Showing 231 - 240 of 870 results

  • When Faith Becomes Sight: Opening Your Eyes to God's Presence All Around You, By Beth A. Booram and David Booram

    When Faith Becomes Sight

    Opening Your Eyes to God's Presence All Around You

    by Beth A. Booram and David Booram

    • 2019 IVP Readers' Choice Award

    Where can I turn to see God? How can I more clearly recognize God's nearness and initiative in my life?

    These are vital questions if you desire to know and experience the living God. As spiritual directors, Beth and David Booram have guided many people into deeper awareness of this living, present God at work ...

  • Two Steps Forward Study Guide, By Sharon Garlough Brown

    Two Steps Forward Study Guide

    Sensible Shoes Series

    by Sharon Garlough Brown

    The women of Sensible Shoes encounter new adventures and roadblocks in their spiritual journeys in Two Steps Forward. With this study guide, you can explore your own next steps as you dive into the book's spiritual formation themes along with Mara, Meg, Hannah, and Charissa. In this eight-week study guide you'll find daily Scripture readings, reflection questions, and spiritual ...

    Number of Studies: 8

  • An Extra Mile Study Guide, By Sharon Garlough Brown

    An Extra Mile Study Guide

    Sensible Shoes Series

    by Sharon Garlough Brown

    • 2019 Christianity Today's Book of the Year - Fiction

    What next steps is God calling you to take? Join the characters of An Extra Mile, the final book in the Sensible Shoes series, as they journey through the seasons of Lent and Easter. In this eight-week study guide you'll dive deeper into key spiritual practices from the book, ...

    Number of Studies: 8

  • An Extra Mile: A Story of Embracing God's Call, By Sharon Garlough Brown

    An Extra Mile

    A Story of Embracing God's Call

    Sensible Shoes Series

    by Sharon Garlough Brown

    Christianity Today Book of the Year Award

    The women of Sensible Shoes are navigating both deep joy and devastating loss. Can they find equilibrium in the midst of all that has changed?

    Mara: While faced with the turmoil of divorce and chaos at home, she is also listening for a call to serve others with courage and creativity.

    Hannah: ...

  • Life in the Presence of God: Practices for Living in Light of Eternity, By Kenneth Boa

    Life in the Presence of God

    Practices for Living in Light of Eternity

    by Kenneth Boa

    • 2018 IVP Readers' Choice Award

    God is everywhere and always with us. So why don't we experience his presence more? Life is full of distractions, and our 24/7 news cycles and social media drown out the voice of God. It's hard to discern God's presence amid the hubbub. But experiencing God is not just for the super-spiritual or ultra-mature. Every Christian can ...

  • Opening to God: Lectio Divina and Life as Prayer, By David G. Benner

    Opening to God

    Lectio Divina and Life as Prayer

    by David G. Benner

    Most Christians want to experience spiritual transformation. But many are frustrated by the limited progress of our spiritual self-improvement efforts. We find our praying burdened by a sense of obligation and failure.

    But prayer is not merely something we do; prayer is what God does in us. Prayer is not just communication with God—it is communion with God. As we open ourselves ...

  • Emmanuel Kolini: The Unlikely Archbishop of Rwanda, By Mary Weeks Millard

    Emmanuel Kolini

    The Unlikely Archbishop of Rwanda

    by Mary Weeks Millard

    Turbulent times of wars, oppression and adverse living conditions can break a man or forge him into a leader who inspires us. Such a man is Emmanuel Kolini, Archbishop of Rwanda and one of the leaders in the global Anglican Communion. He was born in a part of Africa that has had a long and troubling history of racial hatred and bloodshed. The author gives us a background and context for this hatred ...

  • To Think Christianly: A History of L'Abri, Regent College, and the Christian Study Center Movement, By Charles E. Cotherman

    To Think Christianly

    A History of L'Abri, Regent College, and the Christian Study Center Movement

    by Charles E. Cotherman
    Foreword by Kenneth G. Elzinga

    • 2020 ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    In the late 1960s and on into the next decade, the American pastor and bestselling author Francis Schaeffer regularly received requests from evangelicals across North America seeking his help to replicate his innovative learning community, L'Abri, within their own contexts. At the same time, an innovative ...