Showing 251 - 260 of 1690 results

  • Through story and illustration, books from IVP Kids engage, challenge, and delight IVP's young readers. And in keeping with IVP's historic mission, IVP Kids offers resources that reflect and celebrate diverse voices, equipping and encouraging children to follow Jesus in every area of their lives.

  • Hebrews, Edited by Erik M. Heen and Philip D. W. Krey


    Volume 10

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Erik M. Heen and Philip D. W. Krey
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    Distinctive in form, content, and style, the epistle to the Hebrews offers a profound high Christology and makes an awe-inspiring contribution to our understanding of Jesus as our High Priest. The earliest extant commentary on the letter comes to us in thirty-four homilies from John Chrysostom. These homilies serve to anchor the excerpts chosen by the editors of this volume because ...

  • Hebrews, Edited by Erik M. Heen and Philip D. W. Krey


    Volume 10

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Erik M. Heen and Philip D. W. Krey
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    Distinctive in form, content, and style, the epistle to the Hebrews offers a profound high Christology and makes an awe-inspiring contribution to our understanding of Jesus as our High Priest. The earliest extant commentary on the letter comes to us in thirty-four homilies from John Chrysostom. These homilies serve to anchor the excerpts chosen by the editors of this volume because ...

  • In a big world filled with big questions, IVP Kids publishes books that pack big biblical values into kid-sized pages. Through story and illustration, books from IVP Kids engage, challenge, and delight IVP's elementary-age readers. In keeping with IVP's historic mission, IVP Kids offers resources that reflect and celebrate diverse voices, equipping and encouraging children to follow Jesus in every area of their lives. When families read IVP Kids books together, they'll find creative and fun expressions of scriptural themes, content that develops both hearts and minds to follow Jesus, child-appropriate honesty about the complexities of life, and an inclusive representation of God's colorful world.

  • The Advent of the Lamb of God, By Russ Ramsey

    The Advent of the Lamb of God

    Retelling the Story Series

    by Russ Ramsey

    "A page in history was about to turn. Though Israel's world was in the throes of upheaval, it was only a matter of time before the sun of righteousness would rise. These people needed rescue, but they weren't waiting for the stars to align or for the political climate to change. They were waiting for God. They were on his timetable. He was sending his Messiah—Immanuel, God with us." For ...

    Number of Studies: 25

  • The Message of Mark, By Donald English

    The Message of Mark

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Donald English

    The fast-paced vitality of Mark's narrative wins the hearts of today's readers on its own terms. Yet while at first glance Mark appears to be a simple account of Jesus' ministry, a serious study raises all kinds of questions: Why doesn't Jesus make his true identity more obvious to the crowds? Why do his disciples find it so difficult to understand? Why is Jesus' work met with such ...

  • 1 and 2 Kings: An Introduction and Commentary, By Donald J. Wiseman

    1 and 2 Kings

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

    by Donald J. Wiseman

    The book of Kings is a unique source for understanding the history of Israel from the last days of the united kingdom under David to the eventual fall of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Presenting Israel's national history from a divine viewpoint, these narratives measure the kings of Israel and Judah not by the mark they leave on secular history, but by their "doing what is right in the Lord's ...

  • The Message of John, By Bruce Milne

    The Message of John

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Bruce Milne

    John's Gospel has long been a favorite among Christians. In it we encounter the living Jesus in his glory and his humanity, portrayed with both simplicity and depth. Through the eyes of faith John retells the story of the Word, drawing out its meaning for his readers so that they "may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God" and "have life in his name."

    In this Bible ...