Showing 201 - 210 of 3340 results

  • The Flourishing Pastor: Recovering the Lost Art of Shepherd Leadership, By Tom Nelson

    The Flourishing Pastor

    Recovering the Lost Art of Shepherd Leadership

    Made to Flourish Resources

    by Tom Nelson
    Foreword by Chris Brooks

    Christianity Today Book Award—Church and Pastoral Leadership

    The Gospel Coalition Book Awards Honorable Mention

    Pastoral leadership is in crisis. It's not just that many pastors feel overwhelmed and stressed out; many have lost their way. With the risk of burnout at an all-time high, what pastors need is not just a new leadership ...

  • Faith Comes by Hearing: A Response to Inclusivism, Edited by Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson

    Faith Comes by Hearing

    A Response to Inclusivism

    Edited by Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson

    What about those who have never heard? The debate swirls and feelings run deep. What is the fate of the unevangelized? The traditional position--that apart from an explicit faith in Jesus no one is saved--seems to have fallen out of favor with many evangelicals. Here is a passionate but irenic response to the arguments of those who believe that the unevangelized can (or might) be saved apart from ...

  • Death and the Afterlife: Biblical Perspectives on Ultimate Questions, By Paul R. Williamson

    Death and the Afterlife

    Biblical Perspectives on Ultimate Questions

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Paul R. Williamson
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Significant aspects of death and the afterlife continue to be debated among evangelical Christians. In this NSBT volume Paul Williamson surveys the perspectives of our contemporary culture and the biblical world, and then highlights the traditional understanding of the biblical teaching and the issues over which evangelicals have become increasingly polarized. Subsequent chapters explore the controversial ...

  • 1090
    product set

    The Essentials Set

    by Greg Ogden

    Thriving small groups, authentic leaders, compassionate disciples, motivated witnesses—does your church have the essentials? The Essentials Set is a series of in-depth workbooks that brings the essentials of Christian ministry into contact with the real life of your congregation. With books on discipleship, evangelism, leadership, and the Great Commandment, there is something for ...

  • Discipleship as Holy Collaboration: Helping Others Follow Jesus in Real Life, By Yolanda Solomon

    Discipleship as Holy Collaboration

    Helping Others Follow Jesus in Real Life

    by Yolanda Solomon
    Foreword by Ekemini Uwan

    Many Christians don’t disciple others because they think it’s the church leaders' responsibility. But Jesus commanded all his disciples to go and make disciples. If we're honest, many of us hesitate to disciple others because we don't feel qualified, fear we'll do more harm than good, and think we don't have time for it. Yolanda Solomon provides a practical guide to help ...

  • Leading Through Storms: Successfully Navigating Ministry While Maintaining Your Mental Health, By Geoffrey V. Dudley Sr.

    Leading Through Storms

    Successfully Navigating Ministry While Maintaining Your Mental Health

    by Geoffrey V. Dudley Sr.
    Foreword by Walter Thomas

    An Emergency Preparedness Kit for Christian Leaders

    There are times when the isolation and demands of ministry can wear down even the strongest person.

    When the burdens of life and ministry push you to your physical and mental breaking point, how can you lead yourself, let alone others? In Leading Through Storms, Geoffrey Dudley

    • weaves together personal ...
  • Transforming Discipleship, By Greg Ogden

    Transforming Discipleship

    by Greg Ogden

    Many church leaders, yearning for church growth, look to the latest evangelistic strategies or seeker-targeted worship services. But lack of growth might not be due to lack of concern for new people—it may be because we are not effectively discipling the people we already have. Greg Ogden address the need for discipleship in the local church and recovers Jesus' method of accomplishing life change ...

  • Knowing God the Father Through the Old Testament, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    Knowing God the Father Through the Old Testament

    Knowing God Through the Old Testament Set

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    It's almost second nature for Christians to call God Father. Jesus taught his followers as much, although for them it was apparently a surprising practice. The worshiping community of the Old Testament used fatherly images for understanding God's character and actions, but "Father" was not a common way for believers to address God. In Knowing God the Father Through the Old Testament, Christopher ...

  • From Prisoner to Prince: The Joseph Story in Biblical Theology, By Samuel Emadi

    From Prisoner to Prince

    The Joseph Story in Biblical Theology

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Samuel Emadi
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    The story of Joseph is prominent in the book of Genesis and yet is rarely mentioned in the rest of Scripture. How then do we understand Joseph's significance in redemptive history? When Christians have addressed this question, the conversation has frequently turned toward typology: Is Joseph a type of the Messiah?

    Messianic interpretations of the Joseph narrative have often ...