Showing 2151 - 2160 of 3635 results

  • Predestination and Free Will: Four Views of Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom, Edited by David Basinger and Randall Basinger

    Predestination and Free Will

    Four Views of Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by David Basinger and Randall Basinger
    Contributions by John Feinberg, Norman L. Geisler, Bruce Reichenbach, and Clark H. Pinnock

    If God is in control, are people really free?

    This question has bothered Christians for centuries. And answers have covered a wide spectrum. Today Christians still disagree. Those who emphasize human freedom view it as a reflection of God's self-limited power. Others look at human freedom in the order of God's overall control.

    In this Spectrum Multiview volume, David ...

  • Unapologetic Apologetics: Meeting the Challenges of Theological Studies, Edited by William A. Dembski and Jay W. Richards

    Unapologetic Apologetics

    Meeting the Challenges of Theological Studies

    Edited by William A. Dembski and Jay W. Richards
    Foreword by Phillip E. Johnson
    Afterword by James Parker III

    As objective truth has come under suspicion in theological study during recent years, scholars and students have also begun to take less seriously the task of persuading others to believe. Apologetics has been neglected, misunderstood and misrepresented. Unwilling to accept this new status quo, editors William Dembski and Jay Wesley Richards, along with their team of expert contributors, firmly ...

  • C. S. Lewis's Case for Christ: Insights from Reason, Imagination and Faith, By Art Lindsley

    C. S. Lewis's Case for Christ

    Insights from Reason, Imagination and Faith

    by Art Lindsley

    There can be many obstacles to faith. As Art Lindsley says, "Lewis knew what it was like not to believe. He struggled with many doubts along the way to faith. Since he was an ardent atheist until age thirty-one, Lewis's experience and education prepared him to understand firsthand the most common arguments against Christianity." As a scholar and teacher of literature at Oxford, Lewis ...

  • Genesis in Space and Time, By Francis A. Schaeffer

    Genesis in Space and Time

    by Francis A. Schaeffer

    Genesis is a book of origins--the origin of the universe, the origin of life and the origin of man. It places man in his cosmic setting, shows his particular uniquness, explains his wonder and his flaw, and begins to trace the flow of human history through space and time.

    Many today, however, view this book as a collection of myths, useful for understanding the Hebrew mind, perhaps, but certainly ...

  • All Will Be Well: Learning to Trust God's Love, By Lacy Finn Borgo

    All Will Be Well

    Learning to Trust God's Love

    by Lacy Finn Borgo
    Illustrated by Rebecca Evans

    "Then when you don't see me anymore, I will be where God is," said Mima, "because God loves you and God loves me, 'All will be well, all will be well, everything will be well.'"

    Mima is very sick, and just thinking about it makes Julian very sad and very angry. Julian is worried about Mima and wonders if God can hear her or if God cares. So Mima explains to Julian ...

  • Help Me Believe: Direct Answers to Real Questions, By Cliffe Knechtle

    Help Me Believe

    Direct Answers to Real Questions

    by Cliffe Knechtle

    It's natural for you to have questions about Christianity. What does Jesus really have to offer in a world that is so complicated, where there's so much pain? What difference could he possibly make in your life? For years Cliffe Knechtle has been fielding questions about and objections to Christianity from thousands of people. They want to know what you want to know--what does Jesus have to do ...

  • Grand Central Question: Answering the Critical Concerns of the Major Worldviews, By Abdu H. Murray

    Grand Central Question

    Answering the Critical Concerns of the Major Worldviews

    by Abdu H. Murray

    All religions and worldviews seek to answer the fundamental questions of human existence: Why am I here? What does it mean to be human? Why is there evil in the world and how do we deal with it? But not every worldview places equal emphasis on each issue. The main worldviews each tend to stress a different central question. Secular humanism focuses on: What is the inherent value of human beings? ...