Showing 241 - 250 of 1595 results

  • This Sacred Moment: Becoming Holy Right Where You Are, By Albert Haase OFM

    This Sacred Moment

    Becoming Holy Right Where You Are

    by Albert Haase OFM

    What does it mean to be a holy person? The answer might surprise you. This delightful yet challenging book from spiritual director Albert Haase provides practical wisdom for becoming holy--right in the midst of "ordinary" life. "Any and every situation holds the grace for the transformation called holiness. . . . [By] imitating Christ and emptying myself for the benefit of another," Haase writes, ...

  • Burn Up or Splash Down: Surviving the Culture Shock of Re-Entry, By Marion Knell

    Burn Up or Splash Down

    Surviving the Culture Shock of Re-Entry

    by Marion Knell

    Just like a space shuttle struggles and strains to re-enter the earth's atmosphere, so those returning from living overseas can find themselves confused and in a state of panic at coming home. While people anticipate that going overseas will require major changes in their lifestyles and thinking, few anticipate the difficulties they will face upon return. Intended to aid the re-entry process, this ...

  • Seeing Through Cynicism: A Reconsideration of the Power of Suspicion, By Dick Keyes

    Seeing Through Cynicism

    A Reconsideration of the Power of Suspicion

    by Dick Keyes

    We live in a cynical age. Cynicism is in the air we breathe; it is a cultural norm; it is the default setting and lens through which many of us view the world. Why is cynicism so pervasive? What does it promise? How does it work? And what does it deliver? In this thorough, interdisciplinary exploration of cynicism, Dick Keyes probes the intellectual and cultural underpinnings of cynicism in its ...

  • A Fruitful Life: Discovering Jesus' Invitation in the Sermon on the Mount--An 8-Week Bible Study, By Ashley Hales and Bryce Hales

    A Fruitful Life

    Discovering Jesus' Invitation in the Sermon on the Mount--An 8-Week Bible Study

    IVP Bible Study Experience

    by Ashley Hales and Bryce Hales
    Illustrated by Ned Bustard

    Discover the Path to Spiritual Growth

    In his most familiar sermon, the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus extends an invitation to follow his example and reveals what the kingdom of God looks like. Rather than presenting a list of rules, Jesus illustrated spiritual characteristics that signify a truly faithful life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, ...

    Number of Studies: 8

  • Christ-Shaped Character: Choosing Love, Faith and Hope, By Helen Cepero

    Christ-Shaped Character

    Choosing Love, Faith and Hope

    by Helen Cepero

    Honorable Mention for Classic Christian Spirituality, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    "Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love." —1 Corinthians 13:13

    What are the pathways that lead us to God? This is a book about what happens when we find those pathways. You will discover the values and virtues that grow ...

  • The Message of John's Letters, By David Jackman

    The Message of John's Letters

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by David Jackman

    Immorality inundating the Christian community and gradually eroding the foundations of Christian living. The truth of God incarnate, the atonement, and the bodily resurrection of Christ under attack—even from within the church. These were the problems that faced the Christians of John's day. In a society that scorned the gospel and sneered at godly living, John encouraged Christians ...

  • The Cultivated Life: From Ceaseless Striving to Receiving Joy, By Susan S. Phillips

    The Cultivated Life

    From Ceaseless Striving to Receiving Joy

    by Susan S. Phillips
    Foreword by Eugene H. Peterson

    Dallas Willard Center Book and Research Award Finalist

    Hearts Minds Bookstore's Best Books of 2015, Spirituality and the Devotional Life

    "This is a book written specifically for those of us who are assigned the task of developing an imagination for living the Christian faith with insight and skill in and for a society that is disconnected from the biblical ...

  • Reading Scripture with the Reformers, By Timothy George

    Reading Scripture with the Reformers

    by Timothy George

    In Reading Scripture with the Reformers, Timothy George takes readers through the exciting events of the sixteenth century, showing how this dynamic period was instigated by a fresh return to the Scriptures. George immerses us in the world of the Reformation, its continuities with the ancient and medieval church, and its dramatic upheavals and controversies. Most of all, he uncovers the ...

  • Bringing Theology to Life: Key Doctrines for Christian Faith and Mission, By Darren C. Marks

    Bringing Theology to Life

    Key Doctrines for Christian Faith and Mission

    by Darren C. Marks

    In this engaging text Darren Marks provides a refreshing introduction to Christian faith that will be of special interest to university and seminary students. Innovative in his organization, Marks explores seven key doctrines and highlights the profound interconnections among them in a way that points us beyond the mere theological formulations to the living God of the Bible. Engaging academic discussions ...

  • And She Lived Happily Ever After: Finding Fulfillment as a Single Woman, By Skip McDonald

    And She Lived Happily Ever After

    Finding Fulfillment as a Single Woman

    by Skip McDonald

    No more kissing frogs! This is not a book about how to find a husband. This is not a book about whether or not to kiss dating goodbye. This is a book about living in grace and fulfillment as a single woman--written by a single woman. In these pages, Skip McDonald offers encouraging stories and practical help on

    • building a satisfying career
    • establishing a secure home
    • finding ...