Showing 2661 - 2670 of 2862 results

  • Closing the Window: Steps to Living Porn Free, By Tim Chester

    Closing the Window

    Steps to Living Porn Free

    by Tim Chester

    Pornography is everywhere. Far too many Christians regularly use and are addicted to it, warping their perception of sexuality and relationships, destroying marriages and ministries. But Christians who struggle with porn also long for change. When we realize the unfulfilling emptiness of porn, we come to yearn for freedom from it. But what do we do? Tim Chester says that we can be captured by a ...

  • Longing for God: Seven Paths of Christian Devotion, By Richard J. Foster and Gayle D. Beebe

    Longing for God

    Seven Paths of Christian Devotion

    by Richard J. Foster and Gayle D. Beebe

    • 2010 Christianity Today Book Award winner
    • 2010 Golden Canon Leadership Book Award winner

    Think of the moment you last experienced God. Do you know him that closely in this moment? Truly experiencing the love of God gives us a taste of his goodness and his love for us, but often those moments are fleeting. We get distracted by life. Our ...

  • Ancient Christian Devotional: Lectionary Cycle A, Edited by Cindy Crosby

    Ancient Christian Devotional

    Lectionary Cycle A

    Ancient Christian Devotional Set

    Edited by Cindy Crosby
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    "To search the sacred Scripture is very good and most profitable for the soul. For, 'like a tree which is planted near the running waters,' so does the soul watered by sacred Scripture also grow hearty and bear fruit in due season," writes John of Damascus in Orthodox Faith (4.17). By helping us to read holy writings with ancient eyes, the church fathers help us drink deeply from the only ...

  • Naming the Elephant: Worldview as a Concept, By James W. Sire

    Naming the Elephant

    Worldview as a Concept

    by James W. Sire

    What is a worldview? What lies behind your thoughts about almost everything? For more than thirty years, James W. Sire has grappled with this issue. In his widely used textbook The Universe Next Door, first published in 1976, Sire offered a succinct definition of a worldview and catalogued in summary fashion seven basic worldview alternatives. Students, critics, new literature and continued ...

  • Is the New Testament Reliable?, By Paul Barnett

    Is the New Testament Reliable?

    by Paul Barnett

    The historical claims of the New Testament--that Jesus performed miracles, fulfilled prophecy, died and rose again, and ascended into heaven--come to us as received tradition, and we receive them in faith, trusting that the New Testament is indeed an inspired collection of writings, that it indeed tells us the truth. Increasingly, the reliability of not just the New Testament but really any ...

  • God's Unfaithful Wife: A Biblical Theology of Spiritual Adultery, By Raymond C. Ortlund Jr.

    God's Unfaithful Wife

    A Biblical Theology of Spiritual Adultery

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Raymond C. Ortlund Jr.
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    The biblical theme of spiritual adultery stands in all its bluntness for a deeply offensive sin—the unfaithfulness of God's covenant people in departing from Yahweh, their husband, and going after false gods. Raymond C. Ortlund Jr. begins by showing how the Genesis vision of human marriage provides the logic and coherent network of meanings for the story of Israel's relationship with Yahweh. He ...

  • Hearing God's Words: Exploring Biblical Spirituality, By Peter Adam

    Hearing God's Words

    Exploring Biblical Spirituality

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Peter Adam
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Many discussions of Christian spirituality draw on a range of traditions and "disciplines." Little attention, however, appears to have been given to the Bible itself for its teaching on this theme or as a source of spirituality. Similarly, it is commonly assumed that, when it comes to spirituality, the evangelical tradition has little to offer. In response, Peter Adam urges us to renew our confidence ...

  • Shepherds After My Own Heart: Pastoral Traditions and Leadership in the Bible, By Timothy S. Laniak

    Shepherds After My Own Heart

    Pastoral Traditions and Leadership in the Bible

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Timothy S. Laniak
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Scripture says, "I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding" (Jeremiah 3:15). Most of Israel's pastoral imagery is grounded in two traditions: Moses as God's under-shepherd and David as shepherd-king. These traditions, explains author Timothy S. Laniak, provided prototypes for leaders that followed, and formed the background for the ministry ...

  • Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices That Transform Us, By Adele Ahlberg Calhoun

    Spiritual Disciplines Handbook

    Practices That Transform Us

    Transforming Resources

    by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun

    The Beloved Handbook for Transformation Through Spiritual Disciplines

    Maybe you long for a more intimate prayer life or deeper insight from God's Word but just don't know how to get there. Or maybe you want to learn about new spiritual disciplines like visio divina, unplugging or attentiveness.

    In Spiritual Disciplines Handbook Adele Calhoun gives us ...