Showing 251 - 260 of 3634 results

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    Preaching in a New Key

    Crafting Expository Sermons in Post-Christian Communities

    by Mark R Glanville

    An Expository Preaching Guidebook for Post-Christian Communities

    Preaching must connect with its hearers. As the perception of the pastor has changed in recent years, and as congregations battle with increasing doubt, preaching appealing solely to rationality doesn't resonate in the same way as it once did. Post-Christian generations find themselves looking less for a charismatic ...

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    BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity

    The BioLogos Foundation invites the church and the world to see the harmony between science and biblical faith as they present an evolutionary understanding of God's creation. BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity, a partnership between BioLogos and IVP Academic, aims to advance this mission by publishing a range of titles from scholarly monographs to textbooks to personal stories. The books ...

  • Joyful Exiles: Life in Christ on the Dangerous Edge of Things, By James M. Houston

    Joyful Exiles

    Life in Christ on the Dangerous Edge of Things

    by James M. Houston

    • Winner, 2007 World Guild Best Leadership/Theoretical Book

    Pastor and teacher Jim Houston reviews the insights he has gained over his years of teaching, counseling and mentoring Christians. He passes on what he has come to regard as pivotal concerns for leading a faithful Christian life in current society and culture. This is an advanced discipleship book for ...

  • Quiet Times for Christian Growth, By Kelly James Clark

    Quiet Times for Christian Growth

    IVP Booklets

    by Kelly James Clark

    These forty Bible studies by Kelly James Clark provide new Christians with a basis for gowth in prayer, fellowship, service, evangelism and guidance.

  • Our Deepest Desires: How the Christian Story Fulfills Human Aspirations, By Gregory E. Ganssle

    Our Deepest Desires

    How the Christian Story Fulfills Human Aspirations

    by Gregory E. Ganssle

    As human beings, we are created with desires. We all long for meaningful relationships, lives that reflect goodness, engagements with beauty, and the freedom to pursue our lives with integrity. But where can our restless hearts find fulfillment for these universal longings? Philosopher and apologist Greg Ganssle argues that our widely shared human aspirations are best understood and explained ...