Showing 201 - 210 of 1905 results

  • The Leadership Ellipse: Shaping How We Lead by Who We Are, By Robert A. Fryling The Leadership Ellipse: Shaping How We Lead by Who We Are, By Robert A. Fryling

    The Leadership Ellipse

    Shaping How We Lead by Who We Are

    by Robert A. Fryling
    Foreword by Eugene H. Peterson

    Everyone in a position of responsibility knows the tension of leadership. It may be between tasks or people, money or mission, the present or the future. One often neglected tension is between our inner spiritual longings and the outward needs of the group we lead. But we need not feel forced to choose between the two. Leadership has more in common with an ellipse with two focal points than a bull's-eye ...

  • What Your Body Knows About God: How We Are Designed to Connect, Serve and Thrive, By Rob Moll

    What Your Body Knows About God

    How We Are Designed to Connect, Serve and Thrive

    by Rob Moll
    Foreword by Michael Card

    Have you ever had an experience where you felt particularly aware of God? If God is real, and we are created in God's image, then it makes sense that our minds and bodies would be designed with the perceptive ability to sense and experience God. Scientists are now discovering ways that our bodies are designed to connect with God. Brain research shows that our brain systems are wired to enable ...

  • The Vulnerable Pastor: How Human Limitations Empower Our Ministry, By Mandy Smith

    The Vulnerable Pastor

    How Human Limitations Empower Our Ministry

    by Mandy Smith
    Foreword by David Hansen

    Missio Alliance Essential Reading List

    Hearts Minds Bookstore's Best Books's Top Reads

    Englewood Review of Books Best Books

    Leadership Journal's Best Ministry Books of the Year

    Often as pastors we feel like we need to project strength and competency in order ...

  • The Relational Pastor: Sharing in Christ by Sharing Ourselves, By Andrew Root

    The Relational Pastor

    Sharing in Christ by Sharing Ourselves

    by Andrew Root

    One of the Academy of Parish Clergy's "Top 10 Books for Parish Ministry"

    When is the last time you asked yourself hard questions about why you were pursuing certain relationships in your ministry? Could it be that the end game for many of us is not relationship per se but loyalty, adherence, even submission? The sheep in our flock become the means to our end: pastoring becomes ...

  • Why Do I Feel Like This?: Understand Your Difficult Emotions and Find Grace to Move Through, By Peace Amadi

    Why Do I Feel Like This?

    Understand Your Difficult Emotions and Find Grace to Move Through

    by Peace Amadi

    "Why do I feel this way?"

    Sometimes life is a mess and we get overwhelmed by all sorts of conflicting, difficult emotions. We might be stressed or weary, anxious or fearful, paralyzed by insecurity or crushed by pain. Worse yet, some well-meaning people invalidate our feelings and tell us to just cheer up and forget our worries.

    Rather than bypass the reality of our ...

  • Lead Like It Matters to God by Richard Stearns, president emeritus of World Vision US, has been named the Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) 2021 Outcomes Conference Book of the Year. Stearns will speak about his new book and the theme of thriving as Christian leaders at the Outcomes Conference June 15-17 in Orlando, Florida.

  • The Third Third of Life: Preparing for Your Future, By Walter C. Wright, Jr.

    The Third Third of Life

    Preparing for Your Future

    by Walter C. Wright, Jr.
    Foreword by Max De Pree

    Considering retirement can be daunting. How do you know how to best plan for the future? Now there's a helpful guidebook to lead you thoughtfully into the third third of life. In this brief workbook Walter C. Wright provides eight sessions to help those moving toward retirement plan out their next steps. Developed and field-tested at the Max De Pree Center for Leadership, this guide includes material ...

  • 10 Great Ideas from Church History: A Decision-Maker's Guide to Shaping Your Church, By Mark R. Shaw

    10 Great Ideas from Church History

    A Decision-Maker's Guide to Shaping Your Church

    by Mark R. Shaw

    Tired of following the latest church-growth fad? In many churches, building vision means embracing the ideas of the latest guru and jumping from one program to another. Ministry decisions are made according to the crisis of the moment or the pressures of the bottom line. Long-term planning can seem like an impossible dream. This book offers something different. Here are ideas that have stood the ...

  • Strong and Weak: Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing, By Andy Crouch

    Strong and Weak

    Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing

    The IVP Signature Collection

    by Andy Crouch

    Flourishing people are strong and weak.

    Two common temptations lure us away from abundant living: withdrawing into safety and grasping for power. True flourishing, says Andy Crouch, travels down an unexpected path—being both strong and weak.

    We see this unlikely mixture in the best leaders—people who use their authority for the benefit of others while also showing extraordinary ...

  • Creative Church Handbook: Releasing the Power of the Arts in Your Congregation, By J. Scott McElroy

    Creative Church Handbook

    Releasing the Power of the Arts in Your Congregation

    by J. Scott McElroy

    If the future is creative, is it any wonder that sometimes the church seems stuck in the past? Now is the time for the church to reclaim its role as a center of creativity. Among your members are artists, musicians and other creatives whose gifts can enhance your worship, inform your theology and impact your community. Christian arts advocate J. Scott McElroy gives a comprehensive vision and manual ...