Showing 2561 - 2570 of 2701 results

  • Dawn: A Proton's Tale of All That Came to Be, By Cees Dekker and Corien Oranje and Gijsbert van den Brink


    A Proton's Tale of All That Came to Be

    BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity

    by Cees Dekker, Corien Oranje, and Gijsbert van den Brink
    Translated by Harry Cook
    Afterword by Deborah Haarsma

    This is an adventure that began almost fourteen billion years ago, one that so often threatened to fail. It's truly a miracle I'm still here. Despite everything, I wouldn't have wanted to miss one second of it. And the best is yet to come.

    With the help of an extraordinary narrator, you're invited to discover the wonder and drama of the history of the cosmos. In this ...

  • Virtuous Minds: Intellectual Character Development, By Philip E. Dow

    Virtuous Minds

    Intellectual Character Development

    by Philip E. Dow

    Templeton Foundation Character Project's Character Essay and Book Prize Competition award winner

    What does it mean to love God with all of our minds?

    Our culture today is in a state of crisis where intellectual virtue is concerned. Dishonesty, cheating, arrogance, laziness, cowardice--such vices are rampant in society, even among the world's most prominent leaders. ...

  • Covenantal and Dispensational Theologies: Four Views on the Continuity of Scripture, Edited by Brent E. Parker and Richard J. Lucas

    Covenantal and Dispensational Theologies

    Four Views on the Continuity of Scripture

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by Brent E. Parker and Richard J. Lucas

    How does the canon of Scripture fit together?

    For evangelical Christians, there is no question about the authority of Scripture and its testimony to the centrality of Jesus Christ in God's salvation plan. But several questions remain: How do the Old Testament and New Testament relate to each other? What is the relationship among the biblical covenants? How should Christians ...

  • Political Visions & Illusions: A Survey & Christian Critique of Contemporary Ideologies, By David T. Koyzis

    Political Visions & Illusions

    A Survey & Christian Critique of Contemporary Ideologies

    by David T. Koyzis
    Foreword by Richard J. Mouw

    What you believe about politics matters. The decades since the Cold War, with new alignments of post–9/11 global politics and the chaos of the late 2010s, are swirling with alternative visions of political life, ranging from ethnic nationalism to individualistic liberalism. Political ideologies are not merely a matter of governmental efficacy, but are intrinsically and inescapably ...

  • Dying to Live: The Paradox of the Crucified Life, By Clive Calver

    Dying to Live

    The Paradox of the Crucified Life

    by Clive Calver

    Many Christians acknowledge that they love Jesus but are disillusioned about their spiritual condition. They come to Christ to drink from the well of his new life, yet find that their thirst remains. Why has the Christian life not met their expectations for spiritual growth and how can they satisfy this craving for their Christian walk to have a deeper impact? Do you desperately yearn for a deeper ...

  • Reimagining Evangelism Participant's Guide, By Judy Johnson and Terry Erickson

    Reimagining Evangelism Participant's Guide

    by Judy Johnson and Terry Erickson
    With Rick Richardson

    "The time has come to reimagine how we picture and practice sharing the good news about Jesus. The time has come because the old pictures and practices aren't wearing well and aren't working well. People in our culture aren't responding. And people in the church aren't excited or engaged. . . . The time has come because our culture is shifting." (Rick Richardson, Reimagining Evangelism) ...

  • My Soul Waits: Solace for the Lonely in the Psalms, By Marva J. Dawn

    My Soul Waits

    Solace for the Lonely in the Psalms

    by Marva J. Dawn

    "An overwhelming number of us are lonely," writes Marva Dawn. "Sometimes we are lonely for a specific reason: our spouse has recently died or left us; our children have just gone from home or have been tragically killed; we are fighting a particular battle against illness or suffering the ravages of chemotherapy; we are new in the neighborhood; our values are different from those of our work colleagues; ...

  • Woman of Influence: Ten Traits of Those Who Want to Make a Difference, By Pam Farrel

    Woman of Influence

    Ten Traits of Those Who Want to Make a Difference

    by Pam Farrel

    Do you dream of making a difference for God--but wonder how to begin? Do you find it difficult to keep your focus amid the urgency of everyday living? Do you feel ill-equipped to help those who turn to you for guidance? Are you searching for direction for your life--a ministry that matters? Pam Farrel has been there, as have so many countless other women she has discipled. In this book she shares ...

  • The Right Questions: Truth, Meaning  Public Debate, By Phillip E. Johnson

    The Right Questions

    Truth, Meaning Public Debate

    by Phillip E. Johnson
    Foreword by Nancy Pearcey

    • An ECPA 2003 Gold Medallion Finalist

    Phillip E. Johnson pries the lid off public debate about questions of ultimate concern--questions often suppressed by our society's intellectual elite. Moving far beyond matters of creation and evolution, Johnson outlines the questions we all ought to be asking about the meaning of human history, the limits of scientific inquiry, ...

  • 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Edited by Derek Cooper and Martin J. Lohrmann

    1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles

    New Testament Volume 5

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Derek Cooper and Martin J. Lohrmann

    "Then David said to the Philistine, 'You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts.'" (1 Samuel 17:45) Reflecting upon David's victory over Goliath, Reformation translator, theologian and commentator William Tyndale compared it to Christ's victory over sin and death: "When David had killed Goliath the giant, glad tidings came ...