Showing 201 - 210 of 773 results

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    The Unbiased Self

    The Psychology of Overcoming Cognitive Bias

    by Erin Devers

    A Christian Perspective on Overcoming Cognitive Bias

    So much human behavior can be explained by two motives: we want to be right, and we want to feel good about ourselves. But the tension between these two motives makes us especially vulnerable to bias—and bias distorts our view of the world and of ourselves and can keep us from doing even what we know is right.

    In The ...

  • Heart. Soul. Mind. Strength.: A Narrative History of InterVarsity Press, 1947-2022, By Andrew T. Le Peau and Linda Doll

    Heart. Soul. Mind. Strength.

    A Narrative History of InterVarsity Press, 1947-2022

    by Andrew T. Le Peau and Linda Doll
    Edited by Albert Y. Hsu
    Foreword by Jeff Crosby and Robert A. Fryling

    "Some publishers tell you what to believe. Other publishers tell you what you already believe. But InterVarsity Press helps you believe."

    J. I. Packer

    The history of evangelicalism cannot be understood apart from the authors and books that shaped it. Over the past century, leading figures such as pastor-scholar John Stott, apologist James W. Sire, evangelist ...

  • The Old Testament in Seven Sentences: A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    The Old Testament in Seven Sentences

    A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic

    Introductions in Seven Sentences

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    Some people find the Old Testament to be confusing, out of date, and essentially replaced by the New Testament. They are missing out. The Old Testament offers us a grand narrative that reveals God's work, God's purposes, and God's wisdom. Christopher J. H. Wright fits the pieces together and shows us the coherent whole. Using seven key sentences drawn straight from the Old Testament, ...

  • Apologetics Beyond Reason: Why Seeing Really Is Believing, By James W. Sire

    Apologetics Beyond Reason

    Why Seeing Really Is Believing

    by James W. Sire

    "Look carefully. Listen closely. Do you see? Do you hear? There are a million signposts pointing toward the specific truth of God in Christ. I've seen many of them. But God is speaking to you too. Look and see. Listen and hear." In this accessible and engaging work, veteran apologist Jim Sire gives us eyes to see the myriad "signals of transcendence" all around us that point to the specific truth ...

  • Telling the Gospel Through Story: Evangelism That Keeps Hearers Wanting More, By Christine Dillon

    Telling the Gospel Through Story

    Evangelism That Keeps Hearers Wanting More

    by Christine Dillon

    Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year

    Everybody loves a good story.

    In an age when prepackaged gospel formulations leave people cold, well-told Bible stories can be used powerfully by God to touch people's hearts and draw them to himself.

    After ministry in both Western and non-Western contexts, church planter Christine Dillon has discovered ...

  • Beyond Awkward: When Talking About Jesus Is Outside Your Comfort Zone, By Beau Crosetto

    Beyond Awkward

    When Talking About Jesus Is Outside Your Comfort Zone

    Forge Partnership Books

    by Beau Crosetto
    Foreword by Dave Ferguson

    Spoiler alert: Talking about Jesus is awkward. We love to share good news with the world. We tweet about a great new restaurant, we share pictures of our newborn child and we celebrate about receiving that sought-after promotion. We are evangelists for many great things. So why don't we do the same with Jesus? It's not hard to see that we bring our own anxieties and awkwardness into every evangelistic ...

  • Circles of Belonging, By Rick Richardson

    Circles of Belonging

    IVP Booklets

    by Rick Richardson

    Can the good news of Jesus reach people today--people who are deafened by media overload, who are blinded by trendy philosophies, who are starved by shallow experiences, and who are wounded by broken relationships? Rick Richardson says yes. And he shows how. In clear, simple terms, he describes in this booklet (meant to be given to and read by non-Christians) how the gospel taps into one of our ...

  • Having the Mind of Christ: Eight Axioms to Cultivate a Robust Faith, By Matt Tebbe and Ben Sternke

    Having the Mind of Christ

    Eight Axioms to Cultivate a Robust Faith

    by Matt Tebbe and Ben Sternke

    Reader's Choice Award Winner

    "Why doesn’t the Christian life work like I thought it would?"

    While we often start with good intentions, it feels like real transformation is elusive at best, and maybe even impossible. We deeply want to live in the freedom that Christ offers, but we are acutely aware of the gap between a transformed life and our reality. ...

  • Authentic Communication: Christian Speech Engaging Culture, By Tim Muehlhoff and Todd Lewis

    Authentic Communication

    Christian Speech Engaging Culture

    Christian Worldview Integration Series

    by Tim Muehlhoff and Todd Lewis

    Part of the Christian Worldview Integration Series

    Whether setting about to love our neighbor, to settle a dispute, to share in the suffering of others or to speak up on behalf of the marginalized, we inevitably must engage in communication. And what could be more natural, more human, than communication?

    But we all learn quickly enough that good communication is not always natural. ...

  • Art and the Bible, By Francis A. Schaeffer

    Art and the Bible

    IVP Classics

    by Francis A. Schaeffer
    Foreword by Michael Card

    "The lordship of Christ should include an interest in the arts," writes Francis Schaeffer. "A Christian should use these arts to the glory of God, not just as tracts, mind you, but as things of beauty to the praise of God." Many Christians, wary of creating graven images, have steered clear of artistic creativity. But the Bible offers a robust affirmation of the arts. The human impulse to create ...