Showing 2101 - 2110 of 2386 results

  • The Path of Celtic Prayer: An Ancient Way to Everyday Joy, By Calvin Miller

    The Path of Celtic Prayer

    An Ancient Way to Everyday Joy

    by Calvin Miller

    Discover an ancient way of prayer that leads us to new union with God. "Long ago," Calvin Miller writes, "when the Celts built their own rustic kingdom of God in what would later be the British Isles, their fervor in prayer washed their world in a vital revival." In uncertain and dangerous days of high infant-mortality rates, leprosy and plagues, the Celts breathed candid prayers out of the reality ...

  • One Faith: The Evangelical Consensus, By J. I. Packer and Thomas C. Oden

    One Faith

    The Evangelical Consensus

    by J. I. Packer and Thomas C. Oden

    Jesus Christ promised a unity for his church. Are there now clear evidences of that within evangelicalism? Or are evangelicals fragmenting into ever smaller divisions? Renowned theologians J. I. Packer and Thomas C. Oden make the case that there is a significant theological consensus holding the evangelical church together. With copious citations from statements produced since 1950 that are widely ...

  • The Blessing of Africa: The Bible and African Christianity, By Keith Augustus Burton

    The Blessing of Africa

    The Bible and African Christianity

    by Keith Augustus Burton

    According to some estimates, Africa will soon have the highest concentration of Christians in the world. But African Christianity has had a long and conflicted history. Even today, modern misinterpretations of Scripture argue for God's curse upon the dark-skinned peoples of Africa. In this comprehensive study, Keith Burton traces the story of biblical Africa and the place of the Bible in the land ...

  • The God of the Gospel: Robert Jenson's Trinitarian Theology, By Scott R. Swain

    The God of the Gospel

    Robert Jenson's Trinitarian Theology

    Strategic Initiatives in Evangelical Theology

    by Scott R. Swain

    Who is the God of the gospel? Robert W. Jenson's way of answering this question, according to Scott Swain, hinges on the nature of the relationship between God in himself and the redemptive events through which God becomes our God. Swain first locates Jenson's pursuit of a relentlessly "evangelical" understanding of God in the broader history of trinitarian theology after Karl Barth, ...

  • The Trinity & Subordinationism: The Doctrine of God & the Contemporary Gender Debate, By Kevin Giles

    The Trinity & Subordinationism

    The Doctrine of God & the Contemporary Gender Debate

    by Kevin Giles

    Subordination has been and still is a controversial subject within the church. The concept has been vigorously debated in relation to the doctrine of the Trinity since the fourth century. Certain New Testament texts have made it part of discussions of right relations between men and women. In recent years these two matters have been dramatically brought together. Indeed, today the doctrine of the ...

  • Surprised by Jesus: His Agenda for Changing Everything in A.D. 30 and Today, By Tim Stafford

    Surprised by Jesus

    His Agenda for Changing Everything in A.D. 30 and Today

    by Tim Stafford

    We all know who Jesus is--or think we do. We see children flock to him and gentle wisdom lovingly pour from him. We see the kindest man in the world. But these pictures are deceptively familiar. In the Gospels Jesus says and does many puzzling things--like shriveling a fig tree or telling followers to keep his miracles a secret. He is hard on his opponents, the Pharisees, but also makes extreme ...

  • How to Lead a LifeGuide® Bible Study, By Jack Kuhatschek and Cindy Bunch

    How to Lead a LifeGuide® Bible Study

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Jack Kuhatschek and Cindy Bunch

    You can be the match that ignites a great Bible discussion! You only need a few basic skills. This ten-session guidebook by Jack Kuhatschek and Cindy Bunch (both veteran discussion leaders and experienced LifeGuide® Bible Study creators) will show you

    • how to start a group
    • how to decide what to study
    • how to prepare to lead
    • how to study the Bible
    • how ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • The Suburban Christian: Finding Spiritual Vitality in the Land of Plenty, By Albert Y. Hsu

    The Suburban Christian

    Finding Spiritual Vitality in the Land of Plenty

    by Albert Y. Hsu

    Suburbia: Paradise or Wasteland? Suburbia is a place of spiritual yearnings. People come to suburbia looking for a fresh start, the second chance, a new life. It embodies the hopes and longings of its residents, dreams for the future, safety and security for their children, and the search for meaningful community and relationships. Yet much in our suburban world militates against such aspirations, ...

  • In Defense of Natural Theology: A Post-Humean Assessment, Edited by James F. Sennett and Douglas Groothuis

    In Defense of Natural Theology

    A Post-Humean Assessment

    Edited by James F. Sennett and Douglas Groothuis

    The shadow of David Hume, the eighteenth-century Scottish philosopher, has loomed large against all efforts to prove the existence of God from evidence in the natural world. Indeed from Hume's day to ours, the vast majority of philosophical attacks against the rationality of theism have borne an unmistakable Humean aroma. The last forty years, however, have been marked by a resurgence in Christian ...

  • The Soul Tells a Story: Engaging Creativity with Spirituality in the Writing Life, By Vinita Hampton Wright

    The Soul Tells a Story

    Engaging Creativity with Spirituality in the Writing Life

    by Vinita Hampton Wright

    There is a reason artists tend to feel a sense of the sacred in their work. It's the same reason those on the path of spiritual formation find that creative exercises lead them into a deeper, more authentic experience with God. Creative work is soul work, and soul work is always creative work. Feeding one while neglecting the other will leave you restless and unsatisfied. Nurturing them both will ...