Showing 2491 - 2500 of 3250 results

  • Jonathan Edwards and the Ministry of the Word: A Model of Faith and Thought, By Douglas A. Sweeney

    Jonathan Edwards and the Ministry of the Word

    A Model of Faith and Thought

    by Douglas A. Sweeney

    Jonathan Edwards has been recognized as the most influential evangelical theologian of all time. Before his death at the age of fifty-four, he had sparked a new movement of Reformed evangelicals who played a major role in fueling the rise of modern missions, preaching revivals far and wide, and wielding the cutting edge of American theology. He has never gone out of print, and Christians today continue ...

  • How to Use the Book of Common Prayer: A Guide to the Anglican Liturgy, By Samuel L. Bray and Drew Nathaniel Keane

    How to Use the Book of Common Prayer

    A Guide to the Anglican Liturgy

    by Samuel L. Bray and Drew Nathaniel Keane

    In recent years there has been a revival of interest in the Book of Common Prayer, especially the classic 1662 version. Beloved for its language and theology, the classic Prayer Book is the fountainhead for almost all later editions of the Book of Common Prayer and remains a widely recognized standard for worship in the Anglican tradition. More than simply a collection of prayers, ...

  • Pocket Dictionary of North American Denominations: Over 100 Christian Groups Clearly  Concisely Defined, Edited by Drew Blankman and Todd Augustine

    Pocket Dictionary of North American Denominations

    Over 100 Christian Groups Clearly Concisely Defined

    The IVP Pocket Reference Series

    Edited by Drew Blankman and Todd Augustine

    Of the making of many denominations there is no end, or so it seems in North America.

    Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians and Schwenkfelders--how do you keep track of them all? What are their differences? Are there similarities? Where do they each belong on the Christian family tree?

    Editors Drew Blankman and Todd Augustine have designed the Pocket Dictionary ...

  • Exploring Jewish Literature of the Second Temple Period: A Guide for New Testament Students, By Larry R. Helyer

    Exploring Jewish Literature of the Second Temple Period

    A Guide for New Testament Students

    by Larry R. Helyer

    From the crisis of the Babylonian exile to the rise of rabbinic Judaism--a span of over six hundred years--the Jewish people produced a wealth of literature that lies outside the Hebrew Bible. Today it goes under names such as apocrypha and pseudepigrapha, Josephus and Philo, apocalyptic literature and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Mishnah and targums. But line by line, scroll by scroll, it represents the ...

  • Living in Color: Embracing God's Passion for Ethnic Diversity, By Randy Woodley

    Living in Color

    Embracing God's Passion for Ethnic Diversity

    by Randy Woodley

    "We would never give Picasso a paintbrush and only one color of paint, and expect a masterpiece," writes Randy Woodley. "We would not give Beethoven a single piano key and say, 'Play us a concerto.' Yet we limit our Creator in just these ways." Though our Christian experience is often blandly monochromatic, God intends for us to live in dynamic, multihued communities that embody his vibrant creativity. ...

  • Dynamic Diversity: Bridging Class, Age, Race and Gender in the Church, By Bruce Milne

    Dynamic Diversity

    Bridging Class, Age, Race and Gender in the Church

    by Bruce Milne

    From the footpaths of our cities to the chatrooms of the Internet, people are connecting today as never before. As the planet shrinks through the multiple forces of immigration, travel, electronic communication and more fluid employment patterns, we will find ourselves increasingly forced into contact with those who are significantly different from ourselves. Sadly however, the stranger is often ...

  • How Do We Reason?: An Introduction to Logic, By Forrest E. Baird

    How Do We Reason?

    An Introduction to Logic

    Questions in Christian Philosophy

    by Forrest E. Baird

    How do we think? What does a faithful use of logic look like?

    Without even pausing to think about it, we exercise our capacity for rational thought. But how exactly does logic work? What makes some arguments valid and others not?

    In this Questions in Christian Philosophy volume, philosopher Forrest Baird offers an introduction to logic. He considers the basic building ...

  • The Journey Toward Wholeness Study Guide, By Suzanne Stabile

    The Journey Toward Wholeness Study Guide

    by Suzanne Stabile

    "The Enneagram teaches us that there are nine ways of being in the world, and it highlights the nine habitual, predictable ways that we get ourselves into trouble," writes Suzanne Stabile. "Without hearing the stories of how challenging it has been for other people, we end up thinking we are the only ones struggling."

    This is why group discussion and shared experience around ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • 1 and 2 Kings: An Introduction and Commentary, By Donald J. Wiseman

    1 and 2 Kings

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

    by Donald J. Wiseman

    The book of Kings is a unique source for understanding the history of Israel from the last days of the united kingdom under David to the eventual fall of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Presenting Israel's national history from a divine viewpoint, these narratives measure the kings of Israel and Judah not by the mark they leave on secular history, but by their "doing what is right in the Lord's ...

  • Exodus: An Introduction and Commentary, By R. Alan Cole


    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

    by R. Alan Cole

    Exodus, Cole says, is "the centre of the Old Testament." It recounts the supreme Old Testament example of the saving acts of God, narrates the instituting of Passover and enshrines the giving of God's law. It portrays Moses, the prototype of all Israel's prophets, and Aaron, the first high priest. The book of Exodus is especially important to Christians because Christ fulfilled its great themes: ...