural competency, and create an organization that more fully reflects God’s diverse kingdom.

  • In Defense of Miracles: A Comprehensive Case for God's Action in History, Edited by R. Douglas Geivett and Gary R. Habermas

    In Defense of Miracles

    A Comprehensive Case for God's Action in History

    Edited by R. Douglas Geivett and Gary R. Habermas

    Rumors of deception have surrounded claims of Jesus' resurrection ever since the soldiers appointed to guard his tomb made their report to the Jewish authorities. But no one has led the philosophic charge against miracles quite as influentially as David Hume with his 1748 essay "Of Miracles." Refined, revised, restated, his arguments still affect philosophic discussions of miracles today.

    During ...

  • Becoming Dallas Willard: The Formation of a Philosopher, Teacher, and Christ Follower, By Gary W. Moon

    Becoming Dallas Willard

    The Formation of a Philosopher, Teacher, and Christ Follower

    by Gary W. Moon
    Foreword by Richard J. Foster
    Afterword by John Ortberg

    • ECPA 2019 Christian Book Award Finalist
    • 2018 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award Finalists - Biography

    Dallas Willard was a personal mentor and inspiration to hundreds of pastors, philosophers, and average churchgoers. His presence and ideas rippled through the lives of many prominent leaders and authors, such as John Ortberg, ...

  • Placemaking and the Arts: Cultivating the Christian Life, By Jennifer Allen Craft

    Placemaking and the Arts

    Cultivating the Christian Life

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    by Jennifer Allen Craft

    We are, each one of us, situated in a particular place.

    As embodied creatures, as members of local communities and churches, as people who live in a specific location in the world, we all experience the importance of place. But what role does place play in the Christian life and how might our theology of place be cultivated?

    In this Studies in Theology and the Arts volume, ...

  • Flame of Love: A Theology of the Holy Spirit, By Clark H. Pinnock

    Flame of Love

    A Theology of the Holy Spirit

    by Clark H. Pinnock
    Foreword by Daniel Castelo
    Commentaries by Daniel Castelo

    In what may be regarded as his magnum opus, Clark Pinnock explores the vital Christian doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Writing out of wide learning and deep personal passion, he points the way to restoring the oft-neglected Spirit to centrality in the life and witness of the church. Pinnock's book is both catholic—respecting the beliefs and worship of the historic church—and evangelical—drawing ...

  • Spiritual Direction and the Care of Souls: A Guide to Christian Approaches and Practices, Edited by Gary W. Moon and David G. Benner

    Spiritual Direction and the Care of Souls

    A Guide to Christian Approaches and Practices

    Edited by Gary W. Moon and David G. Benner

    In recent years, many Christian clergy, laity and mental health professionals have rediscovered the ancient practices of spiritual direction. Seen as a refreshing alternative to the techniques and limitations of modern psychology, such practices offer new insights for pastoral care. But many remain unclear on what spiritual direction is and whether its methods are applicable to their own clients ...

  • The Image of God in an Image Driven Age: Explorations in Theological Anthropology, Edited by Beth Felker Jones and Jeffrey W. Barbeau

    The Image of God in an Image Driven Age

    Explorations in Theological Anthropology

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Beth Felker Jones and Jeffrey W. Barbeau

    Whether on the printed page, the television screen or the digital app, we live in a world saturated with images. Some images help shape our understanding of ourselves and the world around us in positive ways, while others lead us astray and distort our relationships. Christians confess that human beings have been created in the image of God, yet we chose to rebel against that God and so became ...

  • Whole Life Transformation: Becoming the Change Your Church Needs, By Keith Meyer

    Whole Life Transformation

    Becoming the Change Your Church Needs

    by Keith Meyer
    Foreword by Dallas Willard

    • 2011 Golden Canon Leadership Book Award winner
    Ministry to others and growing the church were the center of Keith Meyer's life. And yet he was arguing with his wife about how many nights a week he was spending in meetings. His temper was short, and he was exhausted. Keith writes: "I can see that I was pursuing a twisted idea of 'success'--not in the ...
  • Sacred Chaos: Spiritual Disciplines for the Life You Have, By Tricia McCary Rhodes

    Sacred Chaos

    Spiritual Disciplines for the Life You Have

    by Tricia McCary Rhodes
    Foreword by Gary Thomas

    Life is often chaotic. And no matter how hard you try to find space, to slow down, the chaos always seems to win. Tricia Rhodes's life is chaotic too. But in the midst of a time of household turmoil, Tricia learned to see God and communicate with him in whole new ways--not on a spiritual retreat, but right in the midst of the chaos of life. She offers us here a fresh view of connecting to God, ...