Showing 241 - 250 of 3945 results

  • The Old Testament in Seven Sentences: A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    The Old Testament in Seven Sentences

    A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic

    Introductions in Seven Sentences

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    Some people find the Old Testament to be confusing, out of date, and essentially replaced by the New Testament. They are missing out. The Old Testament offers us a grand narrative that reveals God's work, God's purposes, and God's wisdom. Christopher J. H. Wright fits the pieces together and shows us the coherent whole. Using seven key sentences drawn straight from the Old Testament, ...

  • The Race Set Before Us: A Biblical Theology of Perseverance  Assurance, By Thomas R. Schreiner and Ardel B. Caneday

    The Race Set Before Us

    A Biblical Theology of Perseverance Assurance

    by Thomas R. Schreiner and Ardel B. Caneday


    The New Testament often describes the Christian life as a marathon, a race set before us. But what exactly is the prize? Do all those completing the race share in it? And can the prize be lost?

    Tackling these and other vexing questions, Thomas Schreiner and Ardel Caneday offer in this book a serious, exegetical wrestling with the biblical ...

  • Run with the Horses: The Quest for Life at Its Best, By Eugene H. Peterson

    Run with the Horses

    The Quest for Life at Its Best

    by Eugene H. Peterson
    Preface by Eric E. Peterson

    Learning to Live the Life You Long For

    In Jeremiah 12:5 God says to the prophet, "If you're worn out in this footrace with men, what makes you think you can race against horses?"

    We all long to live life at its best—to fuse freedom and spontaneity with purpose and meaning. Why then do we often find our lives so humdrum, so unadventuresome, so routine? Or else so frantic, ...

  • The Listening Life: Embracing Attentiveness in a World of Distraction, By Adam S. McHugh

    The Listening Life

    Embracing Attentiveness in a World of Distraction

    by Adam S. McHugh

    Christianity Today's Book of the Year Award
    Logos Association Bookstore Award's Favorite Books of the Year
    Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year

    "Be quick to listen, slow to speak." —James 1:19

    How would our lives change if we approached every experience with the intention of listening first?

    In this ...

  • The Cultivated Life: From Ceaseless Striving to Receiving Joy, By Susan S. Phillips

    The Cultivated Life

    From Ceaseless Striving to Receiving Joy

    by Susan S. Phillips
    Foreword by Eugene H. Peterson

    Dallas Willard Center Book and Research Award Finalist

    Hearts Minds Bookstore's Best Books of 2015, Spirituality and the Devotional Life

    "This is a book written specifically for those of us who are assigned the task of developing an imagination for living the Christian faith with insight and skill in and for a society that is disconnected from the biblical ...

  • Theology for Better Counseling: Trinitarian Reflections for Healing and Formation, By Virginia Todd Holeman

    Theology for Better Counseling

    Trinitarian Reflections for Healing and Formation

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by Virginia Todd Holeman

    At one time, Virginia Todd Holeman "Toddy" thought being biblically literate was all she needed and had little interest in what real theologians talked about. But in her counseling she found that clients pressed her for more. They didn't just want what she had gained through training in the best theories and practices available for counseling. They asked hard theological questions often related ...

  • Christ's Empowering Presence: The Pursuit of God Through the Ages, By Gary Tyra

    Christ's Empowering Presence

    The Pursuit of God Through the Ages

    by Gary Tyra

    We all have deep longings and desires that can only be filled by His empowering presence. While many spiritual classics contain repeated references to a particular spiritual exercise: the cultivation of an ongoing awareness of Christ's empowering presence, Gary Tyra makes the claim that this particular activity is at the heart of Christian spirituality and provides the reader with:

  • Themes in Old Testament Theology, By William A. Dyrness

    Themes in Old Testament Theology

    by William A. Dyrness

    Studying the New Testament without a background in the Old is like listening to only the last movement of a great symphony. Unless we begin at the beginning, we miss the sense of developing themes and their subtle variations. To fully appreciate the music of the Bible, we need to listen to its early movements. William Dyrness helps us by providing a set of program notes to important Old Testament ...

  • A Week in the Life of a Greco-Roman Woman, By Holly Beers

    A Week in the Life of a Greco-Roman Woman

    A Week in the Life Series

    by Holly Beers

    In first-century Ephesus, life is not easy for women.

    A young wife meets her daily struggles with equanimity and courage. She holds poverty and hunger at bay, fights to keep her child healthy and strong, and navigates the unpredictability of her husband's temperament. But into the midst of her daily fears and worries, a new hope appears: a teaching that challenges her society's ...