Showing 2301 - 2310 of 2384 results

  • Thriving with Stone Age Minds: Evolutionary Psychology, Christian Faith, and the Quest for Human Flourishing, By Justin L. Barrett

    Thriving with Stone Age Minds

    Evolutionary Psychology, Christian Faith, and the Quest for Human Flourishing

    BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity

    by Justin L. Barrett
    With Pamela Ebstyne King

    What does God's creation of humanity through the process of evolution mean for human flourishing? The emerging field of evolutionary psychology remains controversial, perhaps especially among Christians. Yet according to Justin Barrett and Pamela Ebstyne King it can be a powerful tool for understanding human nature and our distinctively human purpose.

    Thriving with Stone ...

  • Embodying Integration: A Fresh Look at Christianity in the Therapy Room, By Megan Anna Neff and Mark R. McMinn

    Embodying Integration

    A Fresh Look at Christianity in the Therapy Room

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by Megan Anna Neff and Mark R. McMinn

    Discussing spirituality and religion in the therapy room is increasingly accepted, some even forgetting that integration of psychology and Christianity was once a rare thing. Yet even as the decades-long integration movement has been so effective, the counselor's lived context in which integration happens grows increasingly complex, and the movement has reached a new turning point. ...

  • Virtuous Minds: Intellectual Character Development, By Philip E. Dow

    Virtuous Minds

    Intellectual Character Development

    by Philip E. Dow

    Templeton Foundation Character Project's Character Essay and Book Prize Competition award winner

    What does it mean to love God with all of our minds?

    Our culture today is in a state of crisis where intellectual virtue is concerned. Dishonesty, cheating, arrogance, laziness, cowardice--such vices are rampant in society, even among the world's most prominent leaders. ...

  • Beyond the Clinical Hour: How Counselors Can Partner with the Church to Address the Mental Health Crisis, By James N. Sells and Amy Trout and Heather C. Sells

    Beyond the Clinical Hour

    How Counselors Can Partner with the Church to Address the Mental Health Crisis

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by James N. Sells, Amy Trout, and Heather C. Sells
    Foreword by Ed Stetzer

    The global mental health crisis is growing faster than our existing mental health care system can address. To meet the scope of human need, we need new models of care. The good news is that there is an institution uniquely positioned with the resources and the heart to help: the church.

    Psychologists James Sells and Amy Trout and journalist Heather Sells know firsthand the ...

  • Holy War in the Bible: Christian Morality and an Old Testament Problem, Edited by Heath A. Thomas and Jeremy A. Evans and Paul Copan

    Holy War in the Bible

    Christian Morality and an Old Testament Problem

    Edited by Heath A. Thomas, Jeremy A. Evans, and Paul Copan

    The challenge of a seemingly genocidal God who commands ruthless warfare has bewildered Bible readers for generations. The theme of divine war is not limited to the Old Testament historical books, however. It is also prevalent in the prophets and wisdom literature as well. Still it doesn?t stop. The New Testament book of Revelation, too, is full of such imagery. Our questions multiply.

    • Why ...
  • Political Visions & Illusions: A Survey & Christian Critique of Contemporary Ideologies, By David T. Koyzis

    Political Visions & Illusions

    A Survey & Christian Critique of Contemporary Ideologies

    by David T. Koyzis
    Foreword by Richard J. Mouw

    What you believe about politics matters. The decades since the Cold War, with new alignments of post–9/11 global politics and the chaos of the late 2010s, are swirling with alternative visions of political life, ranging from ethnic nationalism to individualistic liberalism. Political ideologies are not merely a matter of governmental efficacy, but are intrinsically and inescapably ...

  • Intercultural Theology, Volume One: Intercultural Hermeneutics, By Henning Wrogemann

    Intercultural Theology, Volume One

    Intercultural Hermeneutics

    Missiological Engagements

    by Henning Wrogemann
    Translated by Karl E. Böhmer

    Christianity is not only a global but also an intercultural phenomenon. The diversity of world Christianity is evident not merely outside our borders but even within our own neighborhoods.

    Over the past half century theologians and missiologists have addressed this reality by developing local and contextual theologies and by exploring issues like contextualization, inculturation, ...

  • Unapologetic Apologetics: Meeting the Challenges of Theological Studies, Edited by William A. Dembski and Jay W. Richards

    Unapologetic Apologetics

    Meeting the Challenges of Theological Studies

    Edited by William A. Dembski and Jay W. Richards
    Foreword by Phillip E. Johnson
    Afterword by James Parker III

    As objective truth has come under suspicion in theological study during recent years, scholars and students have also begun to take less seriously the task of persuading others to believe. Apologetics has been neglected, misunderstood and misrepresented. Unwilling to accept this new status quo, editors William Dembski and Jay Wesley Richards, along with their team of expert contributors, firmly ...

  • My Soul Waits: Solace for the Lonely in the Psalms, By Marva J. Dawn

    My Soul Waits

    Solace for the Lonely in the Psalms

    by Marva J. Dawn

    "An overwhelming number of us are lonely," writes Marva Dawn. "Sometimes we are lonely for a specific reason: our spouse has recently died or left us; our children have just gone from home or have been tragically killed; we are fighting a particular battle against illness or suffering the ravages of chemotherapy; we are new in the neighborhood; our values are different from those of our work colleagues; ...

  • Isaiah 1-39, Edited by Steven A. McKinion

    Isaiah 1-39

    Volume 10

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Steven A. McKinion
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given;
    and the government will be upon his shoulder
    and his name shall be called
    "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

    For the early church fathers the prophecy of Isaiah was not a compendium of Jewish history or theology but an announcement of the coming Messiah fulfilled in the ...