Showing 221 - 230 of 2508 results

  • Mapping Apologetics: Comparing Contemporary Approaches, By Brian K. Morley

    Mapping Apologetics

    Comparing Contemporary Approaches

    by Brian K. Morley

    Everyone believes something. But how and why do people believe? What counts as evidence? How much can be assumed or believed by faith alone? When it comes to religious faith, the questions become at once more difficult and more important. Over the centuries, Christians have offered different approaches to explaining or defending the Christian faith, a discipline known as apologetics. But it has ...

  • The Journey Toward Wholeness Study Guide, By Suzanne Stabile

    The Journey Toward Wholeness Study Guide

    by Suzanne Stabile

    "The Enneagram teaches us that there are nine ways of being in the world, and it highlights the nine habitual, predictable ways that we get ourselves into trouble," writes Suzanne Stabile. "Without hearing the stories of how challenging it has been for other people, we end up thinking we are the only ones struggling."

    This is why group discussion and shared experience around ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • Live the Questions: How Searching Shapes Our Convictions and Commitments, By Jeffrey F. Keuss

    Live the Questions

    How Searching Shapes Our Convictions and Commitments

    by Jeffrey F. Keuss

    "Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer." —Rainer Maria Rilke Life is full of questions: questions about our identity, our relationships, our faith. Sometimes it seems like there are no easy answers. But our questioning can lead us on a journey into greater understanding and purpose. Jeffrey Keuss ...

  • The Gospel, By John Stott

    The Gospel

    God's Word for Today

    by John Stott
    With Tim Chester

    How can Christians effectively engage today's world while staying true to Scripture? Calling us to listen well to both the Word and the world, John Stott shows how Christianity can preserve its authentic identity and remain relevant to current realities. With the God's Word for Today series, pastor Tim Chester has updated Stott's classic book The Contemporary Christian ...

  • Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith, By Douglas Groothuis

    Christian Apologetics

    A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith

    by Douglas Groothuis

    Second Edition of a Landmark Apologetics Work

    People are hungry for hope.They want to understand our human condition—its origin, nature, purpose, and destiny. The Christian faith offers hope for individuals and the entire universe, grounded in absolute truth. But how can we know that Christianity is true? And how can Christians confidently present their beliefs in the face ...

  • Lead Like It Matters to God: Values-Driven Leadership in a Success-Driven World, By Richard Stearns

    Lead Like It Matters to God

    Values-Driven Leadership in a Success-Driven World

    by Richard Stearns

    Outcomes Conference Book of the Year
    Christian Book Award Finalist

    Richard Stearns is a leader who has been tested as a CEO in both secular companies and also as the head of one of the world’s largest Christian ministries. After stints as CEO of Parker Brothers and then Lenox, Stearns accepted the invitation to leave his corporate career to ...

  • Small Things with Great Love: Adventures in Loving Your Neighbor, By Margot Starbuck

    Small Things with Great Love

    Adventures in Loving Your Neighbor

    by Margot Starbuck
    Foreword by Tony Campolo

    Midwest Publishing Association Crystal Book Award honorable mention

    Margot Starbuck is back with as much passion and energy as ever. In thirty brief chapters, she invites you to choose the adventure that fits who you are in authentically loving those around you.

    Yes, she knows: just the thought of adding something more to your life sounds exhausting. But here's ...

  • Sculptor Spirit: Models of Sanctification from Spirit Christology, By Leopoldo A. Sánchez M.

    Sculptor Spirit

    Models of Sanctification from Spirit Christology

    by Leopoldo A. Sánchez M.
    Foreword by Oscar García-Johnson

    The Holy Spirit is sculpting you. Like the work of an artist who molds a lump of clay into its intended shape, the Spirit's sanctifying work lies in shaping people into the image of Christ. Avoiding either a "Spirit-only" or a "Spirit-void" theology, Leopoldo Sánchez carefully crafts a Spirit Christology, which considers the role of God's Spirit in the life and mission of Jesus. ...

  • Is Christianity the White Man's Religion?: How the Bible Is Good News for People of Color, By Antipas L. Harris Is Christianity the White Man's Religion?: How the Bible Is Good News for People of Color, By Antipas L. Harris

    Is Christianity the White Man's Religion?

    How the Bible Is Good News for People of Color

    by Antipas L. Harris

    Among many young people of color, there is a growing wariness about organized religion and Christianity in particular. If Christianity is for everyone, why does the Bible seem to endorse slavery? Why do most popular images of Jesus feature a man with white skin and blue eyes? Is evangelical Christianity "good news" or a tool of white supremacy?

    As our society increases in ...

  • Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity, By David W. Swanson Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity, By David W. Swanson

    Rediscipling the White Church

    From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity

    by David W. Swanson
    Foreword by Brenda Salter McNeil

    "Many white Christians across America are waking up to the fact that something is seriously wrong—but often this is where we get stuck."

    Confronted by the deep-rooted racial injustice in our society, many white Christians instinctively scramble to add diversity to their churches and ministries. But is diversity really the answer to the widespread racial dysfunction we see ...