Showing 231 - 240 of 2912 results

  • Keeping God's Earth: The Global Environment in Biblical Perspective, Edited byNoah J. Toly and Daniel I. Block

    Keeping God's Earth

    The Global Environment in Biblical Perspective

    Edited by Noah J. Toly and Daniel I. Block

    Biblical Foundations Book Award

    Diversity of life. Water resources. Global climate change. Cities and global environmental issues. We all know being a Christian involves ethical responsibility. But what exactly are our environmental obligations? This unique volume edited by Wheaton College professors Noah J. Toly and Daniel I. Bock, teams up scientists with biblical scholars ...

  • Culture: Living in the Places of God, By Scott Nelson


    Living in the Places of God

    Forge Guides for Missional Conversation

    by Scott Nelson
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch

    The mission of God has a church. So the church needs to be in sync with the mission of God. This is the guiding philosophy of the Forge Missions Training Network, which has helped church leaders and laypeople alike all over the world to reach their neighbors, their neighborhoods and their communities with the gospel. In these guides you and your friends will be equipped to be missionaries where ...

  • Wait with Me: Meeting God in Loneliness, By Jason Gaboury

    Wait with Me

    Meeting God in Loneliness

    by Jason Gaboury

    "To be human is to be lonely." When his seventy-something spiritual director Friar Ugo spoke these words in a voice cracking with age, Jason Gaboury felt a deep sense of their truth. To the observer, Jason, a campus minister, active church member, and father with a young family, might not have seemed lonely. But it's how he felt. He has wrestled with loneliness ever since he can ...

  • Abraham: Hearing God's Call, By Jack Kuhatschek


    Hearing God's Call

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Jack Kuhatschek

    It sounded crazy. God had promised Abraham, an old man with no children, that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars. Yet Abraham chose to believe God, embarking on a transforming, lifelong journey of faith and obedience. God has made promises to us as well. As Jack Kuhatschek leads you through nine-session LifeGuide® Bible Study on Abraham's life, you'll learn to be a ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • Mission: Living for the Purposes of God, By Scott Nelson


    Living for the Purposes of God

    Forge Guides for Missional Conversation

    by Scott Nelson
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch

    The mission of God has a church. So the church needs to be in sync with the mission of God. This is the guiding philosophy of the Forge Missions Training Network, which has helped church leaders and laypeople alike all over the world to reach their neighbors, their neighborhoods and their communities with the gospel. In these guides you and your friends will be equipped to be missionaries where ...

  • Fearfully and Wonderfully: The Marvel of Bearing God's Image, By Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey

    Fearfully and Wonderfully

    The Marvel of Bearing God's Image

    by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey

    World Magazine Book of the Year Short List

    Discover this updated and combined edition of two bestselling books!

    The human body holds endlessly fascinating secrets. The resilience of skin, the strength and structure of the bones, the dynamic balance of the muscles—your physical being is knit according to a pattern of stunning purpose.

    In ...

  • The Analogy of Faith: The Quest for God's Speakability, By Archie J. Spencer

    The Analogy of Faith

    The Quest for God's Speakability

    Strategic Initiatives in Evangelical Theology

    by Archie J. Spencer

    If God is transcendent, how can human beings speak meaningfully about him? For centuries philosophers and theologians have asked whether and how it is possible to talk about God. The shared answer to this question goes by the name of "analogy," which recognizes both similarity and difference between the divine being and human language. In the twentieth century, Karl Barth, Erich Przywara, Hans ...

  • No Place for Sovereignty: What's Wrong with Freewill Theism, By R. K. McGregor Wright

    No Place for Sovereignty

    What's Wrong with Freewill Theism

    by R. K. McGregor Wright

    In recent years an increasing number of evangelical thinkers have called for a reevaluation of our understanding of God, making a case for what has variously been called "freewill theism" or the "open view" of God. R. K. McGregor Wright sees their efforts not as something radically new, but a contemporary reaffirmation of Arminianism. Concerned that evangelicals may soon find no place for sovereignty ...

  • Making Peace with the Land: God's Call to Reconcile with Creation, By Fred Bahnson and Norman Wirzba

    Making Peace with the Land

    God's Call to Reconcile with Creation

    Resources for Reconciliation

    by Fred Bahnson and Norman Wirzba
    Foreword by Bill McKibben

    God is reconciling all things in heaven and on earth. We are alienated not only from one another, but also from the land that sustains us. Our ecosystems are increasingly damaged, and human bodies are likewise degraded. Most of us have little understanding of how our energy is derived or our food is produced, and many of our current industrialized practices are both unhealthy for our bodies and ...