Showing 2111 - 2120 of 2508 results

  • Pioneering Movements: Leadership That Multiplies Disciples and Churches, By Steve Addison

    Pioneering Movements

    Leadership That Multiplies Disciples and Churches

    by Steve Addison
    Foreword by Dave Ferguson

    God's mission needs movement leaders. Jesus pioneered something completely new in human history—a dynamic missionary movement intent on reaching the world. His mission is as clear and as relevant today as in the days of the early church: to make disciples everywhere, baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything Jesus has commanded. But the potential of the church remains untapped. What does ...

  • Children's Ministry in the Way of Jesus, By David M. Csinos and Ivy Beckwith

    Children's Ministry in the Way of Jesus

    by David M. Csinos and Ivy Beckwith
    Foreword by John H. Westerhoff III

    Attract kids to church, the logic often goes, and you get parents in the pews. All that's left, then, is to get the kids out of the way. Here children's ministers David Csinos and Ivy Beckwith draw on research in human development and spiritual formation to show how children become disciples and churches become centers of lifelong discipleship. For too long, the local church has focused primarily ...

  • Grow Your Christian Life

    Grow Your Christian Life

    by InterVarsity Staff

    Let's face it. Being a Christian isn't easy. The world sure isn't out to help you. Sometimes neither are friends or family. Money, job, studies, bills, career, fun and the future all compete for your time and energy. If God is going to have a say in all this, you're going to need all the help you can get. That's where this book comes in. It provides you with a 30-minute daily workout with God. ...

    Number of Studies: 84

  • Become What You Are: Spiritual Formation According to the Sermon on the Mount, By William W. Klein

    Become What You Are

    Spiritual Formation According to the Sermon on the Mount

    by William W. Klein

    If you were sitting today on a hillside listening to Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, how ought you respond? Become What You Are is the insider's guide to Jesus' agenda—the goal of spiritual formation. This goal is a transformed heart, a change at the inner center of our being, that leads to a life that pleases God. Or, as a shorthand, it means becoming like Christ. This unique approach to ...

  • The Crucifixion of Ministry: Surrendering Our Ambitions to the Service of Christ, By Andrew Purves

    The Crucifixion of Ministry

    Surrendering Our Ambitions to the Service of Christ

    by Andrew Purves

    As a pastor, do you ever get the feeling that no matter what you try, nothing much seems to change? That is because the ministries themselves are not redemptive--they are not up to you. Only Jesus' ministry is redemptive. Jesus has to "show up." Theologian Andrew Purves explores at the deepest level the true and essential nature of Christian ministry. He says that the attempt to be an effective ...

  • The God Conversation: Using Stories and Illustrations to Explain Your Faith, By J. P. Moreland and Tim Muehlhoff

    The God Conversation

    Using Stories and Illustrations to Explain Your Faith

    by J. P. Moreland and Tim Muehlhoff
    Foreword by Lee Strobel

    Think of it this way . . . Our beliefs are challenged from many directions. Every day it seems more difficult to explain to our friends, families, and neighbors what we believe and why. When our ideas and arguments fail to persuade them, what then? Is there another approach we can take? Veteran apologists and communicators J. P. Moreland and Tim Muehlhoff say that the best way to win over others ...

  • Community Is Messy: The Perils and Promise of Small Group Ministry, By Heather Zempel

    Community Is Messy

    The Perils and Promise of Small Group Ministry

    by Heather Zempel

    Heather Zempel oversees the community life at a multisite church in Washington, D.C., a challenging population with one of the highest relocation rates in the United States. And yet under her leadership, National Community Church has become a model for creative, dynamic, deep small group ministry. Drawing from her background as an environmental engineer (including such bizarre experiences as monitoring ...

  • To Alter Your World: Partnering with God to Rebirth Our Communities, By Michael Frost and Christiana Rice

    To Alter Your World

    Partnering with God to Rebirth Our Communities

    by Michael Frost and Christiana Rice

    • 15th Annual Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year - Also Recommended in Church

    In Christ, a new world is being born and the new creation is unfurling all around us. God is directing history toward the future restoration, repair, and renewal of all creation. And our job is to cooperate with God in being a sign and foretaste of that coming world. Renowned missional ...

  • Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered, By Rory Noland

    Transforming Worship

    Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered

    Transforming Resources

    by Rory Noland
    Foreword by Ruth Haley Barton

    Spiritual formation is the key to the survival of our faith.

    There is an urgent need today for church services that are substantive and purposeful. Stigmatized by scandal, the church in North America and throughout Europe has been branded as useless and irrelevant. To stem the tide of nominal Christianity, we need to get serious about making disciples who can make other disciples.

    Rory ...

  • Preaching the New Testament, Edited by Ian Paul and David Wenham

    Preaching the New Testament

    Edited by Ian Paul and David Wenham

    The New Testament writers proclaimed their message passionately and persuasively. This volume explores how we can preach faithfully from those texts. The chapters cover the main texts and genres of the New Testament, and offer particular insights into the infancy narratives, parables, miracles, the Sermon on the Mount, ethics, future hope and judgment, archaeology and history, hermeneutics and the ...