Showing 241 - 250 of 2912 results

  • Heroes of Faith, By Douglas Connelly

    Heroes of Faith

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Douglas Connelly

    Abraham and Sarah. Noah. Rahab. Hebrews 11 gives us a list of role models: ordinary people who trusted God in radical ways. This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study on the heroes of faith from Hebrews will encourage you, inspire you and help deepen your own trust in our great God who still keeps all his promises, so that you might live out your faith in radical ways today. For over ...

    Number of Studies: 8

  • Spiritual Equipping for Mission: Thriving as God's Message Bearers, By Ryan Shaw

    Spiritual Equipping for Mission

    Thriving as God's Message Bearers

    by Ryan Shaw
    Foreword by Tom Lin

    God calls his people to mission. But the demands of crosscultural ministry can be overwhelming and draining, leading to discouragement and burnout. All of our strategies and methodologies for reaching others are useless if we are incapable of living the holy, faithful lives God intends for us. Yet God does not leave us on our own. The Holy Spirit equips us to succeed and thrive spiritually in preparation ...

  • The New Friars: The Emerging Movement Serving the World's Poor, By Scott A. Bessenecker

    The New Friars

    The Emerging Movement Serving the World's Poor

    by Scott A. Bessenecker

    • Finalist, Fourth Annual Outreach Resource of the Year (2006)

    Vows—exclusive promises or commitments—are almost unheard of these days. They're considered a quaint relic of times past when open options were not such highly regarded virtues. But many people in this commitment-averse culture are begging for someone to set the bar higher, to call them to higher levels ...

  • God and the Problem of Evil: Five Views, Edited by Chad Meister and James K. Dew Jr.

    God and the Problem of Evil

    Five Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by Chad Meister and James K. Dew Jr.

    Evil abounds. And so do the attempts to understand God in the face of such evil.

    The problem of evil is a constant challenge to faith in God. How can we believe in a loving and powerful God given the existence of so much suffering in the world? Philosophers and theologians have addressed this problem countless times over the centuries. New explanations have been proposed in ...

  • Ministry in the Image of God: The Trinitarian Shape of Christian Service, By Stephen Seamands

    Ministry in the Image of God

    The Trinitarian Shape of Christian Service

    by Stephen Seamands

    Christianity Today Book Awards Merit winner

    "As the Father has sent me, so I send you."

    Those of us called to Christian ministry are commissioned and sent by Jesus, just as he himself was called and sent by the Father. Thus we naturally pattern our ministries after Christ's example. But distinctively Christian service involves the Spirit as ...

  • The Pursuit of God in the Company of Friends, By Richard C. Lamb Jr.

    The Pursuit of God in the Company of Friends

    by Richard C. Lamb Jr.

    You were not meant to walk alone. Many of us struggle to forge deep relationships with God and other people. Modern society has isolated us as rugged individuals, deceiving us into thinking we can make it through life on our own. Individualism has likewise shaped the pattern of Christian discipleship, privatizing faith and separating us from fellow believers. But we come to know God best when ...

  • A0766

    To Gaze upon God

    The Beatific Vision in Doctrine, Tradition, and Practice

    by Samuel Parkison

    Today, the doctrine of the beatific vision has been woefully forgotten within the church and its theology.

    Yet, throughout history Christians have always held that the blessed hope of heaven lies in seeing and being in the presence of God, of beholding the beatific vision. With lucidity and breadth, Parkison reintroduces the beatific vision and affirms its centrality for the ...

  • Taking Pascal's Wager: Faith, Evidence and the Abundant Life, By Michael Rota

    Taking Pascal's Wager

    Faith, Evidence and the Abundant Life

    by Michael Rota

    • WORLD Magazine’s Best Books of 2016 Short List
    • Christianity Today's 2017 Book of the Year Award of Merit - Apologetics/Evangelism

    Since we can't know with absolute certainty that God exists, each of us in a sense makes a bet. If we believe in God and are right, the benefits include eternal life. If we are wrong, the downside is limited. On the other hand, ...

  • Eyes to See: Recognizing God's Common Grace in an Unsettled World, By Tim Muehlhoff

    Eyes to See

    Recognizing God's Common Grace in an Unsettled World

    by Tim Muehlhoff
    Foreword by J. P. Moreland

    When we encounter human suffering or personal tragedy, Christians and non-Christians alike utter the same refrain: Where is God? If God exists, then where in the world is he? Why doesn’t he show himself? And how can we tell if God is really working or not?

    Tim Muehlhoff gives us insight into recognizing how God is at work in the world. He unpacks the doctrine of common ...

  • Adopted into God's Family: Exploring a Pauline Metaphor, By Trevor J. Burke

    Adopted into God's Family

    Exploring a Pauline Metaphor

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Trevor J. Burke

    The relationship between God and his people is understood in various ways by the biblical writers, and it is arguably the apostle Paul who uses the richest vocabulary. Unique to Paul's writings is the term huiothesia, the process or act of being "adopted as son(s)." It occurs five times in three of his letters, where it functions as a key theological metaphor. In this New Studies in Biblical ...