Showing 2171 - 2180 of 2384 results

  • Beyond the Modern Age: An Archaeology of Contemporary Culture, By Bob Goudzwaard and Craig G. Bartholomew

    Beyond the Modern Age

    An Archaeology of Contemporary Culture

    by Bob Goudzwaard and Craig G. Bartholomew

    The modern age has produced global crises that modernity itself seems incapable of resolving—deregulated capitalism, consumerism, economic inequality, militarization, overworked laborers, environmental destruction, insufficient health care, and many other problems. The future of our world depends on moving beyond the modern age. Bob Goudzwaard and Craig G. Bartholomew have spent decades listening ...

  • Impossible People: Christian Courage and the Struggle for the Soul of Civilization, By Os Guinness

    Impossible People

    Christian Courage and the Struggle for the Soul of Civilization

    by Os Guinness

    • ECPA 2017 Christian Book Award Finalist

    The church in the West is at a critical moment. While the gospel is exploding throughout the global south, Western civilization faces militant assaults from aggressive secularism and radical Islam. Will the church resist the seductive shaping power of advanced modernity? More than ever, Christians must resist the negative ...

  • Impossible People: Christian Courage and the Struggle for the Soul of Civilization, By Os Guinness

    Impossible People

    Christian Courage and the Struggle for the Soul of Civilization

    by Os Guinness

    • ECPA 2017 Christian Book Award Finalist

    The church in the West is at a critical moment. While the gospel is exploding throughout the global south, Western civilization faces militant assaults from aggressive secularism and radical Islam. Will the church resist the seductive shaping power of advanced modernity? More than ever, Christians must resist the negative ...

  • Pocket Dictionary of Ethics: Over 300 Terms  Ideas Clearly  Concisely Defined, By Stanley J. Grenz and Jay T. Smith

    Pocket Dictionary of Ethics

    Over 300 Terms Ideas Clearly Concisely Defined

    The IVP Pocket Reference Series

    by Stanley J. Grenz and Jay T. Smith

    Ethics is as old as the city-state and as new as cyberspace. Guided by the wagon tracks of moral tradition, it nevertheless rides the cutting edge of science and technology. Increasingly it is moving into the corner offices of law, business, medicine, science and technology.

    But few of us arrive in our first ethics class--or take our seat on an ethics committee--with a grip on the range of ...

  • Commentary on Isaiah, By Eusebius of Caesarea

    Commentary on Isaiah

    Ancient Christian Texts

    by Eusebius of Caesarea
    Translated by Jonathan J. Armstrong
    Edited by Joel C. Elowsky

    Preaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference

    Eusebius of Caesarea (ca. 260--ca. 340), one of the early church's great polymaths, produced significant works as a historian (Ecclesiastical History), geographer (Onomasticon), philologist, exegete (commentaries on the Psalms and Isaiah), apologist (Preparation for and Demonstration ...

  • Commentary on Jeremiah, By Jerome

    Commentary on Jeremiah

    Ancient Christian Texts

    by Jerome
    Translated by Michael Graves
    Edited by Christopher A. Hall
    Series edited by Thomas C. Oden and Gerald L. Bray

    Jerome (c. 347-419), one of the West's four doctors of the church, was recognized early on as one of the church's foremost translators, commentators and advocates of Christian asceticism. Skilled in Hebrew and Greek in addition to his native Latin, he was thoroughly familiar with Jewish traditions and brought them to bear on his understanding of the Old Testament. In 405 Jerome completed his Latin ...

  • Lectures on the Psalms, By Didymus the Blind

    Lectures on the Psalms

    Ancient Christian Texts

    by Didymus the Blind
    Edited and Translated by Jonathan Douglas Hicks

    "The Lord shepherds me, and nothing will be lacking for me. In a place of tender grass, there he causes me to encamp."

    In his reading of Psalm 23, early Christian theologian Didymus the Blind perceived the comfort that is provided only by Christ, the good shepherd: "The disciples of Christ who have become perfect in his instruction . . . do not simply hear a voice, ...

  • The Message of Psalms 1–72, By Michael Wilcock

    The Message of Psalms 1–72

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Michael Wilcock

    The book of Psalms is a favorite of Christians, even though we frequently read it in portions and pieces, hopscotching through the familiar and avoiding the odd, the unpleasant, and the difficult. But though the individual psalms arose from an assortment of times, experiences, and settings, the book is composed in a deliberate pattern, not as a random anthology. The meaning of the ...

  • The Message of Psalms 73–150, By Michael Wilcock

    The Message of Psalms 73–150

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Michael Wilcock

    The book of Psalms is a favorite of Christians, even though we frequently read it in portions and pieces, hopscotching through the familiar and avoiding the odd, the unpleasant, and the difficult. But though the individual psalms arose from an assortment of times, experiences, and settings, the book is composed in a deliberate pattern, not as a random anthology. The meaning of the ...

  • Psalms 1-50, Edited by Craig A. Blaising and Carmen S. Hardin

    Psalms 1-50

    Volume 7

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Craig A. Blaising and Carmen S. Hardin
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    The Psalms have long served a vital role in the individual and corporate lives of Christians, expressing the full range of human emotions, including some that we are ashamed to admit. The Psalms reverberate with joy, groan in pain, whimper with sadness, grumble in disappointment, and rage with anger. The church fathers employed the Psalms widely. In liturgy they used them both ...