Showing 2161 - 2170 of 2647 results

  • On Tuesday, November 5, InterVarsity Press will be launching its first book by a United States independent presidential candidate. Mark Charles, and coauthor, Soong-Chan Rah, will be releasing Unsettling Truths: The Ongoing, Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery.

  • A Parent's Guide to Harry Potter, By Gina Burkart

    A Parent's Guide to Harry Potter

    by Gina Burkart
    Foreword by Connie Neal

    Harry Potter has captivated the imagination of millions of children. And Harry Potter has caused controversy in churches and schools. What's a parent to do with the magical, mystical world of Harry and his friends? Gina Burkart chose to read the books with her own children. As they read together, she discovered many parallels between Christian faith and the themes of these books. Indeed, the escapades ...

  • Faithful Work: In the Daily Grind with God and for Others, By Ross Chapman and Ryan Tafilowski

    Faithful Work

    In the Daily Grind with God and for Others

    by Ross Chapman and Ryan Tafilowski

    One-third of our waking lives is spent at work. Work is where we make culture and come into contact with our world. Work is central to God's mission to redeem souls, systems, and structures. And God works through our work to bring hope to the brokenness and fallenness of our surrounding culture.

    The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news for the world, and that includes the transformation ...

  • Recovering the Scandal of the Cross: Atonement in New Testament and Contemporary Contexts, By Mark D. Baker and Joel B. Green

    Recovering the Scandal of the Cross

    Atonement in New Testament and Contemporary Contexts

    by Mark D. Baker and Joel B. Green

    For the first-century Roman world the cross was first and foremost an instrument of shameful and violent execution. But early Christians, who had seen their world upended by the atoning power of the cross of Christ, came to view it in an entirely different light. Deeply scandalous, it was paradoxically glorious. For the cross of Christ marked the epochal saving event in God's dealings with Israel ...

  • 2 Timothy: Standing Firm in Truth, By John Stott

    2 Timothy

    Standing Firm in Truth

    John Stott Bible Studies

    by John Stott
    With Lin Johnson

    Study Scripture with John Stott

    "Our era is one of theological and moral confusion, even of apostasy. And the apostle summons us, as he summoned Timothy, to be strong, brave and steadfast." In this way John Stott summarizes the message of Paul's second letter to Timothy, a letter about leadership and responsibility. The inductive studies in this newly updated guide speak to ...

    Number of Studies: 8