Showing 251 - 260 of 1066 results

  • Walking Through Twilight: A Wife's Illness—A Philosopher's Lament, By Douglas Groothuis

    Walking Through Twilight

    A Wife's Illness—A Philosopher's Lament

    by Douglas Groothuis
    Foreword by Nicholas Wolterstorff

    How do you continue to find God as dementia pulls your loved one into the darkness? Nothing is simple for a person suffering from dementia, and for those they love. When ordinary tasks of communication, such as using a phone, become complex, then difficult, and then impossible, isolation becomes inevitable. Helping becomes excruciating. In these pages philosopher Douglas Groothuis ...

  • Christ in Conflict: Lessons from Jesus and His Controversies, By John Stott

    Christ in Conflict

    Lessons from Jesus and His Controversies

    by John Stott

    We often imagine Jesus as the ultimate peacemaker, as one who saw all sides and kindly overlooked differences of belief or practice. The Gospels say this was not so. Jesus drew sharp lines. He disagreed with many. He rejected being broadminded on a variety of topics. He engaged in vigorous debate, especially with several different groups of religious leaders. What conflicts did he have?

  • John: The Gospel of Wisdom, By Michael Card

    John: The Gospel of Wisdom

    The Biblical Imagination Series

    by Michael Card

    "When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth." - John 16:13 "He who saw this has testified so that you also may believe. His testimony is true, and he knows he is telling the truth." - John 19:35 With time and experience comes wisdom. John, the longest-surviving of the apostles, recorded in his Gospel a portrait of Jesus that displays the depth of years of reflection on ...

  • Lectures on the Psalms, By Didymus the Blind

    Lectures on the Psalms

    Ancient Christian Texts

    by Didymus the Blind
    Edited and Translated by Jonathan Douglas Hicks

    "The Lord shepherds me, and nothing will be lacking for me. In a place of tender grass, there he causes me to encamp."

    In his reading of Psalm 23, early Christian theologian Didymus the Blind perceived the comfort that is provided only by Christ, the good shepherd: "The disciples of Christ who have become perfect in his instruction . . . do not simply hear a voice, ...

  • Miracles: Signs of God's Glory, By Douglas Connelly


    Signs of God's Glory

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Douglas Connelly

    Most of us could use a miracle. Some physical condition, relationship problem or financial crisis we struggle with could be fixed rather quickly with just one miracle. When we open the pages of the Bible, our desire for a miracle intensifies as we read astonishing stories of God's power poured out. What do these events have to do with us? How can we experience the power of God in the battles we ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Old Testament Theology for Christians: From Ancient Context to Enduring Belief, By John H. Walton

    Old Testament Theology for Christians

    From Ancient Context to Enduring Belief

    by John H. Walton

    Modern readers of the Bible often find the Old Testament difficult and even disturbing. What are we to do with obscure prophecies of long expired nations? Why should we read and study ancient laws that even the New Testament says are eclipsed by Christ? How can we reconcile Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount with the Old Testament’s graphic narratives of sex and violence? What does the Old Testament offer ...

  • Reading the Times: A Literary and Theological Inquiry into the News, By Jeffrey Bilbro

    Reading the Times

    A Literary and Theological Inquiry into the News

    by Jeffrey Bilbro

    Christianity Today Book Award
    The Gospel Coalition Book Awards Honorable Mention
    Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award Finalist
    ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    "Reading the morning newspaper is the realist's morning prayer."—G. W. F. Hegel

    Whenever we reach for our phones or scan a newspaper to get "caught up," we ...

  • Want more context as you begin to study 1 Thessalonians? This introduction will give you the background you need as you read the Daily Quiet Time Bible Study. We hope you continue to discover the riches of Scripture and draw closer to God as you join the millions who have used this free devotional resource.

  • Jesus Made in America: A Cultural History from the Puritans to

    Jesus Made in America

    A Cultural History from the Puritans to "The Passion of the Christ"

    by Stephen J. Nichols

    Jesus is as American as baseball and apple pie. But how this came to be is a complex story--one that Stephen Nichols tells with care and ease. Beginning with the Puritans, he leads readers through the various cultural epochs of American history, showing at each stage how American notions of Jesus were shaped by the cultural sensibilities of the times, often with unfortunate results. Always fascinating ...

  • John's Letters: Discovering Genuine Christianity, By Ron Blankley

    John's Letters

    Discovering Genuine Christianity

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Ron Blankley

    When we strip away what is superficial, cultural or traditional, what is the essence of true Christianity? What qualities and beliefs characterize a living--and life-changing--faith? The three letters of John help to answer these questions. 1, 2 and 3 John focus on the most important aspects of Christian life. As Ron Blankley leads you through the twelve LifeGuide® Bible Study lessons ...

    Number of Studies: 12