Showing 2661 - 2670 of 3250 results

  • Deuteronomy: Becoming Holy People, By Stephen D. Eyre


    Becoming Holy People

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Stephen D. Eyre

    Do you long to experience God's presence in your life? In this twelve-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Stephen D. Eyre leads you to explore the story told in Deuteronomy—the story of God's people seeking after him. As you trace their journey, experiencing their forward progress, their detours, and their obstacles, you, too, will learn to follow God more closely. For over three decades ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Jeremiah and Lamentations: An Introduction and Commentary, By Hetty Lalleman

    Jeremiah and Lamentations

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

    by Hetty Lalleman

    Despite the themes of doom and destruction, the primary message of Jeremiah is one of the love and grace of a God who never gives up on those he has called to be his own. The prophet's life is characterized by suffering, but he points to a new beginning, a new covenant and a new hope, eventually made possible through the unique Suffering Servant. Lamentations powerfully expresses personal and national ...

  • Mark: Follow Me, By James Hoover


    Follow Me

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by James Hoover

    In the New Testament Gospel of Mark, we meet Jesus, the man who is King. But this king comes to serve--not to be served. He eats with sinners rather than royalty. His crown is made of thorns instead of gold. This twenty session LifeGuide® Bible Study guide introduces you to the compassionate, suffering, astonishing king who calls us to follow him. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible ...

    Number of Studies: 20

  • Romans: Becoming New in Christ, By Jack Kuhatschek


    Becoming New in Christ

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Jack Kuhatschek

    Sometimes our worship loses its passion. Our prayer life becomes stagnant. We forget why we are serving God. And slowly, subtly, the world's ways become our ways. In this nineteen-session LifeGuide® Bible Study on the book of Romans addresses these problems, showing us how we can break out of old patterns and become new in Christ. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have ...

    Number of Studies: 19

  • Hebrews, By Ray C. Stedman


    The IVP New Testament Commentary Series

    by Ray C. Stedman

    For people beginning to doubt the uniqueness and supremacy of Christ, the author of the book of Hebrews provided one of the longest, most profound arguments in the New Testament. Christians today will find their understanding stretched and their loyalty confirmed by this rich presentation of our great High Priest, the Son of God, whose sacrifice of himself took away our sins and gave us continual ...

  • Hebrews, By N. T. Wright


    N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides

    by N. T. Wright
    With Patty Pell

    For many Jewish Christians of the first century, living in the light of the gospel was challenging. Having accepted Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah, they were regarded by still-skeptical family, friends and neighbors as dangerous, misguided and even disloyal to all that God had said earlier on. The letter to the Hebrews was written to show that you can't go back to an earlier stage of God's purposes ...

    Number of Studies: 13

  • 1 & 2 Peter and Jude, By N. T. Wright

    1 & 2 Peter and Jude

    N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides

    by N. T. Wright
    With Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    How does a Christian behave when surrounded by a hostile world that doesn't understand who we are or why we do what we do? In three letters, Peter and Jude provide some answers: Abandon the old pagan ways. Learn the new habit of love. Put on the mental armor that will make you strong to face suffering that may come. These nine studies from Tom Wright show you the wisdom of their words for us today ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • Questions God Asks, By Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    Questions God Asks

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    This nine-session LifeGuide Bible study covers some of the surprising and interesting questions Old Testament characters heard from God, such as when he asked "Where are you?" of Adam and Eve. As we consider the questions God asked others, we are guided inward to reflect on the same questions in our own lives. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • Heaven: Finding Our True Home, By Douglas Connelly


    Finding Our True Home

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Douglas Connelly

    Heaven is hard for us to picture. We think of floating on clouds, singing praises and playing harps, or walking on streets of gold. While we know we want to go to heaven, we are a little nervous about what it will be like. In this eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study provide a biblical perspective on heaven--something richer and more exciting than we can imagine. For over three decades ...

    Number of Studies: 8

  • Spiritual Warfare, By Jack Kuhatschek

    Spiritual Warfare

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Jack Kuhatschek

    What is spiritual warfare? How can I recognize it? In what ways does it affect me? The Bible has much to say about the temptations and struggles you face day by day. In this nine session LifeGuide® Bible Study will deepen your understanding of spiritual warfare and direct you to God-given sources of power, assurance and hope. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided ...

    Number of Studies: 9