Showing 241 - 250 of 900 results

  • Single, Just Because: A Pilgrimage into Holy Aloneness, By Bridget Gee

    Single, Just Because

    A Pilgrimage into Holy Aloneness

    by Bridget Gee

    "Why are you single?"

    "Just because."

    However we answer that question, what's more important than why we are single is how we live as singles. Regardless of our relationship status, all of us are called to a life of vital discipleship. And walking with God can reshape singleness into a pilgrimage of transformation.

    Pilgrim and ...

  • Practicing the Way of Jesus: Life Together in the Kingdom of Love, By Mark Scandrette

    Practicing the Way of Jesus

    Life Together in the Kingdom of Love

    by Mark Scandrette

    Take a casual survey of how people practice their faith, and you might reasonably conclude that Jesus spent his life going door to door offering private lessons, complete with chalkboard and pop quizzes. We think about God in the comfort of our own minds, in isolation from one another; meanwhile the world waits for a people to practice the way of Jesus together. Mark Scandrette contends that Jesus ...

  • The Spiritually Vibrant Home: The Power of Messy Prayers, Loud Tables, and Open Doors, By Don Everts

    The Spiritually Vibrant Home

    The Power of Messy Prayers, Loud Tables, and Open Doors

    Lutheran Hour Ministries Resources

    by Don Everts

    We all long for homes where we can thrive and flourish. What does it take to have a spiritually vibrant household?

    Don Everts invites us to contemplate what the Bible says about households and consider what a new research project has revealed by pulling back the curtains on everyday households of faith. Original research from the Barna Group and Lutheran Hour Ministries shows ...

  • Making Room in Advent: 25 Devotions for a Season of Wonder, By Bette Dickinson

    Making Room in Advent

    25 Devotions for a Season of Wonder

    by Bette Dickinson

    Preparation for the Christmas season can often feel busy and frantic, but it doesn't have to be this way. What if we stopped and listened to the movement and unfolding of God's plan around us? Making Room in Advent is an invitation away from the chaos and into the space where God is at work.

    The unfolding of God's plan often happens in unlikely spaces, both in Scripture ...

    Number of Studies: 25

  • Companions in Suffering: Comfort for Times of Loss and Loneliness, By Wendy Alsup

    Companions in Suffering

    Comfort for Times of Loss and Loneliness

    by Wendy Alsup
    Foreword by Trillia J. Newbell

    2020 The Gospel Coalition Book Award - Christian Living

    Have you experienced an ongoing trial that left you wrung out emotionally? Do you feel alone in your pain?

    Though suffering often leaves us feeling isolated, God invites us into the community of the Trinity and offers us many companions in Scripture. We experience loneliness alongside the ...

  • The Heart of Racial Justice Bible Study, By Brenda Salter McNeil and Rick Richardson

    The Heart of Racial Justice Bible Study

    IVP Signature Bible Studies

    by Brenda Salter McNeil and Rick Richardson
    With Steve Tamayo

    For Christians, pursuing racial justice and reconciliation begins with following Scripture and the voice of the Holy Spirit. Transformation starts in each individual and community as we ask God to give us new eyes and hearts. These five studies, adapted by Steve Tamayo, are based on the groundbreaking book The Heart of Racial Justice by Brenda Salter McNeil and Rick Richardson. ...

    Number of Studies: 5

  • Healing Our Broken Humanity: Practices for Revitalizing the Church and Renewing the World, By Grace Ji-Sun Kim and Graham Hill

    Healing Our Broken Humanity

    Practices for Revitalizing the Church and Renewing the World

    by Grace Ji-Sun Kim and Graham Hill
    Foreword by Willie James Jennings

    Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year

    We live in conflicted times. Our newsfeeds are filled with inequality, division, and fear. We want to make a difference and see justice restored because Jesus calls us to be a peacemaking and reconciling people. But how do we do this?

    Based on their work with diverse churches, colleges, and other organizations, Grace Ji-Sun Kim ...

  • Why Church?: A Basic Introduction, By Scott W. Sunquist

    Why Church?

    A Basic Introduction

    by Scott W. Sunquist
    Foreword by Richard J. Mouw

    • 2020 Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year ("Also Recommended," Church)

    Is a church just something we create to serve our purposes or to maintain old traditions? Or is it something more vital, more meaningful, and more powerful? This can be hard to believe when we look at what happens in any one congregation or denomination. Certainly not all ...

  • Beginning Well: Christian Conversion & Authentic Transformation, By Gordon T. Smith

    Beginning Well

    Christian Conversion & Authentic Transformation

    by Gordon T. Smith

    "Saints are made by good conversions." In this challenging and provocative book, Gordon T. Smith contends that a chief cause of spiritual immaturity in the evangelical church is an inadequate theology of conversion. Conversion, he says, involves more than a release from the consequences of sin--the goal is spiritual transformation. But there is little transformation without a complete and authentic ...