Showing 201 - 210 of 2508 results

  • Disruptive Discipleship: The Power of Breaking Routine to Kickstart Your Faith, By Sam Van Eman

    Disruptive Discipleship

    The Power of Breaking Routine to Kickstart Your Faith

    by Sam Van Eman

    Sometimes in the Christian life we get stuck. Something seems off, and we don't know why. We may not even notice it at first. But we feel like God is far from our daily lives, or we lose hope for the future, or we don't treat others in loving ways. What can we do? Sam Van Eman has found that our spiritual lives need disruptive experiences, which can jolt and reorient us for greater spiritual maturity. ...

  • The Chosen People: Election, Paul and Second Temple Judaism, By A. Chadwick Thornhill The Chosen People: Election, Paul and Second Temple Judaism, By A. Chadwick Thornhill

    The Chosen People

    Election, Paul and Second Temple Judaism

    by A. Chadwick Thornhill

    One of the central touchstones of Second Temple Judaism is election. The Jews considered themselves a people set apart for God?s special purpose. So it is not surprising that this concept plays such an important role in Pauline theology. In this careful and provocative study, Chad Thornhill considers how Second Temple understandings of election influenced key Pauline texts. Thornhill seeks to establish ...

  • Impossible People: Christian Courage and the Struggle for the Soul of Civilization, By Os Guinness Impossible People: Christian Courage and the Struggle for the Soul of Civilization, By Os Guinness

    Impossible People

    Christian Courage and the Struggle for the Soul of Civilization

    by Os Guinness

    • ECPA 2017 Christian Book Award Finalist

    The church in the West is at a critical moment. While the gospel is exploding throughout the global south, Western civilization faces militant assaults from aggressive secularism and radical Islam. Will the church resist the seductive shaping power of advanced modernity? More than ever, Christians must resist the negative ...

  • The People's Book: The Reformation and the Bible, Edited by Jennifer Powell McNutt and David Lauber The People's Book: The Reformation and the Bible, Edited by Jennifer Powell McNutt and David Lauber

    The People's Book

    The Reformation and the Bible

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Jennifer Powell McNutt and David Lauber

    Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses caught Europe by storm and initiated the Reformation, which fundamentally transformed both the church and society. Yet by Luther's own estimation, his translation of the Bible into German was his crowning achievement. The Bible played an absolutely vital role in the lives, theology, and practice of the Protestant Reformers. In ...

  • The Everlasting People: G. K. Chesterton and the First Nations, By Matthew J. Milliner The Everlasting People: G. K. Chesterton and the First Nations, By Matthew J. Milliner

    The Everlasting People

    G. K. Chesterton and the First Nations

    Hansen Lectureship Series

    by Matthew J. Milliner
    Contributions by David Iglesias, David Hooker, and Amy Peeler
    Foreword by Casey Church

    First Things Book of the Year award

    What does the cross of Christ have to do with the thunderbird? How might the life and work of Christian writer G. K. Chesterton shed light on our understanding of North American Indigenous art and history?

    This unexpected connection forms the basis of these discerning reflections by art historian Matthew Milliner. ...

  • Disabling Leadership: A Practical Theology for the Broken Body of Christ, By Andrew T. Draper and Jody Michele and Andrea Mae

    Disabling Leadership

    A Practical Theology for the Broken Body of Christ

    by Andrew T. Draper, Jody Michele, and Andrea Mae

    People with disabilities are often excluded from full participation in church communities. Accessibility is a key component of the biblical ministry of reconciliation—but it's not enough. To truly work toward reconciliation, churches must both consider the theological implications of disability and also become places where people with disabilities lead.

    Disabling ...

  • Participating in Abundant Life: Holistic Salvation for a Secular Age, By Mark R. Teasdale

    Participating in Abundant Life

    Holistic Salvation for a Secular Age

    by Mark R. Teasdale
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch and Mark Nelson

    Our world is hungry for salvation, but we don't always know how to talk about it. Christians agree that God cares about people's lives both in this world and into eternity. But the ways we describe salvation often separate the spiritual from the material. Many groups emphasize one at the expense of the other, limiting the picture of what God has to offer. Mark Teasdale works to ...

  • Ecumenical Dialogue Series
    product set

    Ecumenical Dialogue Series

    Fostering Dialogue & Unity Across Christian Traditions

    The Ecumenical Dialogue Series seeks to foster engaging dialogue across theological differences. In each of three volumes, contributors explore what it means to be Christian and what it means to identify with a specific tradition in Christianity—Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox. These charitable volumes ...

  • But What About God's Wrath?: The Compelling Love Story of Divine Anger, By Kevin Kinghorn

    But What About God's Wrath?

    The Compelling Love Story of Divine Anger

    by Kevin Kinghorn
    With Stephen Travis

    How can a loving God also be a God of wrath?

    God's wrath stands out in the minds of many as the single most puzzling aspect of God's character. Often Christians who would like to reconcile divine love with divine wrath—while remaining faithful to the Bible—can't figure out how to do so. Kevin Kinghorn and Stephen Travis offer a way forward.

    Using a philosophically informed ...