Showing 2651 - 2660 of 2910 results

  • The IVP Concise Atlas of Bible History, By Paul Lawrence

    The IVP Concise Atlas of Bible History

    by Paul Lawrence
    Edited by Richard Johnson

    • Preaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference for 2014 (General Reference)
    Want a quick and accurate grasp on all the history that is part of the Bible's story? Or do you want a colorful, visually rich guide to the land that has shaped so many passions for millennia? In this handy-sized reference, you get both. Here is a superb introduction ...
  • Reclaiming the Old Testament for Christian Preaching, Edited byGrenville J. R. Kent and Paul J. Kissling and Laurence A. Turner

    Reclaiming the Old Testament for Christian Preaching

    Edited by Grenville J. R. Kent, Paul J. Kissling, and Laurence A. Turner

    • 2011 Preaching Today Magazine Book Award winner
    The Old Testament is filled with intriguing characters, stories and themes. But preaching from its remote historical context wrapped in sometimes unfamiliar literary genres and narrative devices can be daunting. Based on the conviction that the Old Testament texts are a vital and dynamic part of the Christian canon ...
  • Mary for Evangelicals: Toward an Understanding of the Mother of Our Lord, By Tim Perry

    Mary for Evangelicals

    Toward an Understanding of the Mother of Our Lord

    by Tim Perry
    Foreword by William J. Abraham

    • Winner, 2007 World Guild Best Biblical Studies Book
    Is Mary for evangelicals? Should there be such a thing as an evangelical Mariology? Is she Our Lady, too? With his feet planted firmly in the evangelical tradition, Timothy Perry began to think that there must be more to Mary than generally meets the evangelical eye. Should we maintain that two thousand years ...
  • Revelation: An Introduction and Commentary, By Ian Paul


    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

    by Ian Paul
    Series edited by Eckhard J. Schnabel and Nicholas Perrin

    The Book of Revelation is a remarkable text. A fascinating piece of Scripture as well as an extraordinary piece of literature, its interpretation has affected our theology, art and worship, and even international politics. Yet it is widely neglected in the church and almost entirely avoided from the pulpit. In this Tyndale Commentary, Ian Paul takes a disciplined approach to the text, paying careful ...

  • The Incomparable Christ, By John Stott

    The Incomparable Christ

    by John Stott

    A Logos Association Best Book award winner

    Everyone has something to say about Jesus.

    Sorting through the numerous books of recent years, you may find yourself lost in a thicket of viewpoints, some troubling to faith, some puzzling to the intellect. But John Stott, one of the outstanding evangelical voices of the last half century, offers in The ...

  • Spiritual Theology: A Systematic Study of the Christian Life, By Simon  Chan

    Spiritual Theology

    A Systematic Study of the Christian Life

    by Simon Chan

    Academy of Parish Clergy Top Ten Book

    Theology is "the doctrine of living unto God," wrote the Puritan theologian William Ames. Unfortunately, post-Enlightenment theology has tended to divorce "doctrine" from "living unto God." And to the degree that this split has been deepened and perpetuated, both theology and spirituality have been impoverished.

    Spiritual Theology ...

  • A Radiant Birth: Advent Readings for a Bright Season, Edited by Leslie Leyland Fields and Paul J. Willis

    A Radiant Birth

    Advent Readings for a Bright Season

    Edited by Leslie Leyland Fields and Paul J. Willis

    "In Advent we prepare for the coming of all Love." —Madeleine L'Engle

    "At the birth of Jesus, an event of cosmic significance by which we humans still mark our calendars, the invisible and visible worlds come together." —Philip Yancey

    "Help us to realize, as those who love and believe in you that we, too, are pregnant with Christ by the power ...

    Number of Studies: 42

  • A Fragile Stone Study Guide: The Emotional Life of Simon Peter, By Michael Card

    A Fragile Stone Study Guide

    The Emotional Life of Simon Peter

    by Michael Card
    With Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    "The ultimate reason for getting to know Peter is so together we might better know Jesus. For the story of Peter is the story of Jesus. Perhaps, if you and I do our best, the same will be said of us someday"--Michael Card. In A Fragile Stone, songwriter and musician Michael Card explores the dynamic, contradictory life of the apostle Peter. The fruit of years of careful study, A Fragile ...

  • Art & Soul: Signposts for Christians in the Arts, By Hilary Brand and Adrienne Chaplin

    Art & Soul

    Signposts for Christians in the Arts

    by Hilary Brand and Adrienne Chaplin

    More Christians than ever before are studying and working in music, painting, sculpture, theater, television, film, architecture and more. Are you one of them? If so, you, like artists in every discipline, face the challenge of working in a way that is both wholly Christian and wholly contemporary, Hilary Brand and Adrienne Chaplin have written this practical and inspirational guide for you. In ...

  • Discovering Your Leadership Style: The Power of Chemistry, Strategy and Spirituality, By David T. Olson

    Discovering Your Leadership Style

    The Power of Chemistry, Strategy and Spirituality

    by David T. Olson

    God can use your unique gifts, passions and personality to help you become a better leader. While personality inventories can help you understand your temperament, the model designed by leading church planter David Olson is designed to form fruitful Christian leadership. Olson's model reveals how three factors—spirituality, chemistry and strategy—work together. The free online inventory that is ...